Print Not Adjacent in Google Sheet - printing

I'm having issues printing not-adjacent columns in Google Sheets. I've upgraded to Google Sheet so the Ctrl Click works, and print -> selection, but these are the results.Why yes, I do love triple monitor, and credits to dropbox for easy screenshot tool. Anyway, these are the results I get every time. I'd rather not have to move back to Excel because of the ease of use, and just all right wherever I need it ease of Google Drive, but if I have to, I will. Also, just tested, I get the same results from Excel. Any ideas other than new sheet to pull columns over? Trying to make it so a non-technical can do it.

Although I don't know the exact and pure answer for this, I can suggest a workaround:
Hide those columns that you won't need (in this case - Select Column D/Right Clik/Hide Column), and then select everything from A to E column. (Of course D will remain hidden).
If you do it this way you will only get the "visible" part printed.
I admit that it's not that convenient, but anyway hope it helped.


How to design a system in Google Sheets that allows for people who don't speak the same language to know they're typing the same thing

I admit this is a strange request. Essentially myself and another person who speaks Mandarin need to work on scheduling asynchronously through a spreadsheet. If either of us enters something in, in our respective sections, it should update the other person's section to match. So If I changed Order 1 on Day 1 from Apple to Butter, it should look at the translated text for Butter in Chinese and update the dropdown list entry for Order 1 on Day 1 from Apple to Butter
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's anyway to add formulas to dropdown lists. Any advice here?
I created a super simplified spreadsheet of what I'm looking for Spreadsheet
there is a GOOGLETRANSLATE formula:
also, you have DETECTLANGUAGE that outputs the language code:
both of them (DETECTLANGUAGE is able to work with vertical arrays only) are not supported under ARRAYFORMULA so you will need to drag them around. also, it's worth mentioning that formulae are always 1-directional so you can have a dropdown to be translated but that translated output can't be used directly as the input for back-translation creating a paradox. with a scripted solution, you may have more flexibility tho.

How can I mark something as ‘yes’ or ‘no’ based on when two cells match as well as whether another cell is blank — in Numbers

I’m using Numbers on an iPad (I don’t have a Mac).
I have a list of physical tools on one tab. On another tab I have a table of dates and times when the tools were checked out and checked in.
On the first tab (where the tools are listed), I’d like to have a column that says whether or not the tool is available based on whether or not it’s been checked out but not checked back in.
So I want to write a formula that looks for the name of the tool on the second tab, and when it finds it, checks to see whether any of the checkin cells are blank. If there’s a blank one, the formula should print ‘no’. If there aren’t any blank cells, the formula should print ‘yes’.
Is this possible? If so, can anyone suggest a formula please? It’s a bit too complex for me… (I have rudimentary coding skills.)
Xlookup may help.
With XLOOKUP, you can find values in columns and rows, or look for exact, approximate or partial matches.
XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])
For example:
XLOOKUP(<cell>,Tool checkin::A,Checkin,"no",0,-1)
Then an if statement can turn it into a yes/no value:

Google sheets, two-sheet dependent conditional formatting

My problem is probably trivial ... However, I was looking for similar problems and their solutions either do not work for me or I can not apply them.
I have 2 sheets - SheetA and SheetB. They are identical. I want to select every cell in SheetA that is no longer identical to Sheet B.
I was able to use (found here on Stack Overflow) such a function in conditional formatting:
= A1 <> INDIRECT ("SheetB! A" & ROW ())
It works if the range is column A. I know that I can apply this function to each column separately, but there is certainly a way that I can apply the same formula to the whole worksheet.
Will there be anyone who can show me the correct formula?
Edit: I tried to use above formula to every column... And my file become to work very slow... So whoever wants to do the same... think again.
After some tries I decided to move everything from SheetB to SheetA. I paste it a 1000 rows under data of Sheet A. Works fine without "indirect" function. No slow downs. It is not a perfect solution but it works.
But even after my problem is solved different way, I would like to know what is the correct formula for my problem... it might be useful for the future with smaller amount of data.
Solved ;)
You should be able to use the Address function to get the address of the current cell from its row and column:
or for case-sensitive match:

Is it possible to mass edit formulas in Google Sheets?

Is there a way to speed up the editing of hundreds of lines of formulas across many tabs in the same Google Sheet?
This is a followup question to: References changing in Google Sheets with new forms submissions ; which is about every time a new row is added in Google Sheets by a new submission from a Google Forms, some formulas change their references even if they are fixed with $ (Still no idea why that happens). The solution is to add INDIRECT to the formulas. However, there are too many formulas to comfortably change manually.
For example I have formulas like:
It needs to change to :
Search and replace wouldn't work because the way formulas are written, and there are quite varied types of formula and referenced columns (although the reference must change from 56 to 2) and the " ' " in the middles need to disappear.
Is there a way to speed up these changes even a bit or is it inevitable manual labor?
the only way how to mass-change formulas in Google Sheets is via CTRL + H where you can do it like this:
I found a mechanical way to lessen the amount of work to change many different formulas, but let me start with a general case first.
Option 1- For when the same formula repeats identically.
Search and replace (Ctrl+H) works well if you have the same formulas repeated all over. In this case it's viable to change massively, or once and then drag as needed.
Option 2- When you have dozens of formulas that may be just slightly different or just too similar that 'Search and replace' (Ctrl+H) wouldn't work.
More so, if it's just so different that you cant drag the formula (like the reference changing to a new column and writing a different text based on that), then unfortunately you need to manually change things.
The solution I'm using to lessen the work was to use a programmable keyboard (in my case programmable+multimedia keyboard - Steren COM-6490 , up to 15 macros).
I used it to write down: INDIRECT(" , ") and $2 mainly, and then all the other mayor parts of text,references or formulas that do repeat with just 1 key each. Making a duplicate of your current formula on another sheet and have it open too in order to copy-paste stuff to complement the formulas also helps.

How to get autocomplete data shared for all rows and columns across entire spreadsheet?

I have a Google spreadsheet and autocomplete is only working for the columns I am typing in, meaning if there is word1 in the column I am typing in, and I start to type a word, it will suggest word1, but WILL NEVER suggest word5 from the column next door. I am trying to make autocomplete data shared for all columns and rows.
Example 1-a:
Example 1-b:
See what I mean? I'd like for autocomplete to suggest the word WORRY but it won't. I am trying to share autocomplete data across the entire spreadsheet rather than just to individual column data.
unfortunately, that is not possible to achieve. autocomplete is available only in few cases when in the same column. best you can do is to use Data Validation on the whole sheet (selection) with disabled dropdown menu (for visual) but this can have undesired result in the form of a red arrow in the top right corner of the cell.
I found the answer since this is, from what I hear...not possible.
The linux program ... "TextSuggest".
Easily download and install TextSuggest from the AUR repo.
yay -S textsuggest
It will do exactly as Google Sheets autocomplete feature does, but within your entire Linux system.
If you wish to see/learn more, here is a nice article/review on it.
TextSuggest is the best alternative to the "not possible".
