BlackBerry7 Maps support Voice Navigation - blackberry

Does BlackBerry7's default map application supports Voice Navigation?
I found BlackBerry Traffic which supports Text Navigation as well Voice Navigation but it does not contain Maps.
Is There Any API which gives us Voice Navigation?
Or if inbuilt BlackBerry Map app support with Voice Navigation would be great and if Voice Navigation is not supported by app then please provide me link saying that it is not supported.


iOS app deep linking: Return to previous app or access current url scheme of current app

I'm developing a custom keyboard for iOS. When I'm e.g. in Safari using my custom keyboard, I have a button in my keyboard to jump to to keyboard containing app. Then in my keyboard app I have the iOS specific "<- Safari" button in the top left corner to jump back to Safari.
Is it possible to programmatically jump back to the source application (in my example Safari)?
Or can I send the original url scheme to my containing app and then open the previous app (could be ANY) by the url scheme?
It must be somehow possible, because the app Scandit Wedge does exactly what I want. I created an empty test app without any url scheme and with the Scandit Wedge keyboard I can go to Scandit app, read barcode and it goes automatically back to the source app.
Here's a video I recorded:
To achieve this you have to implement inter-app two way communication using x-callback-url. x-callback is just a "protocol" to format the NSURL to ease the data processing at the receiver end and also allowed the source app to receive the correct callback function. You can explore more this with evernote and this tutorial.

Like Skype application, how to show top bar status bar at ongoing call in foreground state

Here is requirement to show green top bar to indicate audio/video call is on in app foreground state. On action of top bar tap action, should back to calling window. Is there any api available in iOS sdk to do same. Please suggest your response would be very helpful for me. Thanks in advance.
Here adding reference image of skype app, that use red bar to return to calling window.
I searched in stackoverflow, but their solution didn't work for me.
Twilio evangelist here. The "tap status bar to return to call" feature is built-in to any app that uses CallKit which was released with iOS 10. If you implement CallKit for your application you should get the status bar tap to return to call feature. Watch this WWDC video for more details.
Our new Programmable Voice SDK is in beta for iOS and will have new features soon to make CallKit even easier to implement. This quickstart will get you up and running with that SDK if you're interested.

Apple Maps app or MapKit for turn by turn navigation

I would like to create an app, that would show navigation to some marker. It would be best if that navigation could be provided inside an app, however I am not sure if that's possible (at least with MapKit). If my app would launch Apple Maps app for navigation, could my app update destination location? The thing is in most cases my destination should change with time. What are my options?
I done some googling, found that Skobbler a SDK for in app navigation, but it increases app size over 100Mb.
I have done this in an app which takes the coordinates from a plist, maps them and then provides directions from the user location to the map destination point selected. Try this link:

What is the accepted means whereby an app can display the double-height status bar, viz. the 'in-call' status bar

This is not a question about how to modify a view when the double status bar is shown.
Nor is it a question about how to mimic a double-height status bar within an app.
It is how to display, while an app is backgrounded, a double-height status bar. Namely, what are the preconditions and mechanisms for an app that wants to be accepted by the app store to use this functionality? Third party apps do, mostly telephony and navigation apps. Google Maps goes so far as to display turn-by-turn directions over the home view.
Now, one can do this outside legal APIs by getting the SBStatusBar class and sending it appropriate messages. The class' interface is available online. But I want to do it legitimately.
Here is one post asking the same question. The only answer is how to fake background recording, which brings up a 'recording' bar that is not controllable by the application.
Here is what I think so far: Background modes 'audio' and 'navigation' are allowed to do this. (EG, this question showing how to fake background audio recording). Again, I want to do it legitimately - so responses from developers who have done this with shipping app-store apps are greatly appreciated.

IOS5 Is it possible to change the text of Double-high status bar?

In IOS SDK, is it possible to change the heading of the Top red status bar(Double high status bar) as referred in the following link.
We are implementing a Voip app and we would like to make that more meaningful than just say "Recording"...
Unfortunately, it's not possible to do this. The double-height status bar is only used for VoIP and audio recording, as well as Personal Hotspot connections.
However, it you're interested in putting custom text in the status bar, then there are many great solutions (the one that I use is And the best part is, it's not in violation if Apple's policies! Many apps, including the Gmail app, use this and have been on the App Store for a long time.
