iOS Simulator crashing mac after a few seconds of use - ios

This is such a strange issue, but lately I can't start the iOS Simulator without it crashing my Mac and me needing to unmount the HD, repair it, and then restart.
When iOS Simulator is running, after a few seconds, a bunch of colored lines start appearing on the screen as tiny tears and then the screen splits in half and either turns gray or blue with black lines. The first couple of times I could close the simulator in time and the screen would revert back to normal, but after a few times it's almost an immediate crash with almost no chance of trying to close the simulator. When I restart, I can't get past the grey screen and need to go into recovery mode. I have a 2GHz i7 MacBook Pro with 16GB memory running OS X 10.9.1.
Does anyone have any ideas at all what is causing this?

Turns out it was that widespread GPU issue that most early 2011 MacBooks have. I've taken it to get it's logic board replaced as it's the only fix. I should have Googled this before asking, but if you're here reading this then you're smarter than I am. Good work.

Because of security issues you have to update to 10.9.2 ASAP if you're really on 10.9.1


ARKit randomly limits frame rate to 30FPS

Every once in a while when I run my ARKit project the frame rate locks to 30FPS. This seems to happen completely by random.
This happens even when the scene is empty and there are no rendering and background processes happening.
After closing Xcode and running the app again a couple times, it goes back to the default 60FPS.
Any idea what this could be?
I'm running on XCode 10.1 and iOS 12.1
It is known bug for iPhone 7/8 in iOS 11/12. Most people from forums say that sometimes iPhone seems to get stuck at 30 fps and only restart cures its weird issue.
Also, this bug happens when you use Unity's building blocks for ARKit. Currently there is no explanation why this is happening. Let's wait for new updates of Xcode, ARKit and iOS.
Hope this helps.

Xcode screen update error in simulator

Since I updated my Xcode to 9 (now I have 9.2) the simulator is acting weird. It's very slow and the main problem is that every time it has to update the screen (when something trigger, when some view moves, etc) it doesn't update to the last frame. For example: if I have a tableview and it updates the new results, they won't be showed until I make a new movement (like dragging the tableview), then the new results will be showed.
It happens with every device, and the same app runs perfectly in a real device.
I have Sierra 10.12.6 if it helps.
If you have an Intel HD 3000 GPU (or similar) this can happen. It is a GPU driver bug and unfortunately I don't have a workaround for you at this time.
Using Simulator on a Metal-capable Mac (or switching to the discrete GPU if your machine has one) should work around it.
I've had this problem too with a late 2011 13" MacBook Pro with Intel HD 3000 graphics. I had a look at the solution to a related issue described in‌ and thought I'd experiment with other values for FramebufferEmulationHint. A value of '2' seems to be working for me:
defaults write FramebufferEmulationHint 2

Black screen, spinning wheel at launch

I've encountered a huge problem, some of my users have a strange crash. At the launch of my application, before or just after the launch screen, they get a black screen with a spinning wheel. After that the device is locked, and the app closed.
Nothing have change except Xcode 8.3 and iOS 10.3.
On my phone everything works fine, and on simulator as well. I can't reproduce it, and I've no crash on fabrics.
If someone have an idea about it please answer. Thanks in advance.
These might be OOM (out of memory issues). There is no way to determine what caused OOM as far as I know.
Try focusing on whether you have such issues on launch:
Database operations (bringing lots of objects in memory)
Raw image operations
Any infinite loops or operations that happen repeatedly.
Any image size is big or if we use any animated huge size image, application will get into out of memory.
I faced same issue in my application. Just removed the image or resize the image application will work normally.

Why is Xcode 7 iOS Simulator freezing?

I'm getting odd freezes of up to 60s in the Xcode 7 simulator, specifically when scrolling or doing other GPU-intensive tasks. The problem appears to be with the simulator as a whole, not my app (lots of spinning beach ball, slow to respond to rotate commands, etc.).
If I track CPU time in Instruments, 50s of real time shows as below 0.5s of CPU time for my app.
What's going on? (El Cap, Xcode 7.1, all iOS versions, all devices)
I run Better Snap Tool for window management. Quitting this app (or disabling it from interacting with the simulator) fixes the problem immediately, even if the sim is in the middle of a freeze. No idea why, but Better Snap Tool appears to be interfering with iOS Simulator's use of the GPU.

iOS Simulator takes extremely long time to boot first time

I'm trying to run an iOS simulator (Xcode 7.0.1, OS X Yosemite). However, the first time I run the simulator, it takes a very long time to boot up (80-120 seconds), which is causing my automation testing to time out. If I close the simulator and re-launch the same one, it will boot up in about 5-8 seconds. Launching a different device will cause the long boot up time again.
I have tried resetting the content and settings of the simulator, deleting and re-downloading simulators, and uninstalling and reinstalling Xcode.
This machine is a Parallels Desktop VM running on a 2012 Mac Mini. While I do not believe this to be a resource issue (the simulator runs just fine with the second launch), I have tried increasing ram and video memory to the VM with no success.
Had the same issue after updating to Xcode 7 on my iMac (late 2013). And yesterday I've succeeded to resolve it by doing 2 steps (unfortunately, I don't know which did really help):
I had Xcode 6 installed side by side with Xcode 7. So I've deleted Xcode 6 instance.
Open Xcode 7, go to Window -> Devices and delete all listed iOS simulators you have there. Close & re-start Xcode. Go to Window -> Devices again and add only simulators you need (in my case I've added iPhone 6 iOS 8, iPhone 6s iOS 9, iPad Air 2 iOS 9). You can add more simulators later on as you need them. Also, not sure if this is critical, I've selected no paired watchOS device for simulators I've added.
After completing these steps, my simulator cold start was significantly imporoved - it takes now like 30-40seconds max for a cold start. Before that it was 3-4minutes and first debugger attach attempt always failed.
Hope, this will be helpful for somebody.
My solution so far has been to pre-boot the Simulator prior to needing it for automation. I consider this somewhat hackish, but it does get the job done.
xcrun instruments -w "Simulator Name Here"
sleep 120
This will launch the simulator, then sleep for a couple minutes before proceeding on to whatever else you need the simulator for.
At first boot, the sim device will go through initial setup just like a real device. Taking 2 minutes is quite a long time on modern systems but not that unheard of, especially if you're not on an SSD. I suggest you watch the sim device's system.log to see what tasks are occurring during the boot process and keep an eye out for any errors that might indicate what is going wrong.
I tried to run the iPhone6S simulator on my Macbook Air, and it just hung at the game center login screen. It hung for 10 minutes. I had 50% scale on the simulator window. Then I tried to reduce the scale even more, and immediately it passed the GC login screen.
My guess is that my little Air has don't have time to do anything else but updating the simulator screen at high scales, and when I reduced the scale it had time to bother with the game center login functionality. My simulator widow is the size of a stamp now. :)
Puh. I've had this simulator problem for weeks...
