How do I enable wifi debugging for Google Glass -

I am debugging my app with my head almost laying on my desk. Neck cramps suck.
I am using Xamarin Mono in Visual Studio 2012 if that matters. Thanks.

While "wireless" ADB interaction can be set up for Android phones, there does not appear to be a way to do this yet with Google Glass (corrections welcome for this assertion!).
You might consider one of the following manual debugging methods:
[hardware] Use a long usb cable connection to your development PC
Use ScreenCast and its ability to control Glass (reference here), excerpt follows
Start a screencast and let others see what you see through Glass via
the display on your Android phone or tablet. You can even control
Glass from a screencast. Swipe on your screen like you would your
touchpad to use your phone as a remote control.


Remotely control Mac cursor from iOS App (move mouse cursor programmatically)

Does anybody know how to do that? I've looked into the Mac Developer documentation but couldn't find a way to move mouse cursor programmatically.
I think that you should make a client on ios side, and next server on computer side and next control mouse using this server by establishing some protocol communicating through sockets.
You can use any VNC application to control a mac if you share the screen.
There is a free one (VNC Viewer) available as an extension in Chrome. You can install it from within Chrome through the Play Store. And there are some cheap pay ones in the Apple store. This gives you complete control over the machine when you are on the same WiFi network.
You have to set the machine to be controlled up for screen sharing in the System Preferences > Sharing pane and log onto it remotely from the phone.
There are also a number of remote mouse apps in the Apple store, last I looked some have free trials, but none are completely free.

Testing a website for mobile?

I got a ASP.NET MVC website that is working fine in most desktop browers, now I need to make a version for mobile and my though is to use CSS Media Queries for this but I have no clue on how to test the page during development? Is there any desktop application that can be used like a mobile browser?
If all you want to do is test the media queries firing on certain viewport widths simply reduce the width of your browser. You can watch the UI change as different media queries fire.
You can also use browser plugins to define and set viewport resolutions. I use "Resize Window" for Chrome.
There is an Android emulator out there that you can download and run on the desktop, but this is mostly used for testing device specific features.
When it comes down to it the best way to test mobile websites is on the devices you are targeting.
you can try with
if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice == true)
To test your website you can use Chrome, there is a nice features included in it. You can change the user-agent and, then, emulate à resolution of an Ipad, Iphone or any smartphone.
It's pretty usefull to test responsive design and stuff :)
Well, in addition, be carefull it's only "simulation" it never remplace some real tests but it's nice for conception and pre-production process !
Here is a link about the change user agent feature of chrome :
I would suggest 3 tools that can help you:
Adobe Shadow It lets you sync up the website you're viewing on your desktop browser to your mobile through the Adobe Shadow App, and you can use Chrome's dev tools on the mobile site through this method.
Remote Debugging with Chrome on Androids like Adobe Shadow you can debug and test your site through the chrome dev tools. However, you'll need an Android phone running on ICS.
Lastly, if you have the Xcode - you can use the iPhone simulator to view your sites. It is very accurate, you don't get the realtime debugging like you would with the previous two, but you can test your site on the fly after each update.

iPad emulator suggestion

my employer is killing me.
I'm currently editing our website to fit on iPad's display, however I do not have an iPad. I have tried the desktop iPad emulator called airiPad made by adobe and the online
both are working but whenever my boss send me his screenshots from his iPad it looks very different so I'm asking advice and suggestion on what emulator can I use to get the most accurate results..
P.S All of our computer units are running on windows7.
I would suggest trying Safari under Windows, I suppose that's the best you can get on Windows.
The only thing you need from the simulator is its Webkit engine, and some 3rd party solutions hardly will deliver you the very same engine as the one on the Mac OS X or iOS.
Also, here are some Apple's guidelines on compatibility.

Method for demonstrating iPad application in online meetings

We have recently developed an iPad application and now need to start demonstrating it to customers and prospects as part of our overall product suite during webinars. As part of our Agile methodology, we also need to periodically review the application with key customers without having to distribute it since the application is not a standalone application and requires a connection to web services installed at each customer site.
We have searched high and low for any solution that doesn't involve rooting the device but have been unable to find one. The most common suggestion seems to be to point a webcam at the device, but that comes across as very unprofessional.
I know that there are VGA out adapters that can be plugged into the iPad and we have used these to present through a projector when the customer is physically present, but this is a relatively rare occurrence. Perhaps there are solutions that we are unaware of that can be used to send VGA output back into a desktop device for screen sharing?
Put a Slingbox on your LAN and connect the iPad video to the Slingbox video input. Then use a web browser on your computer to view the Slingbox feed and share your screen with WebEx as usual.
EDIT - BTW, there are other gadgets besides the Slingbox to get composite video into a computer such as Elgato Video Capture to name one.
A better option would be to use
(Im not affiliated with the company).
I use this app.
It can be used with Windows or Mac.
Easy to use -- the only trouble I have is I keep poking my PC instead of the iPad.

How to test a web application on an iPad and other tablets without buying them?

Is there a trustworthy way to test iPad compatibility of a web application without buying the device itself? What about other tablets, do they provide any emulators?
If you have a Mac, just register with Apple (for free) and download the iOS SDK. It includes a program called 'iOS Simulator', which you can launch directly without knowing anything about Xcode/etc and includes Mobile Safari just like a real iPad. Since WebKit is exposed to iPad programmers for use in their programs, I'd expect the simulation to render identically to the real thing and, in practise, have never noticed any differences.
The iOS Developer Centre is here. Sadly, I have no experience of other tablets.
This is past mid-2012, now there are plugins or settings for User-Agent that "emulate" the connections for ipad (ios4 & ios5). Well it tricks the server into thinking that it is a different device.
For example, using Chrome, press F12 and click on settings (bottom right) and one of the tabs allows you to emulate the different devices.
safari -
FF needs plugin:
IE8 -
IE9/10 - anyone can help?
