Get order from KnockoutJS viewmodel based on Id -

I'm trying to get an order from a KnockoutJS viewmodel, but having a hard time getting this done.
This is what the viewmodel looks like:
This is one of my many tries:
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(#Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model)));
$(document).on("click", ".btnDetails", function () {
var oId = $(this).attr('id');
var order = ko.utils.arrayFirst(viewModel.Orders(), function (item) {
return item.Id === oId;
How can I get the complete order with Id 16?
This is not an observableArray(), there are no mutations done. This will only serve as showing the details of an order in a Modal (Twitter Bootstrap).

It looks like your code should work just fine, except that your arrayFirst() function has an error. You should have
var order = ko.utils.arrayFirst(viewModel.Orders(), function(item) {
return item.Id() === oId;
Because you mapped your viewmodel properties, comparing the Id of item will still be comparing the ko function. You need to get the value and compare that directly. Once you've done that, order should be the first order that matches the id.

I'm not entirely clear on what you mean by the complete order. but have a look at this jsfiddle
re-reading the question again its starting to make sense to me.
To get a reference to the order
add a selectedOrder observable to your viewmodel.
then add a function showOrder that takes in an the order. and set the selectedOrder to the incomming item
on the tag that contains the order data-bind to the click.
and that should get you pretty close to what I believe you need as the selectedOrder will contain all the products as well for display purposes
<ul class="list-group" data-bind="foreach: data.Orders">
<li class="list-group-item">
<h3 data-bind="click: $parent.showItem">
Order <span data-bind="text: Id"></span>
var model = {
"Orders": [{
"Id": 16,
"Status": 2,
"Products": [{
"Id": 14,
"OrderId": 16,
"Price": 5
}, {
"Id": 15,
"OrderId": 16,
"Price": 10
}, {
"Id": 16,
"OrderId": 16,
"Price": 20
}, {
"Id": 17,
"OrderId": 16,
"Price": 30
"Id": 17,
"Status": 2,
"Products": [{
"Id": 18,
"OrderId": 17,
"Price": 0
var selectedOrder = ko.observable();
function showItem(item) {
alert("Selected Order: " + item.Id());
var vm = {
data: model,
showItem: showItem,
selectedOrder: selectedOrder
$(document).ready(function () {
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(vm);


Making a button visible based on number of records in datatable

I am using jquery datatable in mvc and i want to show a submit button which will be saving the data to the database only if there is atleast one row in the datatable.
I am trying this code, however its not working
<tr id="trbtnSubmit">
<td colspan="9" align="center">
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Save"
class="btn btn-edit btn-text" />
var PopUp, dataTable;
$(document).ready(function () {
dataTable = $("#tblCustomerList").DataTable({
"ajax": {
"url": "/Customer/GetCustomers",
"type": "GET",
"data": "json"
"lengthChange": false,
"pageLength": 10,
"columns": [
{ "data": "Number" },
{ "data": "Name" },
{ "data": "fileName" },
{ "data": "mD5Hash" },
{ "data": "dataSizeInGB" },
"data": "Id",
"render": function () {
return "<a href='#'><i class='fa fa-eye'></a></i><a href='#' style='margin-left:5px'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i></a><a href='#' style='margin-left:5px'><i class='fa fa-trash'></a></i>";
"orderable": false,
"width": "40px"
"language": {
"emptyTable": "No Customers , click on <b>New Customer</b> to add Customers"
var table = $('#tblCustomerList').DataTable();
if (! {
} else {
Since you didn't specify the version of datatables, I assume it's v1.10.
And there are 2 side notes I want to make before going into your problem:
Difference between .datatable() and .DataTable()
Enable server-side processing
Difference Between .datatable() and .DataTable()
I saw you declared another variable, var table, at the bottom of your sample code to get another instance of DataTables and check if there is any data? You actually don't need to.
.DataTable() returns a DataTables API instance, while .datatable() returns a jQuery object.
So if you intent to make usages on the DataTables APIs after you initialize the table, you can just use the varirable you declared from the beginning, var dataTable since you used .DataTable() way.
Enable Server-side Processing
Server-side processing is enabled by turning on the serverSide option, and configuring the ajax option. You're missing the first one, whose default is false.
So you might need to add serverSide option in your code:
dataTable = $("#tblCustomerList").DataTable({
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
Enough said. Now looking at your problem ...
DataTables Callbacks
There are many ways to achieve what you want to do, and I like to use callbacks so that you can configure your DataTables in one place.
There are lots of callbacks you can use, and the one I would use is drawCallback:
dataTable = $("#tblCustomerList").DataTable({
serverSide: true,
language: {
emptyTable: "No Customers , click on <b>New Customer</b> to add Customers"
drawCallback: function(settings) {
$('#trbtnSubmit').toggle(settings.aoData.length > 0);
Hopefully my code is readable enough without any additional explanations :)

Webix not showing the kids data on dynamic loading

I am using webix to show some tree table data.
webix.ready(function () {
grida = webix.ui({
container: "testB",
view: "treetable",
columns: [
{ id: "id", header: "", css: { "text-align": "right" } },
id: "SerialNo", header: "Serial No", width: 250,
template: "{common.treetable()} #SerialNo#"
url: "/Test/GetTreeItem",
autoheight: true,
This loads the items perfectly.
However when I click the plus button, server returns (I can see the json string when I debug the code) the json but webix not appending the data underneath the parent.
Kids of parent "id":11587;
id of data object must be unique per component.
Currently, you have for top level
"id": 11583,
"Id": 11583,
"SerialNo": "12476127654",
"webix_kids": 1
and in kids data you have
"id": 11583,
"Id": 11583,
"SerialNo": "12476127654",
"webix_kids": 1
both items share the same id, so treetable doesn't add a new item.
Correcting the JSON output solved my problem.
For the parents;
For the kids;

Ordering a Rails DataTable column by another value

I am building a helpdesk application. I have a model called TicketDetail, with a table which uses datatables to get its data via JSON. This is in order to periodically recalculate the time a ticket has been open. The time taken is formatted by a simple helper so it's in the format "dd:hh:mm", but it should be sorted by the time (stored as a decimal) multiplied by a weighting. Here's the datatables definition
var table = $('#ticket_details').DataTable({
order: [[ 8, "desc" ], [ 9, "desc" ], [ 2, "asc" ]],
stateSave: true,
deferRender: true,
ajax: $('#ticket_details').data('source'),
"columns": [
{ "data": "reference_number" },
{ "data": "location" },
{ "data": "title" },
{ "data": "parent", className: "hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs" },
{ "data": { _:"time_display.time", sort: "time_display.decimal_time"}},
{ "data": "created_by", className: "hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs" }
} );
setInterval( function () {
table.ajax.reload( null, false ); }, 60000 );
Here's a simplified sample record, where the ticket has been open 3 days and 6 hours, with a weighting of x2 (i.e. 3.25 * 2 = 6.5:
data: [
id: 140,
parent: null,
title: "[",
location: "Bond St",
ticket_sla: "16 Hours",
reference_number: "1606210001",
ticket_sla_weighting: 2,
time_display: {
time: "<span class = "label label-danger">03:06:00</span>",
decimal_time: 6.5
The problem is that the datatable sorts correctly if I display the decimal_time, but as soon as I put the formatted time in the class, it sorts simply by the number of days, immediately to the left of the colon. (So 03:06:00 and 03:18:00 would not get sorted properly).
For Date/Time sorting in DataTable You need to use it's Sorting plug-ins
For Example,
You need to include this js files :
and then, In your jQuery use this as
$.fn.dataTable.moment( 'HH:mm MMM D, YY' ); // Pass your date time format as param
For Deeper reference please check :
Sorting Plugins
Ultimate date / time sorting plugin

Jstree - Add nodes to tree by user input (button click)

I have a ASP.NET MVC 4.0 project using JsTree. The JsTree is being populated thought a model that returns a JSON.
Now my problem is this, i have a huge tree that makes the user experience pretty bad. What i need is to load a few items (let'say 20), and have a button that when clicked by the user add's the next 20 records to the tree.
I have been searching in Google JsTree documentation and SO, but i haven't found a example that works for me.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advanced.
Ok, some break trought. I kind of got this working. In my view the user input call this function:
function getNextRecords() {
var new_data = { "attr": { "ID": "999999999999", "NodeText": "999999999999" },
"data": "999999999999",
"children": [{
"attr": { "ID": "ACT99", "NodeText": "969994222" },
"data": "969994222 - PPP",
"children": [{
"attr": { "ID": "TRFps800", "rel": "disabled" },
"data": "Voz com unlimited 800 fidelização até 01/11/2019",
"state": "open"
"state": "open"
}], "state": "open"
var retDom = $.jstree._reference("#demoTree")._parse_json(new_data, -1, true);
$("#demoTree").jstree("move_node", retDom, -1, "inside", false, false, true);
This is working fine, expect that the parse json creates a "ul" instead of a "li" any ideas in how to change that?
OK, i finally got this working, this is the final version of my Function i hope this helps someone.
function getNextRecords() {
var new_data = { "attr": { "ID": "999999999999", "NodeText": "999999999999" },
"data": "999999999999",
"children": [{
"attr": { "ID": "ACT99", "NodeText": "969994222" },
"data": "969994222 - PPP",
"children": [{
"attr": { "ID": "TRFps800", "rel": "disabled" },
"data": "Voz com unlimited 800 fidelização até 01/11/2019",
"state": "open"
}], "state": "open"
}], "state": "open"
var ref = $("li ul:first")
var retDom = $.jstree._reference("#demoTree")._parse_json(new_data, ref, true);
$("#demoTree").jstree("move_node", retDom, ref, "first", false, false, true);
This add a new child after the first UL.
The second part "load part of the branch and with another load of the same branch
load more" is exactly what i'm trying to do but i have not yet succeeded, is it
possible to have an example?
Such task must be taken care of on server side. Take is this way: jsTree only displays whatever is passed to it. So you make a decision what to load in a first go and you can have a button (to reload the whole tree or a branch only) to load more or replace whatever was loaded. Don't forget the logic has (almost) nothing to do with jsTree.

Jquery Autocomplete

iam using jquery autocomplete in project. it's not working. do you have any idea. the code is given below.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
source: "clientstates.aspx",
select: function (event, ui) {
source: "clientstatesabbrev.aspx",
minLength: 2
problem is states.aspx returning the data but it is not showing in the jquery autocomplete control.
Your server needs to return a JSON serialized array of objects with properties id, label, and value. E.g. :
[ { "id": "1", "label": "Mike Smith", "value": "Mike Smith" }, { "id": "2", "label": "Bruce Wayne", "value": "Bruce Wayne" }]
Can you confirm with firebug or Fiddler that your server is returning the correct response?
If you're having trouble serializing your data in C#, you can try using JavaScriptSerializer like this:
var result = from u in users
select new {
id = u.Id,
value = u.Name,
label = u.Name
JavaScriptSerialier serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = serializer.Serialize(result);
// now return json in your response
