Why does Apache Mahout ItemSimilarity use LP-Space normalization - mahout

Why is LP-Space normalization being used for Mahout VectorNormMapper for Item similarity. Have also read that the norm power of 2 works great for CosineSimilarity.
Is there an intuitive explanation of why its being used and how can best values for power be determined for given Similarity class.

Vector norms can be defined for any L_p metric. Different norms have different properties according to which problem you are working on. Common values of p include 1 and 2 with 0 used occasionally.
Certain similarity functions in Mahout are closely related to a particular norm. Your example of the cosine similarity is a good one. The cosine similarity is computed by scaling both vector inputs to have L_2 length = 1 and then taking the dot product. This value is equal to the cosine of the angle between the vectors if the vectors are expressed in Cartesian space. This value is also sqrt(1-d^2) where d is the L_2 norm of the difference between the normalized vectors.
This means that there is an intimate connection between cosine similarity and L_2 distance.
Does that answer your question?
These questions are likely to get answered more quickly on the Apache Mahout mailing lists, btw.


Is there any reason to (not) L2-normalize vectors before using cosine similarity?

I was reading the paper "Improving Distributional Similarity
with Lessons Learned from Word Embeddings" by Levy et al., and while discussing their hyperparameters, they say:
Vector Normalization (nrm) As mentioned in Section 2, all vectors (i.e. W’s rows) are normalized to unit length (L2 normalization), rendering the dot product operation equivalent to cosine similarity.
I then recalled that the default for the sim2 vector similarity function in the R text2vec package is to L2-norm vectors first:
sim2(x, y = NULL, method = c("cosine", "jaccard"), norm = c("l2", "none"))
So I'm wondering, what might be the motivation for this, normalizing and cosine (both in terms of text2vec and in general). I tried to read up on the L2 norm, but mostly it comes up in the context of normalizing before using the Euclidean distance. I could not find (surprisingly) anything on whether L2-norm would be recommended for or against in the case of cosine similarity on word vector spaces/embeddings. And I don't quite have the math skills to work out the analytic differences.
So here is a question, meant in the context of word vector spaces learned from textual data (either just co-occurrence matrices possible weighted by tfidf, ppmi, etc; or embeddings like GloVe), and calculating word similarity (with the goal being of course to use a vector space+metric that best reflects the real-world word similarities). Is there, in simple words, any reason to (not) use L2 norm on a word-feature matrix/term-co-occurrence matrix before calculating cosine similarity between the vectors/words?
If you want to get cosine similarity you DON'T need to normalize to L2 norm and then calculate cosine similarity. Cosine similarity anyway normalizes the vector and then takes dot product of two.
If you are calculating Euclidean distance then u NEED to normalize if distance or vector length is not an important distinguishing factor. If vector length is a distinguishing factor then don't normalize and calculate Euclidean distance as it is.
text2vec handles everything automatically - it will make rows have unit L2 norm and then call dot product to calculate cosine similarity.
But if matrix already has rows with unit L2 norm then user can specify norm = "none" and sim2 will skip first normalization step (saves some computation).
I understand confusion - probably I need to remove norm option (it doesn't take much time to normalize matrix).

Which machine learning algorithm to use for high dimensional matching?

Let say, I can define a person by 1000 different way, so i have 1,000 features for a given person.
PROBLEM: How can I run machine learning algorithm to determine the best possible match, or closest/most similar person, given the 1,000 features?
I have attempted Kmeans but this appears to be more for 2 features, rather than high dimensions.
You basically after some kind of K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm.
Since your data has high dimension you should explore the following:
Dimensionality Reduction - You may have 1000 features but probably some of them are better than others. So it would be a wise move to apply some kind of Dimensionality Reduction. Easiest and teh first point o start with would be Principal Component Analysis (PCA) which preserves ~90% of the data (Namely use enough Eigen Vectors which match 90% o the energy with their matching Eigen Values). I would assume you'll see a significant reduction from this.
Accelerated K Nearest Neighbors - There are many methods out there to accelerate the search of K-NN in high dimensional case. The K D Tree Algorithm would be a good start for that.
Distance metrics
You can try to apply a distance metric (e.g. cosine similarity) directly.
If you know how similar the people are, you can try the following:
Neural networks, Approach #1
Input: 2x the person feature vector (hence 2000 features)
Output: 1 float (similarity of the two people)
Scalability: Linear with the number of people
See neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com for a nice introduction and Keras for a simple framework
Neural networks, Approach #2
A more advanced approach is called metric learning.
Input: the person feature vector (hence 2000 features)
Output: k floats (you choose k, but it should be lower than 1000)
For training, you have to give the network first on person, store the result, then the second person, store the result, apply a distance metric of your choice (e.g. Euclidean distance) of the two results and then backpropagate the error.

Is it possible to use KDTree with cosine similarity?

Looks like I can't use this similarity metric for with sklearn KDTree, for example, but I need because I am using measuring words vectors similarity. What is fast robust customization algorithm for this case? I know about Local Sensitivity Hashing, but it should tunned & tested up a lot to find params.
The ranking your would get with cosine similarity is equivalent to the rank order of the euclidean distance when you normalize all the data points first. So you can use a KD tree to the the k nearest neighbors with KDTrees, but you will need to recompute what the cosine similarity is.
The cosine similarity is not a distance metric as normally presented, but it can be transformed into one. If done, you can then use other structures like Ball Trees to do accelerated nn with cosine similarity directly. I've implemented this in the JSAT library, if you were interested in a Java implementation.
According to the table at the end of this page, cosine support eoth k-d-tree should be possible: ELKI supports cosine with the R-tree, and you can derive bounding rectangles for the k-d-tree, too; and the k-d-tree supports at least five metrics in that table. So I do not see why it shouldn't work.
Indexing support in sklearn often is not very complete (albeit improving), unfortunately; so don't take that as a reference.
While the k-d-tree can theoretically support Cosine by
transforming the data such that Cosine becomes Euclidean distance
working with the bounding boxes and the minimum angle to the bounding box (that appears to be what ELKI is doing for the R-tree)
You should be aware that the k-d-tree does not work very well with high-dimensional data, and cosine is mostly popular for very high-dimensional data. A k-d-tree always only looks at one dimension. If you want all d dimension to be used once, you need O(2^d) data points. For high d, there is no way all attributes are used.
The R-tree is slightly better here because it uses bounding boxes; these shrink with every split in all dimensions, so the pruning does get better. But this also means it needs a lot of memory for such data, and the tree construction may suffer from the same problem.
So in essence, don't use either for high dimensional data.
But also don't assume that Cosine does magically improve your results, in particular for high-d data. It's very much overrated. As above transformation indicates, there cannot be a systematic benefit of Cosine over Euclidean: Cosine is a special case of Euclidean.
For sparse data, inverted lists (c.f. Lucene, Xapian, Solr, ...) are the way to index for cosine.

Difference between similarity strategies in Mahout recommenditembased

I am using mahout recommenditembased algorithm. What are the differences between all the --similarity Classes available? How to know what is the best choice for my application? These are my choices:
What does it mean each one?
I'm not familiar with all of them, but I can help with some.
Cooccurrence is how often two items occur with the same user. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-occurrence
Log-Likelihood is the log of the probability that the item will be recommended given the characteristics you are recommending on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-likelihood
Not sure about tanimoto
City block is the distance between two instances if you assume you can only move around like you're in a checkboard style city. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry
Cosine similarity is the cosine of the angle between the two feature vectors. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity
Pearson Correlation is covariance of the features normalized by their standard deviation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_correlation_coefficient
Euclidean distance is the standard straight line distance between two points. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance
To determine which is the best for you application you most likely need to have some intuition about your data and what it means. If your data is continuous value features than something like euclidean distance or pearson correlation makes sense. If you have more discrete values than something along the lines of city block or cosine similarity may make more sense.
Another option is to set up a cross-validation experiment where you see how well each similarity metric works to predict the desired output values and select the metric that works the best from the cross-validation results.
Tanimoto and Jaccard are similars, is a statistic used for comparing the similarity and diversity of sample sets.

Text Classification - how to find the features that most affected the decision

When using SVMlight or LIBSVM in order to classify phrases as positive or negative (Sentiment Analysis), is there a way to determine which are the most influential words that affected the algorithms decision? For example, finding that the word "good" helped determine a phrase as positive, etc.
If you use the linear kernel then yes - simply compute the weights vector:
w = SUM_i y_i alpha_i sv_i
sv - support vector
alpha - coefficient found with SVMlight
y - corresponding class (+1 or -1)
(in some implementations alpha's are already multiplied by y_i and so they are positive/negative)
Once you have w, which is of dimensions 1 x d where d is your data dimension (number of words in the bag of words/tfidf representation) simply select the dimensions with high absolute value (no matter positive or negative) in order to find the most important features (words).
If you use some kernel (like RBF) then the answer is no, there is no direct method of taking out the most important features, as the classification process is performed in completely different way.
As #lejlot mentioned, with linear kernel in SVM, one of the feature ranking strategies is based on the absolute values of weights in the model. Another simple and effective strategy is based on F-score. It considers each feature separately and therefore cannot reveal mutual information between features. You can also determine how important a feature is by removing that feature and observe the classification performance.
You can see this article for more details on feature ranking.
With other kernels in SVM, the feature ranking is not that straighforward, yet still feasible. You can construct an orthogonal set of basis vectors in the kernel space, and calculate the weights by kernel relief. Then the implicit feature ranking can be done based on the absolute value of weights. Finally the data is projected into the learned subspace.
