How can I create keyboard like buttons with UIInputView? - ios

With iOS 7 Apple introduced UIInputView, which allows you to add a custom view above the keyboard that looks like this (you can adjust the height):
The docs state that:
The UIInputView class is designed to match the appearance of the standard system keyboard when used as an input view with a responder. When defining your own custom input views or input accessory views, you can use a UIInputView object as the root view and add any subviews you want to create your input view. The input view and its subviews receive tinting and blur effects based on the options you specify at initialization time.
What I do not understand, however, is how I can add additional row of buttons that look like standard keys above the keyboard (such as here in Fantastical):
Is it possible to a) correctly style system UIButtons so that they appear like keys or b) is there a library that simplifies the rendering of custom keys?

Here is a project of an iOS keyboard that mimics the system keyboard:
You could reuse the ACKey as keys for your keyboard!

I think this an inputAccessoryView used with the iOS keyboard. Just try by creating a UIView and adding some custom buttons to it and assigning it as the inputAccessoryView.


Custom Keyboard on iOS

I need to create a custom keyboard for my app, but no sure the best way to do it without the user needing to add a keyboard in the settings. If I create a keyboard extension is it possible to set a UITextField's Keyboard Type to that custom keyboard? Or will I have to use a UIView to accomplish this?
For a custom keyboard that is specific to a single app, create a view and assign the view to UITextField.inputView:
textField.inputView = YourCustomKeyboard()
In my search I didn't find a way to tack on additional keys but there are examples of custom keyboards using inputView that are easy to adapt.
A custom decimal keyboard example
My hexadecimal keyboard version
You can add accessoryView to text view for you want to give a few extra buttons.
If you still looking for some more then please go through the below link.

Custom Keyboard Accessory view input

I have created a custom accessory view to supplement the standard Apple alpha iOS keyboard.
The purpose is to add a line of numeric keys to prevent flipping back and forth between keyboard views. At first, I created a toolbar and loaded it with a set of 0 - 9 titled buttonItems and it functioned quite well. However, it looked terrible, not at all like the alpha keys despite adding a rounded rect background image to each key because the system apparently prevents customizing font size and button spacing inside the stack view of the toolbar. Therefore, I created a UIView xib and loaded it with a stackView full of customized numerical buttons. When I add the UIView as the accessory view it looks pretty darn close to the rest of the Apple Alpha keyboard. The issue now is that the touch-up events go to the UIView class of the accessory view. Is there a clever, efficient way to have the button presses in the accessory emulate the std keyboard feeding into TextField: shouldChangeCharactersIn? I could package the button presses into a local notification event to get it into the class holding the textField but that seems terribly inelegant! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Stay Safe!
Not the best answer, but I did implement notification on key button press with an observer in the main view class. The observer does a TextField.insertText which is suboptimal since I will need to refactor the several hundred lines of code that performs real-time language translation in the shouldChangeCharacters methods. Ah well.

iOS add view to Button in IB

I am trying to add a view on a UIButton inside IB. The only problem it doesn't allow me to put in inside the button only on top?
Is this not possible through IB or am I doing it wrong?
It's not possible in Interface Builder. You have to add it in code.
You should not do this:
Do Not Customize Controls by Embedding Subviews
Although it is technically possible to add subviews to the standard system controls—objects that inherit from UIControl—you should never customize them in this way. Controls that support customizations do so through explicit and well-documented interfaces in the control class itself. For example, the UIButton class contains methods for setting the title and background images for the button. Using the defined customization points means that your code will always work correctly. Circumventing these methods, by embedding a custom image view or label inside the button, might cause your application to behave incorrectly now or at some point in the future if the button’s implementation changes.
If you need to add a UIView on your UIButton you can achieve it in 2 different ways
The easy way is to follow Cyrille answer: you can do it programmatically because IB doesn't allow you to modify a UIBUtton adding a view on it
The hard way is to create your custom button (let me call it "MYCustomButton"), that extends a UIButton, and use it in your application. With this way when you need to modify the buttons in your interface, you can achieve it modifying the XIB of the "MYCustomButton".

Customize uikeyboardtype with and numbers

I want to create a UIKeyboard type that will look like the following.
This app is only for iPad and none of the default keyboard type seem to match.
Any suggestions for adding buttons to the keyboard type?
I may be wrong, but what that looks like is the standard keyboard with a custom toolbar on top. It was most likely done using the inputAccessoryView property for the textfield:
[textField setInputAccessoryView:inputAccView];
Here is where I took the example from.
As far as I am aware, this is not supported in a super easy way by default iOS system keyboards.
However, you can specify your own UIView as an "input accessory view" for a text field.
Specifically, look at this method in the UITextField documentation:
So you should just be able to create a UIView, style it to look very similar to the usual system keyboard UI, add UIButtons, and set it as the "input accessory view"
But you will have to do your own work to make the background of the accessory view and the buttons on it fit well with the system keyboard.

Match look and feel of default keyboard with a custom keyboard on the iPad

I have an iPad app that needs a custom number keyboard on a view that also has a text field using the default keyboard. I have attempted to match the look of the default keyboard by drawing a gradient on a layer of the input view and using custom images on the UIButtons.
Is there a better way to create a custom keyboard that matches the look and feel of the default keyboard?
