Can I upload a intranet app to App Store? - ios

I have a app which control other devices in intranet, and this app need login at first.
I want to know can I upload it to App Store?
How can I provide a account to apple employe to test my app?

If this app can be used on "any" intranet and login can be done through Internet, then just provide username and password in Demo Account Information field in iTunes Connect.
If this app only works in your intranet and 99.99% of the App Store users will not be able to use it, then I cannot see why it should be on the App Store, and I think Apple will agree and not let it pass the approval process.


apple app submission rejected due to protocol 2.1.0 of apple sign in failing (invitation based authentication application)

I am using Firebase Authentication with invitation links for sign up using either email/password, google or apple signup. Using PWA I managed to create a webview application on android play store with no issues.
The current issue I am facing is apple rejecting my application on basis protocol #2.1.0 (App Completeness) where it describes an error of apple sign in flow that redirects them to login screen. Apple review to Uploaded App
Such error does not occur on all my test flight applications on both iphones and ipads when using the "given test account apple id and password".
The question is whether apple requires all applications to be sign in with no restrictions to user (without invitation links), or such situation is a misunderstanding from the Apple app reviewer.
Any Help would be appreciated, and Hope you have a wonderful day.
The question is whether apple requires all applications to be sign in with no restrictions to user (without invitation links)
Yes, this is usually the case
you can make a Sign in screen that when the user sign in using Apple this message appears you should have an invitation to Sign in
And also provide Apple with another way to access the app as testers.

Validate, Sign and Upload using different accounts

I have developed an app for the client and the client wants to upload to the AppStore for the review. I want to validate and signiOS app before I give it to the client.
My question is: Can I validate and sign the iOS app using account whereas the client will use different account to upload the app the AppStore.
Please advise
first of all I don't think this is right forum for this kinds of questions. Is it possible? Yes, you can change owner of an app (move app to another account) any time you want. If your client gives you permission, you can even upload app to client's account using developer license.

How do you allow third party to publish your iphone app

I have a client with an apple developer account. Its brand new and we are both new to Apple.
He has paid to developer an iphone app.
The developer wants to publish the app directly to the store.
The client does not want to share login details for the account.
What options are there?
I am asking because I know on Google Play Developer console you could invite someone to manage your account (or give them publishing priviledges) by inviting them using their gmail email via the console.
Easiest solution. Tell your client to change his password and give you the new password. Publish the app on iTunes, tell your client to change his password back. If he doesn't trust you enough to give you a half-hour access to his account, why on earth does he trust you to write the app in the first place.
Next easiest solution (assumes you have a paid up account.) You publish the app on your account and mark it so it doesn't automatically go in the store after approval. Once the app is approved, transfer ownership to him. There are a whole bunch of restrictions on this process, including No iCloud, Passbook or in-app purchase subscriptions. For more details, Google "Transferring and Deleting iOS Apps" or see []
Next easiest solution would be to give the customer access to the source and explain to him how to build the app and put it in the store.
-- Addition --
A new solution is available now. The client could give you admin privileges to his appstore ( account.
The easiest solution to this funny question is to let your client share his screen with logged in account at iTunes Connect (via Team Viewer for example). You do all your job and it's all.

Facebook unable to retrieve iPhone Store ID?

I'm trying to set up an iOS 6.0 and up app on Facebook developers, everything's hooked up and working fine using the latest SDK. The problem is that, though authentication works fine, later in the app it's requesting post permissions and when a Facebook account is not a member of the Facebook app in the Dev center, these permissions aren't requested, the screen just pops to Facebook and back to the app again without doing anything. When I try to use the app with my account that is an admin on Facebook Dev, then it works.
The posting action in question is a Facebook Graph post and it works fine for the admin account.
In previous apps I haven't requested publish permissions through the Facebook developer portal in the app settings (you know, the app review bit by Facebook), so that can't be it either. Those apps work with accounts that are not a member.
I know the code is fine, the code is re-used from previous apps.
I think it's because I am unable to enter the proper Facebook app ID in the Settings. Could that be the cause? Though the app ID is in iTunes Connect, Facebook can't find it yet because the app in review at Apple.
Any thoughts on this nightmarish user rights issue?
Since API v2 was introduced, with every new app you need to go through review for any permission apart from the three “basic” ones (those are public_profile, email and user_friends) – see
Otherwise you will only be able to ask users that have a role in the app (admin/developer/tester) for permissions – that is helpful either during testing, or for an app that is for a limited user base only; f.e. if you want your app to publish updates from your website to your Facebook page, which requires manage_pages – in such a case you should not submit for review, but just use that permission with your admin/developer/tester account associated with the app. That is further explained here –

Can iOS Apps have Login Screen?

I need to add log in screen and registration forum to my application, such that the user register or log in to the application,
is it legal issue or my application will be rejected
You can have a log in screen. Many apps have them.
But Apple has been rejecting apps with a login registration screen, or even a registration web site URL within the app, depending on the exact conditions for that registration. You may have to get users to register for your app outside your app and/or before running your app. Make sure to preregister Apple with a demo account for use during app review.
It also helps greatly if your app has some general usefulness even without registering (e.g. banking apps may have a map to the nearest branch even for users who don't have customer account logins, or some public info about interest rates, etc.).
There are plenty of apps that also live on the web and so require some sort of login, e.g. Foursquare, Facebook
There are no issues at all with creating a login screen for your application. When you submit your app to the App Store, you will be asked to provide login credentials for the testing team to login and test your app. I wouldn't force them to go through the account creation process as it may delay your app getting approved.
