MapKit poor scrolling performance with Apple Maps in iOS 6 - ios

I am writing an app which displays a simple Apple Map across most of the screen. However, when I compare the speed of scrolling, there is a significant slow-down comparative to the native Apple Maps which come with iOS 6.
In my investigation of why, I noticed that the Facebook App (which also uses Apple Maps), the same performance hit is present.
This is most noticeable on iPhone 4 with iOS 6.
Does anyone know of a special view-related performance enhancing step or set of steps which I need to take to increase performance? I would like my maps to move as fluidly as the Apple Maps app.

I was having the same problem, and it looks like it could be due to having Development enabled on the device.
On the Apple Dev Forums I posted to ask about this for my problems (my post) and someone rightly reminded me that a lot of developers have been complaining about sluggish development devices.
So I went to the Organizer and Ignored my device from there, removing it as development enabled. I restarted the device and sure enough my MKMapView was a lot snappier. It was still sluggish at times, but the performance improved significantly.
Try it out for your device and see if you notice a difference.


AR not working properly in my iOS app on iOS 14 and Xcode 12.3 with world tracking performance is being affected by resource constraints

The airplane does not stay at a fixed position and moves around even when I keep my device still. I am using iPhone 7.
This is the warning that I get on the console when I run the default template code provided by XCode with the airplane:
"ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x103a2a3e0>: World tracking performance is being affected by resource constraints [1]"
I have looked at all of the questions posted on stackoverflow and apple's site based on this error and none of them have a solution. One of the solution provided was to make the app available only on orientation mode but still it does not work.

Apple Rejecting App - "Content cut from display and doesn't fit the iPad"

I am just really mind-boggled as to why my app has for the 10th time been rejected.
Apple states, that data/display has been cut off when using my app on an iPad. (It is optimised for iPhone, but I know Apple's policy). The keep saying the same thing. But I have attatched a picture of my app's main-screen which users will be fussed about the most. And I don't see any data cut off.
Here is a side by side comparison of my apps, on both iPad and iPhone 6S+:
I know what you're thinking, yes, the data has been, as Apple put it "cut off" but the data I am displaying is all within a UIScrollView. You simply need to scroll up in order to see all data. Regardless off the device whether it be iPhone 8+, iPhone SE or even an iPad. I just don't understand where the data is "cut-off".
This what Apple have always replied, (starting from latest reply to oldest)-
Thank you for your reply.
However, we noticed your main screen is still not optimized to be
displayed on iPad. iPhone apps must run at iPhone 2X resolution and
still be fully functional on an iPad. The user should be able to
access the same features and content without it being cut off from the
Additionally, your app does not provide a back button on the search page, >which contributes to a lower quality user experience.
We hope you will make the necessary changes to your app and resubmit for >review. We look forward to reviewing your revised app.
Best regards,
App Store Review
Thank you for resubmitting your application. Upon further review, we
found the following issues:
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when
reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.0.1.Specifically, we noticed portions
of your app overlapped or were cut off when displayed on an iPad.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
The screenshots they have attached so not show any "over-lapping" or data being "cut-off". For instance, they screenshot me the UITableViewController. Which boggles my mind.
Either I am missing something or it's going over my head or there is a genuine issue here?
Could someone help me out?
Thank you. It's just really infuriating.

Cocos2d-x game doesn't respond to touch on iOS9

I've developed a game in Cocos2d-X for iPads. I've tested it on several iPads and it worked great but after I published it to the App Store a few users complained that the game is completely unresponsive, meaning, all the animations are running but the game doesn't respond to touch events.
I have tried reproducing the problem but even if I use the exact same device with the exact same iOS version I still can't reproduce it. All the users who complained are running various versions of iOS9.
I have quite a few installs so it appears the problem only affects a small percentage of my users, but it still affects them. And for these users the game is always unresponsive, no matter how many times they run it or install\uninstall it.
I'm working with cocos2d-x 3.6.
Did anyone encounter such a problem or have any idea what might cause it?
Strangely enough, the problem was the MFMailComposeViewController. I mistakenly attempted to allocate it at startup without checking its canSendMail method. Apparently in iOS 9 it causes some kind of problem that blocks touches to my app.

App icon disappearing on iOS

My company is having an issue where our iOS App's icon is disappearing sometimes when switching languages.
(Settings - General - International - Language - and change the language.)
Also, there seems to be a situation where sometimes the app icon disappears after updating the app from the AppStore.
Rebooting the device recovers from the issue and the icon becomes available again, but we have users reporting this issue with negative reviews on the App Store.
It occurs on iOS6 and iOS7 (more frequently on iOS7).
Icons graphical format is properly set as PNG(32bit RGBA), and what's written on Apple's Technical Q&A, QA1686, has been implemented.
Has Anyone experienced a similar issue? Please advise.

Cocos2d game doesnt launch on some devices

I're released an iPad game which is developed on the Cocos2d framework. Ive tested the game on a number of devices iPad 3, and iPad 2 and never had any issues.
Now i'm getting a few reports back that its not launching properly on some devices. People are saying they are seeing the default.png images then the app is closing.
Any ideas?
Without crash report this is just a guessing game.
By all means try to reproduce the problem on your side.
Possible problems:
1. If the app takes too long to launch it will be closed by iOS.
2. If it does not have enough memory it will not launch as well.
Try the following:
I. Open many other heavy apps in the background so there is not much memory.
See how it affects your app launch.
II. During launch try to use as many fast taps as possible and fast gestures.
There is possibility that very early taps are not serviced properly or at all
and that can cause the crash.
III. Test on many devices as you can - especially low end.
I found the issue, it was to do with the social framework running on older devices where it isn't available.
