How to configure JIRA_HOME? - jira

How to configure JIRA_HOME? I'm getting an error:
Configured jira.home '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone' must not be a parent directory of the webapp servlet path '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira'
Changed it and now I get this:
Configured jira.home '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira' must not be the same as the webapp servlet path '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira'

Have a look in here, if you're still having troubles please write what did you set JIRA_HOME to be and where did you defined it, thanks.
Yea, that documentation is more of 'how to' instead of 'what'. A better explanation of what the JIRA_HOME should be is writen in more details here.
Anyway, if you feel that the documentation are confusing or just bad, you could do everyone a favour and write it at the bottom of the page, under comments, so other could see it easily.

The JIRA documentation does NOT! make it clear even to a seasoned programmer that this JIRA_HOME directory is referring to a data directory and not the installation directory. If there are any JIRA folks out there please fix this outragious misunderstanding in your documentation. JAVA_HOME refers to you guessed it the installation location of java. Its called a 'convention' if you want to invent some other meaning please say so it your documentation and don't wast valuable developer time on installing your productivity tool. Think its not a problem? Google 'must not be the same as the webapp servlet path' and see what you get back. Thanks for wasting my afternoon, and no doubt the time of many others.
(warning) However, avoid locating the JIRA Home Directory inside the JIRA Installation Directory.
This appears in only documentation point and is not the first place people look as noted above

Just create a folder named JIRA, then set the environment variable JIRA_HOME as D:\JIRA, as well as the application properties file.
jira.home = D:\\JIRA
Don't be confused with the JAVA_HOME, JIRA_HOME has absolutely nothing to do with the folder of your zip ball downloaded from official website.

JIRA_HOME is an empty folder where JIRA will create everything it needs in a RUNTIME.
It is NOT a folder where your unpacked JIRA distribution resides.
P.S. yes it is confusing still in 2021


Map a file in Docker using Docker Volume [duplicate]

change a file in a jar / war file in runtime and hotdeploy the changes ?
my requirement is something as follows, we have a "" in a jar/war file , i have to open the file through a webpage and after the user has made necessary changes to it, i have to update the "" in jar/war file and hot deploy it. can we achieve this feat ? if so can you please point me to relevant sites/documents so that i can jumpstart on this.
I will strongly recommend your architecht rethink this solution. What you describe should be done through JNDI or a similar technique, not through reloading properties.
Deployments should be considered static - that any given web container allows for magic trickery should not be depended on, and WILL break some day (most likely at the most inconvenient time).
You've got a couple of problems off the top of my head:
ensuring that nothing is holding static references to a java.util.Properties that has previously loaded your file.
most servlet engines will unpack your war to a working directory so the properties file you load won't be the one in the war, it will be the unpacked one. This means your changes
will be overwritten when you restart the servlet engine because this is typically one of the points the war is unpacked.
While these problems aren't insurmountable I've always found it much easier to implement this sort of behavior by storing the properties in JNDI (as Thorbjørn suggests) or a database (while being careful about the static references I mentioned in point 1).
The JNDI/database solution has the nice side effect of easing deployment into multiple environments because each typically has it's own registry/database.
Even that I agree with the comments explained before, I could suggest one solution:
Apache Commons Configuration extension gives you the posibility to do something like:
config.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy());
That could make the trick to change the configuration file on a runtime basis with no code at all.
However, like JNDI and other methods of web application configuration, the security is a concern. Be careful on which parameters you can/must be able to configure.

Jenkins: File Operations Plugin

I just started with using jenkins, and learning a lot.
Installed on windows 7.
One thing i can figure out is about File operations plugin.
I don't know how to set up just simple "copy, paste" from one location to another.
Yea maybe is dumb, but i just cant figure out, try a lot of and always got build break.
What i need to set up for simple test ? like i liked to say, show me a door, i'll figure out rest :)
The include file pattern wants an ANT style filter (relative to your workspace as the root).
Include File Pattern: myWorkspaceSubFolder\*.txt
Target location also assumes the root workspace though I guess you can redirect it to another drive.

How to get Swagger UI to work based on documentation guide? (even the example)

I am trying to use Swagger UI to document our node.js API, so I went to, down to Swagger UI Documentation -> Usage, to find this
Now, this is not the only place that provides these instructions, there are dozens of blogs & tutorials saying the same thing, so that's exactly what I did.
Cloned the repo, went into /dist/ and ran the /dist/index.html and all I get is an empty page with an error:
I'm slowly going crazy now as I can't find anything about it and literally every place I looked just has the same, copied, instructions with nothing else provided (like what could go wrong? you just open a file...)
Any help or explanations are much appreciated!
P.S. for some reason opening the /public/index.html works (mentioned nowhere on the www)
I think this is bug in new version of swagger-UI. This is fresh release and they are still modifying and fixing bugs.
Look here: Swagger-ui cannot access JS scripts. This seems to be similar problem, maybe it will help you.

wso2 esb console localization

I'd like to translate the management console to localized language. I've try to follow the instructions from as a starting point, cause I think that should be in the same theory. But this didn't work, and cause an exception when entering the site.
I see the document is pretty old (2011), is this not work anymore? or the procedure has been changed?
sorry, forgot to mention, I'm using WSO2 ESB 4.8.1.
Yes as you have mentioned, above link is outdated. However, the concept is same in new versions as well. Keeping an extracted jar file in the plugins directory will no longer work since we have disabled that along the way as a security fix.
Herewith I have given [1]. the latest documentation of "Customizing the Management Console" of the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus. You can use it as a starting point.
If you need further help regarding this issue, please let me know.

Where do I put the files I want to be displayed on my webpage on my webhost?

So I just finished the twitter clone example and I want to put it online with my web hosting provider bluehost. Right now all I have is a file called sample_app with all of the rails stuff in it. And it works fine when I visit it on localhost:3000.
So I go to my bluehost file manager and there are 9 different folders, like public_html, public_ftp, rails_apps, www, tmp, access_logs, ect. Ive uploaded sample_app into this overall directory and into the public_html directory itself. But when I visit my website it just displays the html in a default.html file in the public_html directory.
What exactly is telling my hosting service to use public_html/default.html of any of the hundereds of different files and folders that are in other places on my server space? How do I find this thing and tell it to instead use sample_app or public_html/sample_app and then process everything in that to display my rails application?
Ive tried using bluehost support and they emailed me and said this would be accomplished by creating a symlink which links ~/rails_apps/NinetyNine/public to ~/public_html. I have no idea how to do this and the guides I find online all tell me to enter a series of commands. I dont know whether to do this in a terminal on my ubuntu system or some command prompt that bluehost provides. If it is at a terminal on my system which directory should I be in? any attempts I have made on my system have resulted in a no such file or directory error. When I asked bluehost to explain this they said that this was outside of the scope of their support and had to do with web development not hosting. It struck me as odd that they were unwilling to explain their own response to my problem but whatever.
If anyone of you could help me or point me in the right direction I would very much appreciate it. Thank you
What is telling my hosting service to use public_html/default.html ?
That would be a setting the web server configuration, probably Apache.
In Apache's case, the public_html directory is usually enabled with the
UserDir directive.
The default.html, is also an Apache configuration, DirectoryIndex.
Answering these because you asked: but typically, the global Apache configuration
is maintained by your provider (though you usually have some means to customize
parts of it).
Create the symlink from public_html to
They like gave you a command like (maybe not exactly)
$ ln -s ~/rails_apps/NinetyNine/public public_html
That is something that is intended to be run on your webhost, from a command prompt,
at the top of your home directory.
Look for docs on bluehost for finding out how to get SSH shell access.
That's where you'll enter the command.
More generally, however, you want to make sure you read the docs on how your
provider wants you to upload applications. Bluehost seems to have very nice
docs here:
Why your hosting provided said it was out of scope.
You're a beginner, and that's officially OK. Welcome!
But if you asked them a question like "Do I enter these commands on my computer
or yours", they are definitely going to politely respond that this out of scope;
meaning -- "We can't hand-hold you through this". If you ran a gas station and
someone asked you how to use the pump, you'd tell them. But if they then asked
"OK but do I put the gas in my car or yours?" you'd be reluctant to answer, because
there's some fundamental missing.
So how do I get more pointers, directions on this stuff?
Lots of approaches. By the far the best is to do as much stuff as you can on
your own computer. In your case, you could easily set up your own Apache
(Macs and Linux frequently ship with it - readily installable on Windows), and
that would clear up a lot of the conceptual issues.
Good luck!
