Is a data segment always required in a program? - memory

I'm in an assembly language course focusing on x86 Pentium processors, and am working on a Linux system. I understand that programs get loaded into memory and that you can perform operations directly within the registers but I'm not sure you can avoid creating a data segment altogether.
A yes or no, followed by a brief explanation as to why would be great.

It is not required. A data segment is simply a block of memory allocated for data and thus can be written to and read from. Code segments are read only. If you try to write to a code segment the hardware will generate an interrupt. However, assembly codes can be fed any address in memory, and if protected mode is disabled, then the hardware won't generate an interrupt.
As an example, the boot sector loads into a very restricted space on launch, and it is quite common (because space is so restricted) to place variables among the code bytes. Once I even wrote a boot sector that adjusted its own byte-code to accommodate differences in booting from different disks. So this is a case of code using code addresses as variables.
However, while you definitely can avoid creating a data segment, 99.99% of the time you do separate out a data segment.
You may also want to read up on protected mode to understand this better.


If v8 uses the "code" or "text" memory type, or if everything is in the heap/stack

In a typical memory layout there are 4 items:
code/text (where the compiled code of the program itself resides)
I am new to memory layouts so I am wondering if v8, which is a JIT compiler and dynamically generates code, stores this code in the "code" segment of the memory, or just stores it in the heap along with everything else. I'm not sure if the operating system gives you access to the code/text so not sure if this is a dumb question.
The below is true for the major operating systems running on the major CPUs in common use today. Things will differ on old or some embedded operating systems (in particular things are a lot simpler on operating systems without virtual memory) or when running code without an OS or on CPUs with no support for memory protection.
The picture in your question is a bit of a simplification. One thing it does not show is that (virtual) memory is made up of pages provided to you by the operating system. Each page has its own permissions controlling whether your process can read, write and/or execute the data in that page.
The text section of a binary will be loaded onto pages that are executable, but not writable. The read-only data section will be loaded onto pages that are neither writable nor executable. All other memory in your picture ((un)initialized data, heap, stack) will be stored on pages that are writable, but not executable.
These permissions prevent security flaws (such as buffer overruns) that could otherwise allow attackers to execute arbitrary code by making the program jump into code provided by the attacker or letting the attacker overwrite code in the text section.
Now the problem with these permissions, with regards to JIT compilation, is that you can't execute your JIT-compiled code: if you store it on the stack or the heap (or within a global variable), it won't be on an executable page, so the program will crash when you try to jump into the code. If you try to store it in the text area (by making use of left-over memory on the last page or by overwriting parts of the JIT-compilers code), the program will crash because you're trying to write to read-only memory.
But thankfully operating systems allow you to change the permissions of a page (on POSIX-systems this can be done using mprotect and on Windows using VirtualProtect). So your first idea might be to store the generated code on the heap and then simply make the containing pages executable. However this can be somewhat problematic: VirtualProtect and some implementations of mprotect require a pointer to the beginning of a page, but your array does not necessarily start at the beginning of a page if you allocated it using malloc (or new or your language's equivalent). Further your array may share a page with other data, which you don't want to be executable.
To prevent these issues, you can use functions, such as mmap on Unix-like operating systems and VirtualAlloc on Windows, that give you pages of memory "to yourself". These functions will allocate enough pages to contain as much memory as you requested and return a pointer to the beginning of that memory (which will be at the beginning of the first page). These pages will not be available to malloc. That is, even if you array is significantly smaller than the size of a page on your OS, the page will only be used to store your array - a subsequent call to malloc will not return a pointer to memory in that page.
So the way that most JIT-compilers work is that they allocate read-write memory using mmap or VirtualAlloc, copy the generated machine instructions into that memory, use mprotect or VirtualProtect to make the memory executable and non-writable (for security reasons you never want memory to be executable and writable at the same time if you can avoid it) and then jump into it. In terms of its (virtual) address, the memory will be part of the heap's area of the memory, but it will be separate from the heap in the sense that it won't be managed by malloc and free.
Heap and stack are the memory regions where programs can allocate at runtime. This is not specific to V8, or JIT compilers. For more detail, I humbly suggest that you read whatever book that illustration came from ;-)

Does simulating memory-mapped I/O using VMX require instruction decoding?

I am wondering how a hypervisor using Intel's VMX / VT technology would simulate memory-mapped I/O (so that the guest could think it was performing memory mapped I/O againsta device).
I think the basic principle would be to set up the EPT page tables in such a way that the memory addresses in question would cause an EPT violation (i.e. VM exit) by setting them such that they cannot be read or written? However, the next question is how to process the VM exit. Such a VM-exit would fill out all the exit qualification reasons etc. including the guest-linear and guest-physical address etc. But what I am missing in these exit qualification fields is some field indicating - in case of a write instruction - the value that was attempted to be written and the size of the write. Likewise, for a read instruction it would be nice with some bit fields indicating the destination of the read, say a register or a memory location (in case of memory-to-memory string operations). This would make it very easy for the hypervisor to figure out what the guest was trying to do and then simulate the device behavior towards the guest.
But the trouble is, I can't find such fields among the exit qualifications. I can see an instruction pointer to where the faulting instruction is, so I could walk the page tables to read in the instruction and then decode it to understand the instruction, then simulate the I/O behavior. However, this requires the hypervisor to have a fairly complete picture of all x86 instructions, and be able to decode them. That seems to be quite a heavy burden on the hypervisor, and will also require it to stay current with later instruction additions. And the CPU should already have this information.
There's a chance that that I am missing these relevant fields because the documentation is quite extensive, but I have tried to search carefully but have not been able to find it. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction OR confirm that the hypervisor will need to contain an instruction decoder.
I believe most VMs decode the instruction. It's not actually that hard, and most VMs have software emulators to fallback on when the CPU VM extensions aren't available or up to the task. You don't need to handle every instruction, just those that can take memory operands, and you can probably ignore everything that isn't a 1, 2, or 4 byte memory operand since you're not likely to emulating device registers other than those sizes. (For memory mapped device buffers, like video memory, you don't want to be trapping every memory accesses because that's too slow, and so you'll have to take different approach.)
However, there is one way you can let the CPU do the work for you, but it's much slower then decoding the instruction itself and it's not entirely perfect. You can single step the instruction while temporarily mapping in a valid page of RAM. The VM exit will tell you the guest physical address access and whether it was a read or write. Unfortunately it doesn't reliably tell you whether it was read-modify-write instruction, those may just set the write flag, and with some device registers that can make a difference. It might be easier to copy the instruction (it can only be a most 15 bytes, but watch out for page boundaries) and execute it in the host, but that requires that you can map the page to same virtual address in the host as in the guest.
You could combine these techniques, decode the common instructions that are actually used to access memory mapped device registers, while using single stepping for the instructions you don't recognize.
Note that by choosing to write your own hypervisor you've put a heavy burden on yourself. Having to decode instructions in software is a pretty minor burden compared to the task of emulating an entire IBM PC compatible computer. The Intel virtualisation extensions aren't designed to make this easier, they're just designed to make it more efficient. It would be easier to write a pure software emulator that interpreted the instructions. Handling memory mapped I/O would be just a matter of dispatching the reads and writes to the correct function.
I don't know in details how VT-X works, but I think I see a flaw in your wishlist way it could work:
Remember that x86 is not a load/store machine. The load part of add [rdi], 2 doesn't have an architecturally-visible destination, so your proposed solution of telling the hypervisor where to find or put the data doesn't really work, unless there's some temporary location that isn't part of the guest's architectural state, used only for communication between the hypervisor and the VMX hardware.
To handle a read-modify-write instruction with a memory destination efficiently, the VM should do the whole thing with one VM exit. So you can't just provide separate load and store interfaces.
More importantly, handling atomic read-modify-writes is a special case. lock add [rdi], 2 can't just be done as a separate load and store.

Does AArch64 support unaligned access?

Does AArch64 support unaligned access natively? I am asking because currently ocamlopt assumes "no".
Providing the hardware bit for strict alignment checking is not turned on (which, as on x86, no general-purpose OS is realistically going to do), AArch64 does permit unaligned data accesses to Normal (not Device) memory with the regular load/store instructions.
However, there are several reasons why a compiler would still want to maintain aligned data:
Atomicity of reads and writes: naturally-aligned loads and stores are guaranteed to be atomic, i.e. if one thread reads an aligned memory location simultaneously with another thread writing the same location, the read will only ever return the old value or the new value. That guarantee does not apply if the location is not aligned to the access size - in that case the read could return some unknown mixture of the two values. If the language has a concurrency model which relies on that not happening, it's probably not going to allow unaligned data.
Atomic read-modify-write operations: If the language has a concurrency model in which some or all data types can be updated (not just read or written) atomically, then for those operations the code generation will involve using the load-exclusive/store-exclusive instructions to build up atomic read-modify-write sequences, rather than plain loads/stores. The exclusive instructions will always fault if the address is not aligned to the access size.
Efficiency: On most cores, an unaligned access at best still takes at least 1 cycle longer than a properly-aligned one. In the worst case, a single unaligned access can cross a cache line boundary (which has additional overhead in itself), and generate two cache misses or even two consecutive page faults. Unless you're in an incredibly memory-constrained environment, or have no control over the data layout (e.g. pulling packets out of a network receive buffer), unaligned data is still best avoided.
Necessity: If the language has a suitable data model, i.e. no pointers, and any data from external sources is already marshalled into appropriate datatypes at a lower level, then there's really no need for unaligned accesses anyway, and it makes the compiler's life that much easier to simply ignore the idea altogether.
I have no idea what concerns OCaml in particular, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if it were "all of the above".

The location of EIP and other registers in x86

I am working with x86 instructions and now I'm confused about where the x86 registers (Like EIP, ESP, etc.) are stored
For example when I use ollydbg I could see what is the actual EIP register alue and how it changes.
If they're stored in memory then where is the actual location? (For example in .data .text or .bss)
And can I change the EIP of another process manually? How?
You have a severe misconception about what a register is.
A register is actually a register, ie. a really small piece of memory in the processor that can contain the operands or can be the target of a CPU instruction. It doesn't have an address in memory - it's really adressable as the register it is.
RAM is something totally different – an x86 program can work completely without RAM, but there's no operation that doesn't work on registers. For example, to add two numbers that are somewhere in RAM, you use LOAD instructions to load these two numbers into two register, and then some ADD instruction to add one number to the other, targeting a register, and then there's some STORE instruction that takes the register value and writes it to some address in RAM.
So, there's no "process-specific" registers. Every CPU core has exactly one set of registers (some specialities like virtualization nonwithstanding), and there's mechanisms to store registers in RAM, and restore them from RAM, for example when calling a function or switching contextes.
Registers are stored in registers, not in the process's own memory.
Debuggers use a special interface provided by the OS to change registers of a running process, including EIP. In Linux, it's the ptrace(2) API.
Being able to change a process's registers from outside the process is related to how the OS saves a process's architectural state to memory for context switches.

What is paging?

Paging is explained here, slide #6 :
in my lecture notes, but I cannot for the life of me understand it. I know its a way of translating virtual addresses to physical addresses. So the virtual addresses, which are on disks are divided into chunks of 2^k. I am really confused after this. Can someone please explain it to me in simple terms?
Paging is, as you've noted, a type of virtual memory. To answer the question raised by #John Curtsy: it's covered separately from virtual memory in general because there are other types of virtual memory, although paging is now (by far) the most common.
Paged virtual memory is pretty simple: you split all of your physical memory up into blocks, mostly of equal size (though having a selection of two or three sizes is fairly common in practice). Making the blocks equal sized makes them interchangeable.
Then you have addressing. You start by breaking each address up into two pieces. One is an offset within a page. You normally use the least significant bits for that part. If you use (say) 4K pages, you need 12 bits for the offset. With (say) a 32-bit address space, that leaves 20 more bits.
From there, things are really a lot simpler than they initially seem. You basically build a small "descriptor" to describe each page of memory. This will have a linear address (the address used by the client application to address that memory), and a physical address for the memory, as well as a Present bit. There will (at least usually) be a few other things like permissions to indicate whether data in that page can be read, written, executed, etc.
Then, when client code uses an address, the CPU starts by breaking up the page offset from the rest of the address. It then takes the rest of the linear address, and looks through the page descriptors to find the physical address that goes with that linear address. Then, to address the physical memory, it uses the upper 20 bits of the physical address with the lower 12 bits of the linear address, and together they form the actual physical address that goes out on the processor pins and gets data from the memory chip.
Now, we get to the part where we get "true" virtual memory. When programs are using more memory than is actually available, the OS takes the data for some of those descriptors, and writes it out to the disk drive. It then clears the "Present" bit for that page of memory. The physical page of memory is now free for some other purpose.
When the client program tries to refer to that memory, the CPU checks that the Present bit is set. If it's not, the CPU raises an exception. When that happens, the CPU frees up a block of physical memory as above, reads the data for the current page back in from disk, and fills in the page descriptor with the address of the physical page where it's now located. When it's done all that, it returns from the exception, and the CPU restarts execution of the instruction that caused the exception to start with -- except now, the Present bit is set, so using the memory will work.
There is one more detail that you probably need to know: the page descriptors are normally arranged into page tables, and (the important part) you normally have a separate set of page tables for each process in the system (and another for the OS kernel itself). Having separate page tables for each process means that each process can use the same set of linear addresses, but those get mapped to different set of physical addresses as needed. You can also map the same physical memory to more than one process by just creating two separate page descriptors (one for each process) that contain the same physical address. Most OSes use this so that, for example, if you have two or three copies of the same program running, it'll really only have one copy of the executable code for that program in memory -- but it'll have two or three sets of page descriptors that point to that same code so all of them can use it without making separate copies for each.
Of course, I'm simplifying a lot -- quite a few complete (and often fairly large) books have been written about virtual memory. There's also a fair amount of variation among machines, with various embellishments added, minor changes in parameters made (e.g., whether a page is 4K or 8K), and so on. Nonetheless, this is at least a general idea of the core of what happens (and it's still at a high enough level to apply about equally to an ARM, x86, MIPS, SPARC, etc.)
Simply put, its a way of holding far more data than your address space would normally allow. I.e, if you have a 32 bit address space and 4 bit virtual address, you can hold (2^32)^(2^4) addresses (far more than a 32 bit address space).
Paging is a storage mechanism that allows OS to retrieve processes from the secondary storage into the main memory in the form of pages. In the Paging method, the main memory is divided into small fixed-size blocks of physical memory, which is called frames. The size of a frame should be kept the same as that of a page to have maximum utilization of the main memory and to avoid external fragmentation.
