Best practice for building single window interface with four collection views - ios

I'm trying to build an interface that has two horizontally scrolling collection views, but I'm still torn between having two separate view controllers control their respective views or controlling the two views within the main view controller.
People, at least in the past, have said having a controller that controls only a fraction of the screen is not good practice. But I also have a feeling that's only a relic of pre-iOS 5 days.
The thing with controlling two rows of collection view is the data source object, in this case the main view controller, gets very confusing and it's hard to pass on data to subviews of collection views because I have to check which collection view is sending the message and such.
I asked a similar question in the past but the thread got blocked or something. Please don't. I don't see anything wrong with the question and I've been pulling my hair for so long.

After a lot of hair pulling and experiments, and reading posts about table views embedded in other table views, it seems that the best way to do it is have one main view controller control all the subviews.
I tried adding collection view controllers as child view controllers, and setting the frame and layout and everything, but they will always end up weird. It does seem Apple doesn't allow for view controllers to control only a small portion (I may be wrong, but based on my experience with UICollectionViewController this is the case).
The problem with identifying which view is which in the data source methods, you can use the tag property.


Small view displaying data in real-time on multiple views

I would like to create a small view under my navigation bar where i would display statistics based on the user utilisation of my app and those statistics could evolve in real-time.
I want to be able to "inject" this small view in lot of different views from my app just under the navigation bar.
I don't know how to proceed to create this small view that can use in different bigger views. And how i can interact with this view and others.
I read and tried things concerning xib files, but not sure i'm going in the right direction.
I'm thinking of using containers view but i'm not sure i can be able to "re-use" it in another view.
I'm a bit lost and i would like some guidance on how to make that in the best and flexible way.
Edit: I'have been trying with containers view. Here is what i did for the moment, i don't know if it's the right/best method.
In my two main view controller i got a container who embed the small view container where i'm gonna put my statistics.
Thanks !
I think you're on the right path with containers.
I suggest creating a view controller that has the view you want always displayed and a container view that takes up the rest of the screen space. This is your container view controller.
Each other view that you want to show inside the container area would be managed by a child view controller. This way, the controller with the most-persistent view is the parent of the ones that change.

iOS Storyboards - How to re-use a View Controller

I have an application that takes you through multiple steps (5-6 steps) that at the end of it you will have a newly registered account. I am using a storyboard and a lot of these steps have very similar (or identical) layouts and objects and elements within them. Right now what I am doing is simply creating a new View Controller for each of these steps and then altering the data within them to pertain to the specific step. When I look at my storyboard, I feel like their has to be a way to optimize this so that I don't have so many identical view controllers beside one another.
As you can see there are 5 view controllers that are almost identical and I am looking for a way to condense these to a single view controller or perhaps 5 view controllers that access a single view which contains the variety of elements you see in the image. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
If your all view controllers' look is same then no need to create multiple view controllers.
You can only create one view controller and change view or content of view as per requirement.
Hope it helps

iPAD application design with multiple visible views on the screen

I am exploring the design options for an iPAD application with multiple views on the different part of the main screen. I am going to have different ViewController for each of the view. UI is quite different from what any of the available view controllers (UISplitViewController, UINavigationController etc.) provide. I have been reading about the container extension api of UIViewController (especially addChildViewController):
(Look for "Implementing a Container View Controller")
However, it seems to me that this functionality is mainly designed for applications with UI that transition from one view to another (transitionFromViewController...). In my case, all of the views are visible at the same time. However, they do interact with each other. So my questions:
Am I missing something w.r.t. container extension of View Controller? I will still probably end up using this just to keep the list of child view controllers but don't see much value.
Can you recommend any other api/pattern that I should be using?
Thank you.
You can easy access to childViewController.
self.childViewControllers will return an array with all childs.
I asked similar question couple days ago: Maybe this will help you:
Get container VC instead of view
Take a look at
Add your various view controllers to self.childViewControllers and add the views of the child controllers as subviews of self.view.

Dependence on Storyboard and bad practices

I am a beginner at best when it comes to xcode, iOS, and objective-c. I have been working on a project that has had me looking up information a lot. I have already been learning a lot, but I realized lately that I have forming some bad practices.
I have used Storyboard to lay out the abstract view of the app. The first thing I noticed I was doing dealt with popover views for iPad. I did not know how to dismiss them via button press, so I was creating a new modal segue from the popover button back to the main view.
I realized that this was creating a new view and placing it over my existing view. This would start to chain until the program eventually crashed. Last night I learned the importance of delegates and how they can help me gracefully dismiss the popover view.
Based on the documentation I have read for modal views, it appears that I need to be dismissing those types of views as well.
My question regards to proper practice when building an app. What if I have a ViewController that has 10 buttons, each of which will spawn a popover that is similar yet features slightly different content. Is it OK to create 10 new views in storyboard and drag and drop the UI elements on there? This means that the main view controller is going to have 10 delegates, one for each.
OR would it be best to create one general view, load the content dynamically, and only worry about one delegate in the presenting view controller?
EDIT: As far as the differences between them, they each have a list of labels (questions) and a UISegmentedControl to match the label. This will allow the user to fill out a survey. There are currently 10 views because I have 10 sets of questions that I feel deserve different views. At the bottom of each view there are 4 buttons. Every view must include these 4 buttons.
It's "ok" but not practical to have those 10+ delegates. If these ViewControllers only differ slightly - have you considered creating a "base" view controller and then adding/updating some of the differences programmatically depending on the content? I think it all depends on what you want to display and how much these differ. I would definitely not recommend 10+ delegates all delegating back to the same controller.
Basically, I'm saying yes to your "OR" question.

Using SwipeGester to swap views(of the same instance) - screenshot inside

Here is a screenshot of a view that I have right on my device.
The design issue that I am having here is that the top part of the screen is always going to be static - as far as its placement. The rest of the screen are a row of buttons added to this view programmatically. The arrows represent the idea that you could swipe in 4 directions(from top, from bottom, from left and from right) which would animate a new view onto the screen. This view is the same instance as the view before it. In fact all these views are the same instance but the buttons will be different.( i dont want to get too specific here.)
My design right now calls for pre-loading the views ahead of time. The data for each button for each view will be in core data. I will not know ahead of time how many views there are. One view might just have a view to the right that you can swipe in from the right and that view might have a top and bottom arrow - that would allow you to swipe from bottom or top that would be another view(same UIView subclass). So basically a tree of views.
I guess I am trying to figure out my options. A NavigationController is not really what i want because i have no need for a navigation bar, although in my mind it makes sense that i would have an array of view controllers here each with its view property pointing to each view that is allocated and then as i swipe i would bring in the appropriate view by using the view controller index.(through some animation code)
Another possible option would be UIScrollView but that seems cumbersome and may not be what i would really want.
One of the easiest setups would be to create a XIB file that would consist the top part of the screen and on the bottom an empty UIView that i would programmatically populate with the buttons(and their unique data). The problem that I am havign with this is, is how would i swap the views this way. I guess i could make the rootViewcontroller the first viewcontroller instance with the first view and then swap them.
I guess I am wanting to see if anyone had any questions or suggestions to come up with the easiest(most modular) approach to swiping in different views. Is using an array of view controllers the way to go?
A couple of thoughts:
This screams custom container view controller to me (if iOS 5 and above). See Creating Custom Container View Controllers in the View Controller Programming Guide for iOS.
You talked about using UISwipeGestureRecognizer. You could always contemplate UIPanGestureRecognizer, too. It's nice to have continuous gestures. Think about reading a book where the page swipe tracks your finger, but you can stop and go back, mid gesture. Sure, start with swipe gestures for now, but if your UX lends itself to it, you can always contemplate continuous gestures in the future.
You said that you're planning on "pre-loading the views ahead of time". Generally, given the limited memory capacity of mobile devices, you'd want to be more conservative than that. Maybe load the current view, and the four ones that you're likely to go to in each of the four directions (so that you can present them instantaneously), but leave it at that. Once you go to one of the four possible destinations, then go ahead and release the ones that are not reachable from the current one and tee up the ones that are.
One Xib is enough for you (for this part of your app anyway).
Don't use a UINavigation Controller. The NavController metaphor is one of a stack of cards. You don't have that data structure.
The general idea is one ViewController for one screenful of stuff. If you feel the need for two viewControllers (one for the top part, one for the bottom part) then you are going to have to look at custom container controllers, to ensure that the contained controllers receive their instance methods correctly (viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, etc). An example container controller managing a pair of viewControllers is the iPad splitViewController. But I don't think you need to do this.
I suggest placing a scrollView on the lower half of the screen and using that to manage your data views. If the upper part of the screen also needs to change (under other conditions) you could even have two scrollViews, one up top, the other below. They can be paged, and contain views that are the exact size of the respective screen portion. They can share their single containing viewController as a common location for their delegate methods.
I can't really help you with more detail, as I don't have a precise enough idea what you want to achieve. Perhaps you should try and implement it one of these ways and come back here with more questions as your ideas become concrete. Start out with the simplest idea (eg scrollView inside a single viewController), only chuck it out when you find you have to break it!
following your comments, I do think a scrollView might work for you. I think that managing a stack of view controllers with a custom container controller (as Rob suggests) could get overcomplicated. You will have to create your own custom container controller, the pre-existing ones such as UINavigationController are not appropriate for your data strucure (from what I can gather anyway).
You won't need to manage tons of UIViews, in fact you only need 5 - one for the onscreen portion of the scrollView, one for the screen immediately left and right, and similarly for the immediate one above and below. You can reuse these views as you swipe, much the way that tableViews reuse their cells. The rest of it will be about manipulating your data so the right content is arranged in the views as they come onscreen.
See my answer to this question for some more ideas on this: UICollectionView horizontal continuous loop
