Send facebook private message as facebook email - ios

I'm implementing the feature of sending message in my native iOS app. I do a research and it seems that there is no APIs to send a private message to a friend. However there are workarounds:
- Use Send dialog ( However, I donnot know how to apply this for iOS app. I read somewhere that it needs to integrate Facebook Javascript SDK but I think there is no way for an iOS native app.
- Sending to a facebook email instead of sending messages, but as above, I cannot find out how to use.
It would be great if anyone can give a help. Thanks


Xamarin forms messaging plugin

I've just tested the "new" Xamarin forms cross platform plugin. It works as it should and you get navigation to the phones messaging app when you are about to send a message. As I could read it is restricted by the OS to not let you send sms from within the app directly, is this the same if you go all native to the NS api on iOS? A solution if you don't want to have the sms app enabled is to have a backend/api, but then it also requires more than just the app and a separate sms gateway. So my question is to know if there is a custom workaround to just send a sms if the user allowed it, directly from the app?
In Android, you can use SmsManager class to send an Sms. There is an example in Xamarin's Documentation on how to do it.You need to add SEND_SMS permission. Here is the code snippet from the site
SmsManager.Default.SendTextMessage ("1234567890", null,"Hello from Xamarin.Android", null, null);
iOS does not allow us to Send an sms directly using an API alone. This is a restriction imposed by Apple. Recommended approach is use the default application installed in the iPhone. Best approach we can take to send message from within the App is to use the MFMessageComposeViewController class. With this we can present a UI (provided by iOS) within the App in which user can populate "Body" and "Recipient" fields and send Sms.
This blog post has an example of how to use MFMessageComposeViewController in Xamarin
Starting from iOS 4 you can use MFMessageComposeViewController which shows interface for sending sms messages inside your app. You can use PhoneService class from Xamarin-Forms-Labs project or Xamarin.Plugins pcl library.
These projects also provide the same functionality for sending sms messages in Android.

How to receive an email alert if particular event occur in iOS app

We have multiple iOS apps live in Apple App Store. We want to receive email notification as soon as any critical event occur in our app. We are using Crashlytics SDK and it notifies us whenever the app crashes but there are other scenarios where we want to receive email notifications.
The only way to achieve this is making API call & from backend you can get email for particular event. Its because Apple doesn't allow to send email without opening the default Mail Picker.
Other options is, Integrate any third party analytics & using which you can do coding for registering the event. Then you will get that event registered at backend for your review.
Awesome third party analytics, Google Analytics, Flurry, MixPanel
Hope it helps.
Till now the best SDKs I've used are NewRelic & Segment both are awesome & different !! You should surely check them once. Easy to integrate and will show you everything you need from your app. This is just from my personal experience.

MailCore2 Alternative

I've spent a great deal of time creating an Objective-C based application for the iPhone. I incorporated MailCore2 so that emails could be sent without a dialog popping up (Apple's system of in-app email). My app works perfectly on all of my devices, including all outside devices associated with TestFlight beta testing. Unfortunately, the moment Apple reviews the app, they always reject it, saying that MailCore2 made an AlertView with the contents: "Error! Please connect to the internet or try again later.", and the email never properly sends.
My question is, is there an alternative to MailCore2? I've heard of MailGun, but I see no documentation on their site for either Objective-C or Swift.
Thanks in advance to all who reply.
Mailigun is a services and yes you can send mail with Mailgun, but not receive mail like normal email app. Anyway it is completely different from mailcore (Imap/pop). Mailcore is so hard to use...
If you need only send email i can provide you entirely code for achieve this using mailgun.

Send a code to Varification Code by sms to user using my iphone

I am working on a application in which I have verify a users number.I will get the user's permission to send message from MFMessageComposeViewController.But I want to hide the code that I am sending in the message body from the user.I read that I can't send message from the
iPhone without showing MFMessageComposeViewController. And Apple will reject my application if i will use any third party framework for that.So what can i do to get my work done.Can any one guid me with that.Any help is welcome.Thanks in advance
Happy Coding
There is no alternative method of sending an SMS on a non jailbroken phone.
Is the SMS method of sending critical? Otherwise - I would consider a behind the scenes webservice using HTTPS.

Facebook iOS SDK - Checking for Incoming Requests without Going Through the Facebook App?

I have implemented the ability to receive facebook requests in iOS through deep linking. But it seems like to get the request, the user has to tap on the request in the Facebook app, which then opens my application.
This works, but I don't want to go through the Facebook app. I would like the app to be able to poll (or be notified) for incoming requests so that I can display them in a custom inbox. Just like Candy Crush or just about any other mobile game with an inbox.
Is this possible with the Facebook SDK, or are these apps implementing their own custom messaging system? And if so, how is it done? I can't find any facebook example code that demonstrates how to implement this flow.
The answer is pretty simple. Just send a request to
