Use a UIView as the background of a UIButton? - ios

I have a UIButton. Rather than giving it a background Image, I want to use a custom UIView object as the background. I realize I could do this by rendering the UIView into an image, then using that. But is there a better way?
I've looked at playing with the Button's view tree, but that seems to have undesirable side effects.

To achieve the same, I usually do this:
Add subview to the parentView
Add a UIButton with clearColor to the parentView, with the same frame as the subview.
You can achieve the same by creating a custom UIView class that has this view and button as its properties.

If you want to use a UIView as a button, you should just add a tap gesture recognizer to the UIView and use that. Is there something specific you're looking for?


Setting the click area of a custom UIView

Is it possible to increase the clickable area of a UIView subclass?
I would rather do it without subclassing it's superview. Is that possible?
I've seen how to do it by overriding hitTest:withevent: and pointInside:withEvent: on the superview, but as I said, I would rather avoid that.
Why not create a container view that has a larger area, with a transparent background, that contains a subview that has your visible part? This is a quick and easy way to increase the tap area of a button, for instance.

How to make a popup window with an image SWIFT

I was wondering how to make a popup window similar to this example:
The origin window is full of buttons that when is selected will then pull up the image I desire to use.
I would simply create a reusable UIView component and everything you need as a subview, such as a UIImageView for your image, a UILabel or a UIButton in the top right. Here is the process to show it:
Create a UIView that takes up the full screen, make it black, and maybe 0.5 alpha.
Create another UIView which is your primary pop-up view, make it slightly smaller than the previous view, but make sure both of these views are subviews of the parent subview.
Add the desired elements on to the pop-up view as subviews, I would even suggest creating a UIView subclass if you plan to use this a lot.
To present the pop-up, make sure both views are set to hidden = true when created and so that when a button is selected, you can set them to hidden = false
If you would like them to be animated, simply start them off with alpha = 0.0 and use something like UIView's animateWithDuration and set the pop-up view to alpha = 1.0
There is a lot of little details you can change to cater to your needs, but this is the basic structure on how to accomplish your goal.
Check out UIView animation methods here.

Touch Event clicking UIImageView while rotating

My ImageView rotates but while it rotates it doesn't recognize touches on itself.
Do you think it's okay if I create a button via code that's over the ImageView that recognizes the touch?
When an animation is applied on any UIView or any subclass object of a UIView like UIImageView, UIButton etc then it does not detect touch events because when an animation is applied to a view, the animated property changes to its end value right away. what you are actually seeing on screen is the presentation layer of your views layer.
To answer your question, Yes, you can make a UIButton that covers up the area of the UIImageView to detect touch events on it. That sounds like the easiest to implement option in this case.
Apart from that, this link may also help you in the process. Hit testing animating layers

Make a UIButton background image larger than frame

I'm trying to make a UIButton with a background image where the image is larger than the button frame.
The problem is, the UIButton automatically scales the image to fit and haven't found a way to change the behavior.
Am I missing something obvious or is it time to make a custom button?
Subclass UIButton and override the
- (CGRect)backgroundRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds;
method so it returns the size you want.
TIP: Use this method to center your background as well.
Looks like the answer to this one is. Not possible through existing interface on UIButton.
The simplest way to implement seems to be using a custom sub class of UIButton and creating a UIImageView with the same frame as the UIButton, turn off clipping and scaling and then just capture all the setBackground methods and capture state changes to handle "normal" button interaction changing the background images.

UIView inside a UIButton

I have to add a button. This should be glowing non stop. So I used an external library. By this I have to add the image to an UIImageView and then the imageview to the view. This is added to the button. The glow is enabled by the startGlow: method which takes in a UIView. This forces me to add the UIView to the UIButton. The problem comes in when I touch the button, it is not responsive inside which is filled with UIView. The edges seems to work fine. Any fix for this? I want the button to be responsive for all the TouchInside event. Thank you
If you don't need to interact with a view you can turn off the interaction by setting the userInteractionEnabled property to NO. You should then be able to interact with the view or UIButton below it.
