Bad permissions for Gerrit Administrator - gerrit

I have a Gerrit system were my user is part of the Administrators group but I can't view a review I just created for a newer project. I believe the projected worked in 2.7 but I just upgraded to 2.8.1.
I'm assuming that if I'm part of the Administrator group I should be able to view anything especially something I created.
I can view and change information in other projects. The Access page of the problem project looks similar to the ones that work.
What can I look at to see what's causing the issue?
Is there a problem with projects with the directory structure like test/widget?

Magnus was correct.
It was totally a config problem because I'm using a proxy. The answer was in the release notes for 2.8.0. It only looked and acted like a permissions problem. I updated my apache config and now everything works fine. Updates in bold
AllowEncodedSlashes On
ProxyPass /r/ nocanon


neo4j-APOC plugin stopped working

Plugin APOC was working for me for a long time which means I have it copied at right place and I have edited config file correctly. But today I needed to create same graph on different data set so I stopped neo4j service, removed database directy, restarted it, changed password then copied plugins directory in neo4j directory(as I'm not using shell) and again restarted neo4j serivice. Then tried to execute the same query again and got error messgae.
There is no procedure with the name apoc.create.relationship registered for this database instance. and the query I'm using is as following
CALL apoc.create.relationship(n, network.connection, {}, m) yield rel
I have made following change based on a stackoverflow post,
uncommented following line
and added plugin directory path, restarted service even restarted system but still not working. I have done this(removing neo4j directory...) in past multiple times but this has never happened to me. Even I have tried replacing old apoc.jar with newly downloaded one before. I have neo4j3.3.0 with apoc3.3.0.1jar with windows10. Can anybody tell me what have I done wrong this time? Thanks in advance.
EDIT 1: when I uncomment above line in config file my other plugins also stop working but after commenting it other plugins like graph algorithms are working but not APOC
Since you are using APOC procedures and graph algorithms, I think you have configured your config file this way:**
If it is the case, change these lines to:*,apoc.*
I really don't know what the problem was, I uninstalled it with logs and config files, downloaded latest version which didn't pose any headaches of editing config file for csv files and for plugins and it worked.
If someone is reading this question and has done everything correctly. Set the correct permissions on the plugins directory, uncommented the whitelisted and unrestricted sections of the /etc/neo4j.conf, checked if the version of the Apoc jar you're loading is the same version as neo4j, etc. and can't make it work.
Try to restart your PC, that was what did it for me, for some weird reason.

MVC site not running after deployment to production server

I have performed below steps in order:
1) Taken publish from VS for MVC site and copy it to production.
2) I did all changes in IIS (created app, selected app pool etc.)
3) Deployed db and given rights to my user
4) Changed connection string in web.config
On production IIS,it looks like as but when I run it from browser it shows blank. I have checked with developer tools too but does not show any error.
On the same server, I have another sites like with exactly similar configuration and it is working but mine one is not working.Please suggest how to investigate this further? Did I missed any step here?
finally I found the issue. I need to add entry in DNS

VS 2012 publishing a webside 2 big problems

I am new to coding and everytime I ask a question I feel like stupid because I mostly am unfamiliar with most known things in this "industry" so I will sum up the whole situation fastly.
I learned how to code html css and js, I learned how to use VS 2012 mvc 4 and finally I made a webside for a student club I am into. Hosting is provided by our school and they only gave me ftp user name and password, I dont know which hosting firm is it or what is going on and so on, I got Filezilla to delete and unpublish the old webside, and I didnt know a proper way to publish websides through filezilla so I used VS 2012 publish tool.
I choosed FTP as publish method because I had ftp user name... I choosed relase as configuration and thats it ( I didnt open options here ) finally I could push on publish...
I faced 2 main problems so I couldnt publish
Problems I faced were;
1) While I was trying to publish I got an error like
" Validation (HTML5): Element 'a' must not be nested within element 'a button' "
I was trying to make a nav with sub items on it, It worked while I was trying it on local host I saw similar problems spoken out here on VS 2010 I tried to make exstensions to VS didnt work out
Anyway I deleted that part from the project and I tried publishing again.
2)It worked out perfect it seemed like no problem occoured. But when I try to open the webside it was saying I had no permisson to view.
I hope I didnt write any off topic staff here just try to tell you my problems so maybe someone can get help like I did from prior topics.
" Validation (HTML5): Element 'a' must not be nested within element 'a
button' "
You cannot have one anchor tag inside another anchor tag. If you have it that will cause you the problem.
Check out this thread to find out valid elements which can be nested inside an Anchor tag.
I had no permisson to view.
You need to give proper read/write permissions for the ApplicationPool Identity on the folder structure you have for your website. Or else IIS Apppool will not be able to get the files and execute them.
Give permissions to AppPool Identity for a particular folder/file. That resource will guide you one how to give you permissions to Application Pool Identity.
Alternatively you can give permissions from FileZilla itself. Simply right click the application root folder and select permissions. Then you can specify permissions from client side itself. But in most of the production cases, we have to add app pool user to the folder/file permissions list manually. But definitely give a try with FileZilla.

Issue with startitem in Sitecore

We have four different environments - dev VMs, dev, QA and prod. All environments have the following setting for the "website" site:
<site name="website" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/"
rootPath="/sitecore/content" startItem="/home" database="master"
domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="false"
htmlCacheSize="10MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize="0"
xslCacheSize="5MB" filteredItemsCacheSize="2MB" enablePreview="true"
enableWebEdit="true" enableDebugger="true"
disableClientData="false" loginPage="/" hostName=""
enableFallback="true" enforceVersionPresence="true"/>.
So on VM and prod, and work.
But on dev and QA, works but doesn't work. (Works with startItem but gets a 404 without it).
This is happening with ISAPI enabled and disabled both (no exceptions).
I am not sure what is going on here or where else to look except to make sure that my start item is in good shape which it seems to be.
What can I do to resolve this? If you need more information please let me know.
Try looking at the:
"linkManager" tag in the web.config, there is a property called:
languageEmbedding: asNeeded | always | never
which could be set differently on those solutiuons.
If you have Multi-Language website it is recommended to go with
languageEmbedding: always
Advantages :
Some time in IE8 the Language cookie is destroyed, because of that
the language displayed is change randomly.(We have faced this issue
in our environment) LanguageEmbadding : Always will keep the Information and will work without any Issue.
If you have set asNeeded then First time the Language will be displayed and next time onward it will be hidden. But this will create issue with Google Analytics. In GA you will have 2 diff URL with same page content so your analysis will be unnecessarily divided in to 2 pages.
And Yes you can check if there is any difference is Config files. As Mentioned by Martijn you can use the Copy the Config, compare it using any file compare tool like WinMerge etc.
What is the Hierarchy in your project?
Sitecore-Content-home-Press or
In my project the setting you have mentioned has database = web.
I can't add a comment, but as Martijn says you need to compare the configs. Now this should be very easy since you should be using config include files and so the changes between the environments should be very minimal. If you are not using them then you should start using them, it makes life much easier to figure out the differences from default Sitecore installation and will also make your upgrades much easier in the future. Or maybe you are using them for the other environments and that is what is causing the issue?
All About web.config Include Files with the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS
As for comparing the configs, use a file comparison tool like WinMerge as already metioned, that should weed out the differences much more easily.
Also, as Maulik says, default config has: database="web" content="master"
This seems like config differences. Compare the live configs by using This way you can see the actual config which also includes all your /app_config/include/ files

How to configure JIRA_HOME?

How to configure JIRA_HOME? I'm getting an error:
Configured jira.home '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone' must not be a parent directory of the webapp servlet path '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira'
Changed it and now I get this:
Configured jira.home '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira' must not be the same as the webapp servlet path '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira'
Have a look in here, if you're still having troubles please write what did you set JIRA_HOME to be and where did you defined it, thanks.
Yea, that documentation is more of 'how to' instead of 'what'. A better explanation of what the JIRA_HOME should be is writen in more details here.
Anyway, if you feel that the documentation are confusing or just bad, you could do everyone a favour and write it at the bottom of the page, under comments, so other could see it easily.
The JIRA documentation does NOT! make it clear even to a seasoned programmer that this JIRA_HOME directory is referring to a data directory and not the installation directory. If there are any JIRA folks out there please fix this outragious misunderstanding in your documentation. JAVA_HOME refers to you guessed it the installation location of java. Its called a 'convention' if you want to invent some other meaning please say so it your documentation and don't wast valuable developer time on installing your productivity tool. Think its not a problem? Google 'must not be the same as the webapp servlet path' and see what you get back. Thanks for wasting my afternoon, and no doubt the time of many others.
(warning) However, avoid locating the JIRA Home Directory inside the JIRA Installation Directory.
This appears in only documentation point and is not the first place people look as noted above
Just create a folder named JIRA, then set the environment variable JIRA_HOME as D:\JIRA, as well as the application properties file.
jira.home = D:\\JIRA
Don't be confused with the JAVA_HOME, JIRA_HOME has absolutely nothing to do with the folder of your zip ball downloaded from official website.
JIRA_HOME is an empty folder where JIRA will create everything it needs in a RUNTIME.
It is NOT a folder where your unpacked JIRA distribution resides.
P.S. yes it is confusing still in 2021
