App icon disappearing on iOS - ios

My company is having an issue where our iOS App's icon is disappearing sometimes when switching languages.
(Settings - General - International - Language - and change the language.)
Also, there seems to be a situation where sometimes the app icon disappears after updating the app from the AppStore.
Rebooting the device recovers from the issue and the icon becomes available again, but we have users reporting this issue with negative reviews on the App Store.
It occurs on iOS6 and iOS7 (more frequently on iOS7).
Icons graphical format is properly set as PNG(32bit RGBA), and what's written on Apple's Technical Q&A, QA1686, has been implemented.
Has Anyone experienced a similar issue? Please advise.


Why is my app's icon displaying incorrectly on the apple App Store?

I recently released an app on the apple App Store however I have an issue with the app icon not displaying correctly. It displays fine on the App Store when viewed from a MacBook however when viewed from an iPhone the icon is fully black like so:
The same app listing on the App Store viewed from a MacBook:
Does anyone have any idea why this might be the case? The icon displays correctly in Xcode and on apple connect yet when viewed from an iPhone on the App Store it turns all black.
Try resubmitting your app. I think it's a current bug with App Store Connect.
When you go into App Store Connect, ensure the icon is displaying properly under the build (on the main version screen). And when you submit the app the for review, also ensure it's displaying properly.
I had the same black icon issue, and after uploading the app a few times, I finally got it to display with the proper icon on the main version screen. And when I submitted for review, it also displayed the proper icon (not the blacked out icon). It took a few attempts.
I managed to fix the issue. The problem was that I was using the flutter package flutter_launcher_icons to generate the app icon and for some reason it did not generate all the right sizes causing the app icon to show up on some devices but not on others. Apple still approved the app which made me think that it was an issue on their side rather than mine. I fixed the issue by using this app icon generator instead which generated all the right sizes and now the app icon shows up correctly on every device.

Apple Rejecting App - "Content cut from display and doesn't fit the iPad"

I am just really mind-boggled as to why my app has for the 10th time been rejected.
Apple states, that data/display has been cut off when using my app on an iPad. (It is optimised for iPhone, but I know Apple's policy). The keep saying the same thing. But I have attatched a picture of my app's main-screen which users will be fussed about the most. And I don't see any data cut off.
Here is a side by side comparison of my apps, on both iPad and iPhone 6S+:
I know what you're thinking, yes, the data has been, as Apple put it "cut off" but the data I am displaying is all within a UIScrollView. You simply need to scroll up in order to see all data. Regardless off the device whether it be iPhone 8+, iPhone SE or even an iPad. I just don't understand where the data is "cut-off".
This what Apple have always replied, (starting from latest reply to oldest)-
Thank you for your reply.
However, we noticed your main screen is still not optimized to be
displayed on iPad. iPhone apps must run at iPhone 2X resolution and
still be fully functional on an iPad. The user should be able to
access the same features and content without it being cut off from the
Additionally, your app does not provide a back button on the search page, >which contributes to a lower quality user experience.
We hope you will make the necessary changes to your app and resubmit for >review. We look forward to reviewing your revised app.
Best regards,
App Store Review
Thank you for resubmitting your application. Upon further review, we
found the following issues:
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when
reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.0.1.Specifically, we noticed portions
of your app overlapped or were cut off when displayed on an iPad.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
The screenshots they have attached so not show any "over-lapping" or data being "cut-off". For instance, they screenshot me the UITableViewController. Which boggles my mind.
Either I am missing something or it's going over my head or there is a genuine issue here?
Could someone help me out?
Thank you. It's just really infuriating.

iOS 11 Black Bar on iPad when running iPhone App

I submitted an update to my iPhone only app recently. However, it was rejected with this explanation:
Guideline 2.4.1 - Performance - Hardware Compatibility
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when
reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to ensure it runs and
displays properly at iPhone resolution on iPad. Even if your app was
developed specifically for iPhone, users should still be able to use
your app on iPad.
For information on iOS device screen sizes and resolutions, please
review the iOS Human Interface Guidelines as well as Points versus
Pixels in the View Programming Guide for iOS.
You may also want to view Size Classes and Core Components for more
information about designing apps for multiple screen sizes.
I'm using a Launch Screen.storyboard, so there shouldn't be any issues with displaying, but I'm seeing a slightly transparent black bar at the top of my app, covering a portion of it.
What am I doing wrong? How do I remove it?

MapKit poor scrolling performance with Apple Maps in iOS 6

I am writing an app which displays a simple Apple Map across most of the screen. However, when I compare the speed of scrolling, there is a significant slow-down comparative to the native Apple Maps which come with iOS 6.
In my investigation of why, I noticed that the Facebook App (which also uses Apple Maps), the same performance hit is present.
This is most noticeable on iPhone 4 with iOS 6.
Does anyone know of a special view-related performance enhancing step or set of steps which I need to take to increase performance? I would like my maps to move as fluidly as the Apple Maps app.
I was having the same problem, and it looks like it could be due to having Development enabled on the device.
On the Apple Dev Forums I posted to ask about this for my problems (my post) and someone rightly reminded me that a lot of developers have been complaining about sluggish development devices.
So I went to the Organizer and Ignored my device from there, removing it as development enabled. I restarted the device and sure enough my MKMapView was a lot snappier. It was still sluggish at times, but the performance improved significantly.
Try it out for your device and see if you notice a difference.

BlackBerry - 9860 shows app in small window - not using whole screen

One of our clients has come back to us today with a bug that has been found on the Torch 9860 (running OS 7.0).
It seems my app is running in a small box in the centre of the screen, with a big blue border surrounding it. If the soft keyboard is not showing, there is a black box where the keyboard would be.
This issue has not been reported before on other devices, and the app has been "in the wild" for a while. I have not seen it on our test devices - but do not have a Torch 9860 to test with.
I have attached photos of the app running on the device. The blue border is the problem - normally my app would fill the whole screen. I did not create the blue border (to the best of my knowledge).
Apologies for the photos - this is what they sent to us.
Showing the app running in a small box surrounded by the blue border. Note the black space where the keyboard would be if it was required.
Showing the app with the soft keyboard visible.
With some googling, I found 1 possible reference to this issue to do with an instant messaging app not showing correctly on 9860. Feedback was that they were looking into it.
I wonder who else has seen this, or can recommend solutions?
runs fine on the 9860 emulator
seems to be mentioned in this thread: Blackberry OS 7 Compatibility failed with 9860/9850 device
Thanks, Rafael (left answer in a comment to my question).
Based on the comment I told the client to run the app in compatibility mode (accessed through the system options - application options menu). This seems to have fixed the problem without me having to recompile for SDK 7.0 (also I don't have to start supporting multiple OS's yet).
I already had the blackscreen on bottom when the keyboard should be popped. But it happened rarely and get resolved with an update of the Blackberry
Ask for the OS version/platform of the Blackberry, and propose a update to him, if available.
