Can iOS Apps have Login Screen? - ios

I need to add log in screen and registration forum to my application, such that the user register or log in to the application,
is it legal issue or my application will be rejected

You can have a log in screen. Many apps have them.
But Apple has been rejecting apps with a login registration screen, or even a registration web site URL within the app, depending on the exact conditions for that registration. You may have to get users to register for your app outside your app and/or before running your app. Make sure to preregister Apple with a demo account for use during app review.
It also helps greatly if your app has some general usefulness even without registering (e.g. banking apps may have a map to the nearest branch even for users who don't have customer account logins, or some public info about interest rates, etc.).

There are plenty of apps that also live on the web and so require some sort of login, e.g. Foursquare, Facebook

There are no issues at all with creating a login screen for your application. When you submit your app to the App Store, you will be asked to provide login credentials for the testing team to login and test your app. I wouldn't force them to go through the account creation process as it may delay your app getting approved.


Offering account deletion in your app via a website

In Apple's guidelines about Offering account deletion in your app, it states the following:
If people need to visit a website to finish deleting their account,
include a link directly to the page on your website where they can
complete the process.
However, in the FAQ section of the same page, it states:
If my app links out to the default web browser for account creation,
does it still need to offer account deletion within the app?
Yes. Additionally, note that linking out to the default web browser to
sign in or register an account provides a poor user experience and is
not appropriate, per App Store Review Guideline 4.
Given the above information, would having a button in the app that says "request account deletion" that opens a website to complete account deletion requests be compliant with Apple's guidelines? In other words, is it ok to just have a website for the account deletion request process (link to this website will be available from the app), or is it required that the account deletion request process be completed on the app itself?
Everything needs to happen within the app, either natively or via an embedded browser for both user sign-ups and user account deletion.
From my experience, Apple doesn't like "Request" or "Deactivate" as a default modus operandi and prefers only "DELETE" and "IMMEDIATELY"
If you help people create an account within your app or game, you must
also help them delete it, not just deactivate it. In addition to
following the guidelines below, be sure to understand and comply with
your region’s legal requirements related to account deletion and the
right to be forgotten.
Also see
If my app links out to the default web browser for account creation, does it still need to offer account deletion within the app?
Yes. Additionally, note that linking out to the default web browser to
sign in or register an account provides a poor user experience and is
not appropriate, per App Store Review Guideline 4.
See the responses below from Apple on both issues.
Guideline 4.0 - Design
We noticed that the user is taken to the default web browser to sign
in or register for an account, which provides a poor user experience.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to enable users to sign
in or register for an account in the app.
You may also choose to implement the Safari View Controller API to
display web content within your app. The Safari View Controller allows
the display of a URL and inspection of the certificate from an
embedded browser in an app so that customers can verify the webpage
URL and SSL certificate to confirm they are entering their sign in
credentials into a legitimate page.
Guideline 5.1.1(v) - Data Collection and Storage
We noticed that your app supports account creation but does not
include an option to initiate account deletion that meets all the
requirements. Specifically:
Your app only offers to deactivate the account. Temporarily deactivating accounts is not sufficient to meet the account deletion
The process for initiating account deletion must provide a consistent,
transparent experience for App Store users.
Next Steps
It would be appropriate to revise your app to address the issues
identified above and resubmit your app once the account deletion
option meets all the requirements.
If you believe your current account deletion option meets all the
requirements, either because your app operates in a highly-regulated
industry or for some other reason, reply to this message and provide
additional information or documentation.
Review frequently asked questions and learn more about the account deletion requirements.
Yes you have to provide account deletion or account deactivate option on website as well.

App got rejected only using Facebook as login option?

I got following email from apple
1.0.1 Binary Rejected June 16, 2015
17.2 Details We noticed that your app uses Facebook login for authentication purposes but does not include account-based features
I got following attachment
From Apple
17.2 - Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected
17.2 Details
We noticed that your app uses Facebook login for authentication
purposes but does not include account-based features offered by that
site, which is not allowed on the App Store.
Next Steps
Please modify your app to include account-based features of that
social network or use your own authentication mechanism.
what is the reason behinds it.
I have study the following links
App got rejected because only using Facebook as login option?
Apple rejected app 10.6 because Facebook opens Safari to login
Apple review Guidelines says here
5.1.1 Data Collection and Storage
(ii) If your app doesn’t include significant account-based features,
let people use it without a log-in. Apps may not require users to
enter personal information to function, except when directly relevant
to the core functionality of the app or required by law. If your core
app functionality is not related to a specific social network (e.g.
Facebook, WeChat, Weibo, Twitter, etc.), you must provide access
without a login or via another mechanism. Pulling basic profile
information, sharing to the social network, or inviting friends to use
the app are not considered core app functionality.
I've a published app that has an optional login feature without any "account-based features".
I think providing a "continue as guest" option will fix the issue.
This means that your app didn't implement another feature of Facebook anywhere else in your application, if you're asking for explanation. If you make an app that just has Facebook's Log-in API, but nothing else, then your app will be rejected. Find another feature of Facebook (such as sharing or invites) that you can implement somewhere in your application, and try again.
A few possible steps you can take:
Ask App Store review people for clarification. Wait until you didn’t
get a response from them
You can make user registration optional or only prompt for it where
it actually requires
Try it.
Add note, while submitting app,the purpose of using Facebook login in resolution center without uploading new build it will be approve.
If still you face any issue then add some functionality of user login.
For Ex: Use of facebook login is for keeping all records of user in our database and also explain a bit about your app functionality why you use login feature.Hope it will help
Also check
iPhone app rejection 17.2: app requires users sign in with their Facebook accounts

How would I test the Publish_permissions using facebook on an unsubmitted app?

Hello Everyone I am using the prime 31 facebook plugin for the Unity 3D engine and I am running into an issue of testing out the ability for our users to post a message containing their score onto their facebook wall.
I believe the issue is related to needing to add a publish_permission to my app yet I can't test this feature because I believe I have to have that permission approved to utilize it in my pap.
I also noticed that the approval process calls for explaining your usage of said permission and submitting your app with what I imagine would be a form of implementation .
So I guess my confusion has to do with the general process of having my publish permissions approved and whether or not i can make use of the publish permissions in my not-approved app for testing at the very least .
You should always be able to test your permissions with the admin/test/developer users of the specific app.
Have a look at which is stating that
...your app's developers will be able to see, and grant, any permission without requiring review by Facebook.
Note: People who are listed in your app's Roles tab will have access to extended permissions without going through review (e.g. publish_actions or manage_pages). For example, if you use the Facebook Plugin for Wordpress to publish your blog posts to your Facebook Page or Profile, you do not need to submit for review so long as all your publishers are listed in your app's Roles tab.
Also, if you're the developer of an app and are the only person using it, then your app doesn't need to go through review. Since you're the developer, all app capabilities should be available. You will still need to take your app out of developer mode, but you should be able to do that without going through review.

Facebook unable to retrieve iPhone Store ID?

I'm trying to set up an iOS 6.0 and up app on Facebook developers, everything's hooked up and working fine using the latest SDK. The problem is that, though authentication works fine, later in the app it's requesting post permissions and when a Facebook account is not a member of the Facebook app in the Dev center, these permissions aren't requested, the screen just pops to Facebook and back to the app again without doing anything. When I try to use the app with my account that is an admin on Facebook Dev, then it works.
The posting action in question is a Facebook Graph post and it works fine for the admin account.
In previous apps I haven't requested publish permissions through the Facebook developer portal in the app settings (you know, the app review bit by Facebook), so that can't be it either. Those apps work with accounts that are not a member.
I know the code is fine, the code is re-used from previous apps.
I think it's because I am unable to enter the proper Facebook app ID in the Settings. Could that be the cause? Though the app ID is in iTunes Connect, Facebook can't find it yet because the app in review at Apple.
Any thoughts on this nightmarish user rights issue?
Since API v2 was introduced, with every new app you need to go through review for any permission apart from the three “basic” ones (those are public_profile, email and user_friends) – see
Otherwise you will only be able to ask users that have a role in the app (admin/developer/tester) for permissions – that is helpful either during testing, or for an app that is for a limited user base only; f.e. if you want your app to publish updates from your website to your Facebook page, which requires manage_pages – in such a case you should not submit for review, but just use that permission with your admin/developer/tester account associated with the app. That is further explained here –

How to submit an App that requires a login

I am submitting an app that integrates with another system. In order to use the app you need to have a system login which Apple would not have.
What are the guidelines for sumbmitting an app of this nature? I assume there could be some issues if the only screen that the Apple test team can see is the login screen.
I created a couple of apps similar to this. We provided Apple with more or less dummy accounts that could get past the login screen, and view the basic functionality of the app, but didn't release any secret information we didn't want out
You should provide a test account for Apple reviewers and specify the login credentials when submitting the app.
