MailCore2 Alternative - ios

I've spent a great deal of time creating an Objective-C based application for the iPhone. I incorporated MailCore2 so that emails could be sent without a dialog popping up (Apple's system of in-app email). My app works perfectly on all of my devices, including all outside devices associated with TestFlight beta testing. Unfortunately, the moment Apple reviews the app, they always reject it, saying that MailCore2 made an AlertView with the contents: "Error! Please connect to the internet or try again later.", and the email never properly sends.
My question is, is there an alternative to MailCore2? I've heard of MailGun, but I see no documentation on their site for either Objective-C or Swift.
Thanks in advance to all who reply.

Mailigun is a services and yes you can send mail with Mailgun, but not receive mail like normal email app. Anyway it is completely different from mailcore (Imap/pop). Mailcore is so hard to use...
If you need only send email i can provide you entirely code for achieve this using mailgun.


How to send SMS on the iPhone without pressing send button? (If just for demo, not for the Appstore)

I am working on an app that can automatically send a message to some specific ones (either emails or SMS) under some dangerous circumstances.
When someone is in danger, he or she has no time to press the send button. Is it possible for the user to approve sending messages in the app in advance, so the app can automatically send emails or SMS to others without telling the user?
I searched in StackOverflow, but found no similar answers.
This is just for a demo. It does not need to be approved by Apple.
Thanks in advance!
Take a look at the ChatKit framework.
It uses iOS private APIs to do what you want to achieve. Don't try to submit it to Apple though.
With this framework, you can programmatically compose and send text messages through iMessage/SMS.

Send facebook private message as facebook email

I'm implementing the feature of sending message in my native iOS app. I do a research and it seems that there is no APIs to send a private message to a friend. However there are workarounds:
- Use Send dialog ( However, I donnot know how to apply this for iOS app. I read somewhere that it needs to integrate Facebook Javascript SDK but I think there is no way for an iOS native app.
- Sending to a facebook email instead of sending messages, but as above, I cannot find out how to use.
It would be great if anyone can give a help. Thanks

Is there a URL handler for Gmail for iOS to compose a message?

My iOS application includes sending emails as part of its functionality. MFMailComposeViewController allows in-app composition of an email, with the OS using in the background to send the message. However, I want to allow users to send an email with the Gmail app for iOS if they so choose.
Since remote view controllers aren't public API, the only way this would be possible is with a URL handler, but I couldn't find one documented online anywhere. Does anyone know of one? If there is one, is it publicly acknowledged by the Gmail team (i.e. do they consider it public API, or are they using it only between Chrome and Gmail and aren't quite ready to take the wrapping paper off)?
Silly me, I didn't finish doing my research. Once I opened up the Gmail app's .ipa and found googlegmail as a listed CFBundleURLTypes in the Info.plist, the web turned up a few great resources for this:
Finding the Gmail URL scheme for iOS
Finding the Gmail URL scheme for iOS: Part 2
handleOpenURL: Shared Interapp Communication! has a searchable list of URL handlers.
Long story short, this worked on my iPhone 5 running iOS 7.0 and Gmail for iOS v2.4.1, and opened a compose pane in the Gmail app, even when the app had been explicitly killed:
I'm still looking for confirmation that this is considered a public API of Gmail. Does anyone have any knowledge about how the Gmail team feels about this?

Skpsmtpmessage API

My application need to send mail on background without display any mail compose screen so i got suggestion as skpsmtpmessage api .shall i use this api for my application and any apple rejection by using this api.I am new to ios application development so tell me the way to use third party api in applicatiion without apple rejection.can any one help me.
As Sudha and MarJamRob answered, your app can be rejected if you are sending mails in background but there is a workaround to this.
You can create a web method which takes the mail ids and content to be mailed as inputs and mails to the intended email ids. Call this method from within your iOS app with appropriate parameters. In this way you can fulfill your purpose without a risk of rejection as your app is not mailing in background but you are only giving a call to remote method!
You will get an Apple rejection for sending background e-mail without using the compose screen, or an in-app compose screen (g-mail).
Yes, your application will be rejected from apple because it is illegal to sending background email without display mail compose screen or without user interaction ...

Possible to send automated email?

The iOS SDK class MFMailComposeViewController can be used to let the user compose an email message.
What I'd like to do, is for the iOS app to send an email in the background, with no user interaction. Is this at all possible/allowed in the iOS SDK?
Nope. There isn't any API available to do this. You'd need to roll your own SMTP client and have the user enter credentials into your application. On top of that Apple may not approve this.
Unfortunately, I don't think Apple would ever allow this because (for example) then you could just get everyone's email address by auto-sending mail to yourself. :(
I actually wanted to implement something like this for the express purpose of alerting me when a critical error happens on an app in the app market.
Best solution would be to create an API (just ping a php file or something), and have it send the relative alert message to your email).
