iTunes Connect - Get active user installs by app version - ios

I understand that download figures can be retrieved from iTunes Connect in daily, weekly monthly or yearly basis.
If I have three app versions, say 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. Can I get the number of users currently using different versions respectively?
version 1.0: 100
version 1.1: 200
version 1.2: 800

The new version of iTunes Connect includes App Analytics section, which can—among other tricks—show you how many active devices* you've had within a time range. It's also possible to get statistics on how many sessions* (= app active for at least 2 seconds) you've had within a time range. Both parameters are groupable by app version.
App Analytics has its own section on iTunes Connect, next to Sales and Trends.
What App Analytics doesn't show is how many installations are idly sitting in user's springboard, like Play Dashboard does.
*) User must had opted-in to share data with developers. This is usually done on device activation, after major upgrades and at any time via settings.

Unfortunately, iTunes Connect does not provide this information. Right now, you can only filter by territory, platform, App Store category, content type and transaction type. There is no way of getting the information how many users are using a particular version of the app since iTunes Connect is not a tracking tool.
If you want to collect more information about your app, how, when, where and by what kind of audience your app is used you should integrate one of the Analytics SDK.
Google Analytics,
Flurry Analytics,
Mixpanel, and many more.

To get statistics about the installation of your app versions by following the steps:
Open appstoreconnect panel
Select App Analytics
Select your app
Select Metrics and under Usage select Installations
5. From the filter select App Version
6. Enjoy statistics

Goto Appstore Connect --> App Analytics --> Installations (Under Usage) --> View BY (Apply Filter [App version : X.Y])
The result can differ on App user preferences


Statistics of application updates Itunes

Where can I find how many percents uses the latest update of my application? I found only updates by days but not in general. I use iTunes Connect.
You can use iTunesConnect -> App Analytics -> Your App -> Metrics -> Active Devices
Then click Add Filter button and select App Version - select version you need
You'll see metrics for selected app version only. Not percentage though, but anyway you can compare adoption for different versions.
If you want percentages - you could try analytics.

Fabric data different from iTunes Connect data

Our Daily New User-count from Fabric is consistently bigger than the App Units per day that we get from iTunes Connect.
Fabric defines Daily New Users as
The number of new app installations across all devices seen on a given
And iTunes connect defines App Units as
The number of first-time app downloads made on the App Store using iOS
8 or tvOS 9, or later. App updates, downloads from the same Apple ID
onto other devices, and redownloads to the same device are not
counted. Family Sharing downloads are included for free apps, but not
for paid apps.
What can cause this discrepancy? I can see many reasons for how Fabric could report a lower number (such as users downloading the app but never opening it, or waiting too long to open it), but not the other way around. Our average send-usage-to-developers opt-in rate is 23%, but that does not affect the App Units number if I am not mistaken.
Is your app available on both iPhone and iPad? If so, then the fact that, as you point out, Apple doesn't count downloads from the same Apple ID onto other devices might be causing this discrepancy? You can install iPhone apps on your iPad even if it's not officially supported, so the rule might still be affecting your app. Also, if your app is a paid app, then the Family sharing rules would also affect the numbers. I've actually wondered how iTunes counts new users, so thanks for that info!
I'm not sure why the numbers are consistently bigger for you on Fabric, because for my app they alternate a bit.
I hope you might have got the answer. If not follow the link below
It seems there are users who don't opt-in app analytics data.
Apple only shows data from users who have agreed to share their
diagnostics and usage information with app developers.

In-App-Purchase: A/B-testing possible/allowed?

Is it possible and allowed to have A/B-testing for in-app-purchase for iOS and Android? I heard it's not allowed for iOS but didn't find an official document.
What about Android?
For iOS you can only test in app purchase in sandbox mode.
Now with the latest updates, iOS has launched percentage rollout feature so you can release your feature to partial users and see how your new feature is doing and then rollout to complete set.
And as for android- try going through below link and see if it helps:
Yes, it is possible to do A/B testing with in-app purchases but you will need to implement some custom code and either roll your own analytics platform or integrate with a third party.
If you are simply testing only the descriptions and or images that are displayed with your in-app purchase you can hard code the different variants on your client or fetch them from your own server instead of using the descriptions stored in iTunes Connect.
If you are experimenting with pricing you will have to create different versions of your in-app purchase in iTunes connect or Google Play and then your client or server can decide which price(s) to display and only show that subset of IAPs.
There are several third party analytics tools that work with iOS and Android that can help you track the performance of the different variants.

Unable to get previous stats of app from itunesconnect?

I upload a iphone app on 2013 in itunesconnect account, after the smooth usage of 2 years I need to transfer my app in another account of mine. So that i moved it from previos account to another account (Which is in use from 2012).
Now my issue is that i want to know about the stats of my app, is that how many downloads are there from 2013 - till now but after login i got stats report from Apil 2015 as date picker of app analytics get diable after April 2015.
Please help me how can i get the complete stats of my app.
Any help would be appreciated.
Apple's App Analytics was only introduced last year, so you won't get data before that. (Also only on iOS 8+ devices)
You can try to use the Catalog report feature and get the sales data out. Basic sales data (Unit) are available in the "Sales & Trends" section of iTunes Connect. There you can also choose a timeframe that suits your needs. (I just checked it, it's working for me)
If you want any usage data, it's not possible to get that via iTunes Connect.

How to know number of user installed my ios application

Can any one suggest,how to know number of users downloaded my iOS app,number of user installed my iOS app,number of users uninstalled my iOS app?
You can see how many different Apple IDs were used to download your app(s) through iTunes Connect's Sales and Trends page. Unfortunately, there isn't really a way to see how many users have uninstalled your app. The reasons for this are:
Apple doesn't report it to you
Apple doesn't warn the app that it's being deleted before deleting
it (on the device), therefore the app won't have a chance to send
some sort of value to your server indicating that the user has
deleted it
What you can do, however, is see if the user has opened your app and logged in to your server in the last 3 months (for example). If not, you can pretty much assume they've deleted the app.
Third party libraries like Crashlytics can also be used to track various things in your app.
You can check the number of downloads at sales and trends in the iTunesConnect .
you cannot track the uninstalls but, you can use some third party libraries for Analytics (ex- Flurry, etc) .
App Analytics in the iTunes Connect website lets you track 'App Units'.
Click the date filter dropdown at the top right and choose a custom range to cover (if possible) your apps' entire history. It only lets you go back to April 2015 (as of Jan 2017) but this was enough for my needs.
