Stuck at application upload to appstore in mavericks - ios

I am stucked while uploading to app store, with the message "Your application is being uploaded..."
I have tried all the steps mentioned here:Xcode stuck at “Your application is being uploaded”
Things I did,
My firewall protection is off
Changed #https.proxyPort=443 proxy port to https.proxyPort=80 in
Tried to upload from Application Loader but stucked at "Authenticating with the iTunes store..."
Deleted old certificate,and provisioning profiles, Got new ones.
None of them are working. My system configuration are as follows: OS : 10.9.2 Xcode :5.0 Java : I upgraded from jdk 6 to jdk 7
Jdk folders at Jdk Folders at /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ and /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines are -1.6.0.jdk and -jdk1.7.0_25.jdk ( I have tried with 1.6 alone and 1.7 alone also).
When I run java -version from terminal - java version 1.7.0_25
( I have also tried with version 1.6)
JRE version: From system preferences - > Java -1.7
I have tried to upload from two different places but still no luck.
Are there any other methods to solve this issue? Or is my system configurations, java version ,JRE etc wrong,should i update Xcode?
This is my first upload to app store after upgrading to mavericks/Xcode 5. Prior to this there was no problem. When I validated the app before distributing, it is validated without any problem.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

It happens to me also many times, you can do Something like,
if upload from Application Loader Make sure you are login into itunesconnect in safari.
Uplaod it to some older Version of Application Loader
Upload from Different MAC may some of your friend or colleagues.


ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/' can't be processed."

Problem summary : I would like to submit an app to the Apple App store (TestFlight). I am using Transporter v1.1 to submit the app. I am getting the following error in Transporter during the submission process. Please note that I am not using Xcode in this process.
Actual result:
ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/' can't be processed. Rebuild your app, and all included extensions and frameworks, with the latest GM version of Xcode and resubmit."
Expected result : successful submission to the app store.
Development environment : Expo 36.0.0 / macOS High Sierra v 10.13.6 / Processor 2,3 GHz Intel Core i5 / Transporter v 1.1
What have I tried ? :
Deleting all node modules and installing them again (npm install).
Deleting any old Xcode folders on my mac. Please note that I am not using Xcode.
Checked the version of xcode in package-lock.json. It is 2.0.0 but it is being used as dependancy and not as a direct tool in the submission process.
Generate a new build thrice and submitting it once more in Transporter.
Can anyone please help me in this process ? I know this question has been asked before but the case is not applicable to me because I am not using xcode or application loader to submit the app.
This could help someone in a similar situation. Here is how I solved my problem with the advice of a senior developer.
Using expo diagnostics I found out the version of Xcode that my expo toolkit was using. The answer was undefined because I wasn't using Xcode at all.
Being on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, I needed Xcode 10.1 for compatibility.
I downloaded Xcode 10.1 and also the compatible command line tools.
I transferred the installed Xcode from the downloads folder to applications folder.
Again ran expo diagnostics and noted that expo has taken into account the associated Xcode version.
Ran expo build:ios
Downloaded the .ipa file generated by expo on their server.
Submitted the .ipa file using Transporter to the Apple app store (TestFlight).
Successful submission.

Can't submit ios app for review after installing osx security update

I installed the latest osx security update ( and tried to archive an update for my ios app. The archive was successful. However, after uploading the build to itunes connect with the Application loader, I received the following email :
When trying to submit my app for review I got this other error message :
I am clearly not running any beta build of macos or xcode. Here is my setup : OSX El Capitan 10.11.6, Xcode 7.3 (7D175)
Any one having the same issue? How did you get around this?
Since there have been many errors at iTunes Connect which Apple still can't solve on macOS Sierra (10.12) when uploading archives(build) of our applications,
You must use Xcode 8 no matter what on macOS Sierra
These are common errors that is happening when we upload our archive from Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra (10.12)
ERROR ITMS - 90163 (No.App bundle found)
Now your problem
Changing the build version or Xcode version from info.plist doesn't seen to worked. Believe me, I have tried many alternative hacking ways. Finally I gave up. Instead install Xcode 8 and Xcode 7.3.1 parallel on my mac because I am not ready for migration.
Archive your build from Xcode 7.3.1 and export it's ipa from App Store Release. Then, use Application Loader of Xcode 8 to upload your build to App Store.
Hope this help.
From this thread, try this:
I was able to submit without warnings or errors by digging into the
.xcarchive and modifying the info.plist of the app.
Change the key
to the value for the original 10.11.6
Then export the IPA or submit to the app store as usual.
I didn't test so it could not fix your problem.
From this same thread, this seems to be a recurrent issue when Security Updates are released.
If #marco-santarossa's method does not work, you can wait for Apple to update iTunes Connect so that they accept the new OS build version, or contact support hoping they can speed this up.
I did and after a few hours the same build I had uploaded was submitted for review.

Error ITMS-90047 iTunes Connect

I'm trying to upload my application (build in Xamarin Studio) via Application Loader (version 3.0.0) to iTunes Connect but I keep getting Error ITMS-90047 (see screenshot).
I've submitted previous versions of the application to iTunes Connect (last was 6 days ago) without a problem (the 64bit warning was there but currently I'm using iTunes Connect just for beta testing so it's not a problem).
Here is my .plist file:
I've tried doing clean build, deleting everything from bin directory. Nothing helps. Not even google.
I'd be very grateful for any help cause I'm stuck.
I have exactly the same problem.
You can try delete this plist, it works for me.
Unzip your ipa
Go to destination folder and compress "Payload" folder
Rename it to some_name.ipa
Upload that ipa
Try adding below row in your plist file
Application requires iPhone environment to YES.
I was having a issue with ipa earlier where i was able to create an ipa but was not installing on device. I recently upgraded to XCode 6.2 and build ipa.
Xamarin fixed this issue for applications with 64-bit support.

Uploading app to iTunes Store,Error in Mavericks OSX 10.9.3 ,Xcode 5.1.1 [duplicate]

We Really need some help on this one:
We've Struggled with all the Apple Mumbo-Jumbo for the Last two months and can't seem to get our APP on the APPStore...
Right now my problem is after Validating the ARCHIVE compilation and sharing it.. in the Submit Process I Get -
"An error occurred uploading to the iTunes Store"
I Really don't Know what I'm doing wrong and don't seem to find ANYTHING on the Internet that solves the problem...
I've been stugling with this for over a week now... I've tried:
Creating a new Distribution Profile for Code Signing.
Checking All the Target Settings over and over.
Changing the FTP mode from Passive to non-Passive
Connecting from different networks
Reinstalling Xcode4
some other Work Arounds like Downloading the application Loader (Haven't installed it yet, but I Don't Know if I Should)
Please help us, what do you think could be the problem?
If you are unable to upload Apps to Apple and installed the JavaOSX update (April 3, 2012) this may help you regain your ability to upload Apps:
You can work around this issue by re-creating the old Java 1.5 symlinks:
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
sudo ln -s CurrentJDK /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5
sudo ln -s CurrentJDK /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0
Edit Oct 5, 2012 Oracle's Java 7
Elaborating on Hackmonford's comment below.
This exact error message also occurs with Oracle's Java SE 7 1.7.0_10 package installed. To resolve, open "Java Preferences" and either change the order to have Apple's Java SE 6 first, or untick Oracle's Java 7 while submitting to the app store. Verify your change by opening the Terminal:
prince$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_35"
I was having this problem this week, and installed the Java for OS X Lion 2012-002 update, and the problem cleared up. Resetting disk permissions had no effect.
This just happened again.
For OSX 10.8.2 users (does not have Java preference), the only way to fix this is to uninstall oracle jdk.
cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
sudo rm -rf jdk1.7.0_09.jdk/
I had also a JavaVM / JRE issue. I have installed the JDK 7 preview from Oracle and that mixed up the upload process which told me the known "An error occurred uploading to the iTunes Store".
A quick check of /var/log/system.log (e.g. using tail in a terminal: tail -n 100 /var/log/system.log) brought up the following error message:
Java 1.5, 1.6, or 1.7 is required. Currently, java is the default java version. Please upgrade.
I had installed the MacOS Preview of JDK 7 directly from Oracle. To fix this issue, simply launch the Java Settings app in Utilities and uncheck JDK 7 from Oracle. Of course you should have an alternate JRE from Apple. See the screenshot how my configuration looks. The upload works for me now.
The odd thing is that the Oracle JDK isn't recognized as Java 1.7 by Apple. This seems like a bug.
The GUI tool was removed from MacOS. Now, the only solution I know of is to remove the JDK 1.7 folder manually. See the JDK 7 docs how to do this:
Navigate to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines and remove the directory whose name matches the following format:
For example, to uninstall 7u6:
% rm -rf jdk1.7.0_06.jdk
A bit late, I know - but for anyone still having this problem - Look in your /var/log/system.log log file. In my case the problem was that the iTMSTransporter script (used by the Organizer when uploading the file) used 'awk', and I had to replace it with '/usr/bin/awk'.
Completely solved my problem.
Just in case this is useful for anyone else - for me it was that the Java JRE was not up-to-date. I checked the console and Application Loader was complaining
I had this problem today after installing latest XCode.
I fixed it by running software update and installing latest Java Update.
I tried the same thing as Hernan, but even with application loader 1.3 I wasn't able to upload.
I noticed that this has happened after installing OSx Lion and upgrading XCode to 4.1!
I followed Joe's tip and I found out that JAVA wasn't even installed.
Follow this blog entry:
Unable to Upload App to App Store
My mbp now run Xcode4.2(4D199) on Lion, I installed the latest java for Lion. And finally I sovled this issue.
Many guys said, he can used the old Application Loader app to upload the apps. so I guess the problem is the latest Application Loader app(2.4.1 (190)), and the fact told me I am right
Okie, in short words:
Here is the solution:
1.I hope you guys do not delete the old Xcode(4.1). We Should pick up the old version Application Loader app.
cd <Install Xcode app>/Contents/Resources/Packages
cp ApplicationLoader.pkg ~/Desktop/
Now, you get the ApplicationLoader package.
2.Install the old one.
Tips: you can remove the latest Application Loader app in path: /Developer/Applications/Utilities/ or just remane it.
That's All.
Hope this way can help you and enjoy the new Xcode4.2. Also hope apple developer can saw this problem and test the latest Application Loader app more.
No Problems submitting to AppStore on April 1st. Issue occured on April 9th. Installing the Java for OS X Lion 2012-002 update via Mac-OS software updater and rebooting the machine fixed it.
Just update to the latest JAVA at your Mac Software Update.
Here is the steps to resolve this issue:
To start with I had installed Oracles Java 1.7 JDK, which was really messing things up.
Went to Finder>Applications and entered in Search box - JavaAppletPlugin.plugin
Right clicked and removed to trash.
A check in Terminal for Java version still showed Java 1.7
my-imac:~ my$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_07"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_07-b10)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.3-b01, mixed mode)
1. Finder>Library>Java>JavaVirtualMachines showed the 1.7 SDK (make note of exact name of the Directory name)
Just in case anything went wrong I copied the 1.7 SDK folder to my desktop before doing the next item
2. In terminal type
cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
3. You should now be in that directory
sudo rm -rf jdk1.7.0_06.jdk (or whatever the exact name of the directory is in step 1.)
You may have to enter your administrator password
The directory should now be deleted and you can verify in Terminal by
java -version
Mine now showed "Java 1.6_xxx"
Went into Xcode Organizer and distributed my app to the iTunes store without a problem. Whoo,hoo!

What does "unsupported architecture" mean when loading app via Application Loader?

I'm using phonegap build service for our iOS application, (the app is built on HTML5), and the delivered ipa file from phonegap works fine using a development provisioning profile on our devices. However, when attempting to load the app to the app store (using a release provisioning profile for itunes), we get this from the application loader
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contains
unsupported architectures '[12-11]'." at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset
This happens for versions 2.8 and 2.9 of Application loader. We're using Phonegap build service 2.7, 2.9 and 3.0. How can we determine what the "unsupported architectures" are from PhonegapBuild ? is there a method for identifying what features we are using that may be contributing to this error ?
I have managed to successfully upload the app. The issues was that I was running OSX 10.7.5 and running Application Loader 2.8 (AL), which seems to be compatible with Moutain Lion (10.8). Once upgrading to Mountain Lion you can do another update to 10.8.5 which will install Application Loader 2.9. (You can upgrade to 10.8 via the Apple=>"App Store" option on your Mac. It is a paid upgrade.)
If you downloaded the latest AL from the itunes connect portal and install it, it doesn't tell you that it's incompatible with older verions of Mac OSX before 10.8. All you'll get is an obscure message that your ipa is an "unsupported architecture" which in "Appleonean" means "You need to upgrade your version of OSX". Extremely misleading as it's nothing to do with your IPA, it's your OS. Even reading the PDF from Apple about AL there is no indication for minimum system requirements..
same here - this app previously uploaded fine but when I try a support update I get this error along with a warning about a missing icon of 120px, 76px, and 152px
