CDI - Sessions Scope - New session scope for each request scope - jsf-2

I have a #SessionScoped CDI bean which is nicely storing information per user session. However I would like to use the same bean but have a new instance of it in say a request scope but once it gets created it remains in the session for that request. So for another request I want it to create a new bean.
Is this possible using CDI?

You'd need a new #RequestScoped bean that creates your existing bean class via the normal new operator (i.e. not injected). You can't simultaneously treat a single bean obtained by the container as request and session scoped.


EL session attribute and managed bean access

I am confused about expression language 2 bean-view communication syntax.First of all.Is it possible to have one more managed bean with same name but different scobes.if it is what about accessing them via expression language
on the other hand;
consider there is an attribute in session called DemoBean and there is a session Scobed managed bean called DemoBean as well,
if I try to access this bean via EL like this #{DemoBean} // refers bean or attribute?
they say #{sessionScobe} is the way to access session attributes but
just #{sessionattributename} is valid ? and when I put an object to the session map is it referanced or copied?
JSF's aim is to manage session attributes itself for you. That means you should forget about keeping/recovering session map attributes manually, because you'll be able to do it using JSF's mechanisms.
When you want to keep some info for the whole application, use #ApplicationScoped annotation into your managed bean. You can do the same for sessions, requests or concrete views, using #SessionScoped, #RequestScoped and #ViewScoped annotations.
So, if you want to store some attribute in session:
public class SessionScopedBean{
public String sessionAttribute;
//Getter and setter
You can recover/change the value of the attribute of the bean using the FacesContext:
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
SessionScopedBean bean = (SessionScopedBean) context.getApplication()
.evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{sessionScopedBean}", SessionScopedBean.class);
Remember JSF beans are by default named with bean's name with the first character lowercased. And remember also this bean will be null at the first hit if you don't initialize yourself. You can do it in an easy way using a PreRenderViewEvent in the bean you want to initialize and executing it for example in your login page. That ensures the bean will keep alive for the rest of the session.
Finally, that's the way you'll access your session attribute from your view:

How to clear an object of the session scoped managed bean?

I am developing a login based application in JSF with primefaces. In that I kept the logged user info in session scoped managedbean and I need to clear that details when he logged out, So How to clear those details which are in SessionScoped ManagedBean object?
You need to invalidate the current session by calling the following function in your action method:
Also, as the session scoped beans are trashed buring the subsequent request, be sure to send a redirect:
Or, simply return a navigation case outcome from your method:
return "login.xhtml?faces-redirect=true";
In case you don't want to invalidate the session and, effectively, retaining your session scoped beans (which is a bad practice in my opinion), just nullify all of the user data (which was hopefully collected in one session scoped managed bean) in the logout method (you may need to inject that bean in case the logout method resides in another session scoped bean).
You don't need to clear session scoped managed bean manually. Just clear the user session.
By using following code in servlet for logout.
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
System_Properties system_Properties=new System_Properties();
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
try {
}finally {
If you still manually clear the managed bean data then it can be done by using following code.
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put("managed_bean_name", null);
Where "mananged_bean_name" is name of your managed bean.
Hope it helps
When the user logout, the session is destroyed and all the SessionScoped ManagedBean objects too

Session and view scoped beans - Values being overwritten

public SessionClass{
// Buyer is a view scoped class
private List<Buyer> sessionObject = new ArrayList<Buyer>();
When updating a input field buyer.fname. The list is also updated.
Should I change the Buyer class to session scope also.
This has nothing to do with JSF scopes, but everything with the object oriented nature of Java. Apparently the view scoped Buyer instance represents exactly the same reference as the item in the list of the session scoped bean (it's however beyond me how you coded it like that; it would have been explainable if Buyer is actually a JPA entity).
You should be creating a copy of the Buyer instance instead or detach the entity if it's indeed a JPA entity.

jsf 2 Session bean created for every request [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
#SessionScoped bean looses scope and gets recreated all the time, fields become null
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have 2 Managed beans, one View scoped, the other Session scoped. The View scoped bean is defined as
public class InvoiceController implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private InvoiceService invoiceService;
The session scoped bean as
public class InvoiceService implements Serializable{
I am using the session scoped bean to hold a flag used to decide if a panel should be rendered, when I run this through the debug I find that every time I call the method on the sesison bean, it is a new instance of the bean and therefore does not retain the value of my flag between requests.
What am I doing wrong?
That can happen if you have imported #SessionScoped from the javax.enterprise.context package instead of from the javax.faces.bean package. The former works on CDI #Named beans only, while the latter works on JSF #ManagedBean beans only.
A JSF #ManagedBean without any valid scope would default to #NoneScoped which means that it's newly constructed on every single EL expression referencing the bean, such as the #ManagedProperty. This explains the symptoms you're seeing.
I had a similar problem. I use a save-method in the view scoped bean that calls a method in the session scoped bean to update some values.
This is what I found out by debugging (excuse my non-Java-guru English):
When first loading the page, the instance number of the injected session bean was for example 111111.
But in the save-method (and all other methods called by an action like a commandButton or action listeners btw), suddenly the session bean was of another instance (say 222222).
Both instances 111111 and 222222 contained the very same values.
All methods I called now were done in the 222222 instance and it changed values in there as I wanted it. But the 111111 instance remained untouched and unchanged.
So 222222 was basically a deep(?) clone of 111111, and not even a copy.
But, after the save-method was done and the page got reloaded, the original 111111 instance was used again in the view scope bean.
The 222222 instance just got thrown to the garbage.
My solution for this problem:
I'm not using the ManagedProperty injection anymore.
Instead I made some helper code to get the session bean wherever I need it (aka in the view scoped bean methods):
public Object getSessionBean(String sessionBeanName)
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getELResolver().getValue(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext(), null, sessionBeanName);
For your example above, the call would be:
InvoiceService invoiceService = (InvoiceService) helper.getSessionBean("invoiceService");
Call it in your methods, do not store it as a field in the view scoped bean.
I hope this somehow helps you fix your problem.

JSF 2.0 pass data between beans (or pages?)

I'm working with JSF 2.0
I have a form in my admin section where I am going to select some users in a list.
The form (selectusers.xhtml) is adding these users to a list in a bean (
After I have selected some user(s), I will pass the list of the user(s) from to another bean ( and continue add information in another form (addadress.xhtml) which set other properties related to AddAddressBean for each user.
I do not know how to implement it. I would like that shall be independent (so I can use it together with other beans), so I prefer that shall not know about other beans.
Can you please help me? =)
B.R Carl
Several quick things come to mind :
Perhaps you could have a single bean only for those related pages, using #SessionScoped or the shorter CDI's #ConversationScope, or and this is the best of the three, the DeltaSpike #ViewAccessScoped
When clicking the button on page 1 where it'll take you to page 2, in the 1st bean, you can make use of Flash object to store objects you want to pass, and in the second bean's #PostConstruct method, you could get all the objects from the Flash object
If you dont mind using session scope, you can still have 2 beans, and one bean can refer to another bean using the jsf way(#ManagedProperty), or the Java EE inject way(#Inject) or the spring way if you use spring (#Autowired)
This how i implemented (used ConversationScoped as #bertie said ).
bean 1:
public class ConversationBean1 implements Serializable {
//---start conversation----
bean 2:
public class ConversationBean2 implements Serializable
private ConversationBean1 conversationBean1;
