Google Cast SDK for iOS crash with DCIntrospect - ios

On my app, when I add the googleCast SDK, the app crash at launching, on this method [[DCIntrospect sharedIntrospector] start];. But when I don't have GoogleCast SDK, everything is working fine.
Here is the assertion log :
*** Assertion failure in -[GCKPB_PBFieldDescriptor initWithFieldDescription:rootClass:], /Volumes/BuildData/pulse-data/agents/
This works fine if I run the project on an iPhone 5C, but crashing on the simulator (32-bit simulator).
Any idea on how to solve this crash, and still continue to use DCIntrospect ?

I had the same issue.
I was able to reproduce this issue, so I filed this bug.
Introspection triggers the +initialize method of the GCKPB_PBGeneratedMessage class.
This method apparently makes some bad assumptions about when +initialize will get triggered.

While waiting for a fix you can always use the workaround suggested here and mock GCKPB_PBGeneratedMessage's +initialize method.


Error "Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both..." is crashing debug sessions

I am getting following error all the time in my iOS app:
objc[56232]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both
(0x12fe564d0) and
(0x12ef82e38). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
The app itself runs fine but the debugger will not attach to the device process. The simulator does attach but the app crashes immediately after a breakpoint is hit.
I am running out of ideas on how to deal with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Simulator -> Hardware -> Erase all content and Settings...Works for me.
I submitted bug #43377301 to
Debug messages should be off in Apple frameworks (Class VCWeakObjectHolder)
I'm currently fixing bugs in an old code base and I have no idea what this internal Apple "warning" means.
It shouldn't be displayed to the 3rd party developer. I'm using CoreBluetooth and Objective-C.

App crashes on iPad device but working on simulator

I just have device UDID & client reported that the app is crashing
on his device & he is not able to start application.
The client device iOS version is 7.1.2
Also i am not having any crash report.(Asked for Crash Report)
Now referring
(iAd works on simulator but crash on device(ipad)):
I am assuming the reason behind this might be the library,
So will making iAD.framwork optional & handling codes related to this do the trick?
Unfortunately the cause of the crash was -[__NSCFString containsString:]: unrecognized selector sent which was iOS version fault & not device fault. I got it resolved. sorry to iAd for blaming or trying to blame. Long live iAd. Thanks**
First of all - you need crash details. Without it, nobody help you.
Integrate any crash reporter SDK: Crashlytics or anything like this.

SDWebImage ARM 64 Issue

I have been using the SDWebImage for a while in my project and it has been working great. Until, I have upgraded to Xcode 6.0.1 recently and suddenly, everything is a chaos. Everytime, I try to call the method:
UIImageView setImageWithURL:placeholderImage
I am getting the unrecognized selector sent to instance crash. I have googled it a bit and the only solution that I can come across is this, which in turns gets me to the issue # 494. Now, iPhone 5S or not, it's crashing every time. Here are the related settings of my project:
Any idea, what I am missing here?

iOS App crashes when setting breakpoint in Xcode

I have an app I'm developing where setting a breakpoint in Xcode while the app is running causes it to crash. At least I assume it is a crash. There is nothing in the console saying what happened. The app just terminates.
Note that the break point is not being hit, just the act of setting it causes this.
I've developed many apps and this is the first to act like this. Does anyone have any ideas what could be happening or how to figure this out? It is really slowing down my debugging.
I'm assuming you're using Xcode 4.x. Try going into your scheme's settings and switch to a different debugger (GDB if you have LLDB currently set, or vice versa).
If that doesn't work, we need more info:
which version of Xcode and iOS are you using?
does the problem occur in the Simulator or on your device, or both?
have you tried placing a breakpoint in different places in your code?
As far as I can tell, it's a debugger issue. So your app does not actually crash, it's the debug session that crashes which causes the app to terminate. You can observe a similar effect when you hit Stop in Xcode or disconnect your device while an app is attached to the debugger in Xcode.
Might be an issue with mismatching Xcode and iOS versions. Please provide more info about your environment to help diagnose the problem.

Crittercism SDK version 2.3.5 for iOs

I'm using crittercism to get the crash report from my iPad app. I want to know if the app crashed last time when it was loaded, but it seems that the CrittercismDelegate which contains
function crittercismDidCrashOnLastLoad is not working.
Any advice? Has someone faced this problem before?
Look like this was fixed in v3.2.6 of the library:
There was a bug where the delegate wasn't getting called until the load after a crash was sent to our server instead of after a crash was detected in the app. We pushed out a fix for this bug in v3.2.6. Make sure you are using the following to set the delegate:
[[Crittercism sharedInstance] setDelegate: whateverObjectYouWant]
Indeed using v_3_2_6 sdk the bug for setting the delegate is resolved.
