Thinktecture Identity Server - setup external identity providers - oauth-2.0

I'm following Brock's tutorial on OAuth2 identity providers: OAuth2 in Thinktecture IdentityServer : OAuth2 identity providers and I'm having problems trying to setup each provider details. I'm trying to use google and facebook.
Google: What I've done is. I've created new project, within which I've gone to APIs & auth > Credentials > Create New Client ID and then chose "Web Application" option. On "Client ID for web application" panel in "Javascript Origins" section I have pasted base URL of my IdSrv (https://somename). I have copied Client ID and Client secret and pasted both into appropriate sections in IdSrv identity provider shown in tutorial. When I run the application I get the invalid_request error from Google saying Invalid parameter value for redirect_uri: Non-public domains not allowed: https://somename/idsrv/issue/hrd/oauth2callback
In case of Facebook, I've created new App, and was trying to set "Site URL" in basic settings to https://somename, but got an alert saying "must be a URL with a valid domain." which I believe is essentially the same as what the Google error message is saying
My question is: How can I deploy a test version of my IdSrv then? I just want a quick and simple environment for testing purposes for now. Am running the IdSrv in my local IIS, was following Dominick installation tutorial video Thinktecture IdentityServer v2 Tutorial: Installation

When we setup IdentityServer for local testing we configure it to run under IIS with a custom host name and then setup a entry in the local hosts file. To google this should appear as a public URL.

An easier approach is to use one of the localhost DNS services that exist.
For example, resolves to as does, and


DocuSign Power Apps Custom Connector not working

I am setting up the DocuSign rest connector in power apps. I have other API's that working well this same way.
I want to get this setup to sweep completed files on a scheduled.
I started by going through this tutorial and tried the same setup. But when I try to test the connector I don't get prompted for credentials. We use SSO - so the window comes up and goes away without an error message.
I then tried to create a connection in in power automate Data/Connections and get an error message after entering my dev credentials. The clientid (integration key) and the secret match.
OAuth2 authorization flow failed for service 'Generic Oauth 2'. OAuth 2 sign in failed to exchange code for access token. Client ID and secret sent in form body.. Response status code=NotFound. Response body: { "statusCode": 404, "message": "Resource not found" } Client ID and secret sent in Basic authorization header.. Response status code=NotFound. Response body: { "statusCode": 404, "message": "Resource not found" }
The setup looks correct. It seems like a reference problem = like the production account and the developer account are not in sync or something. I have the same email address for both production and developer accounts and we use SSO - maybe its trying to reference production and not the developer account when its logging in? Just guessing.
I have a ticket with them, but they have note been able to help so far and they are on AEST time and I won't be able to get a response back from them for another couple of days :(
(I tried using the DocuSign Git repo API to create the connection as well - same problem)
Anyone have problems like this or know a solution? Anything else I can look at. This seems all straight forward -standard OAuth setup.
Using this setup like in the article for the demo (dev) account.
IKey: Integration Key [captured earlier]
Secret Key: Secret Key [captured earlier]
Authorization URL (DEMO):
Token URL (DEMO):
Refresh URL (DEMO):
Scope: signature extended
This will connect to a single DocuSign user (like a "service account"). It will not prompt each user for their credentials. You will need 1 generic user setup within your DocuSign account, without SSO (you can setup an exception user in DocuSign admin. This is best practice when setting up SSO as a fallback in case SSO fails to login as well).
The envelope will be sent from that generic user, not the actual user. This is common practice with some "system level" integrations.
Also, are you connecting a DocuSign "demo" or production account?
I ask because there's two connectors for power automate - "DocuSign" (for production) and "Docusign Demo" (for demo). I would recommend doing it all in demo first, as the "client id" (aka "integration key") needs to go through a go-live process to be promoted from demo to prod (see the link in the guide).

Generating Credentials Auth Error - redirect_uri

I'm receiving an Authorization error when attempting to generate an authorization code:
Error 400: invalid_request
You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's
OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure.
If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details
comply with Google policies. redirect_uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
I've used this Google tutorial to replicate and confirm the issue:
It is generating this URL:[HIDDEN]&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&[HIDDEN]&prompt=consent&access_type=offline
Here is a workaround provided by jdtoth on Github:
Thanks jdtoth!
I found a workaround for creating a new user. In my case, I needed to
create a specific type of API credential. Here is what I did:
Create a new OAuth Client credential using the link below, ensuring
the application type is "Web application" and set Authorized Redirect
URIs to "http://localhost"
Download the key, and create the user in the Assistant Relay appas you
tried before. When it opens a new browser window to authorize the
google account, you might need to bypass a warning. After you do this,
a blank browser window will open but the address bar will contain the
auth code you need. Grab the code from the relevant part of the URL
here and paste it back into the Assistant Relay app:
Let me know if this works. I am successfully sending commands to the
Assistant Relay server but nothing is playing on my speakers.

Auth0 ADFS - Can't Find Federation Metadata URL - Next Steps

This post became much longer than anticipated, TLDR: Where is my ASFS Federation Metadata located on my server? My overall task to the setup a test ADFS server in order to integrate our current application with ADFS
Hello, I'm trying to integrate our application with ADFS (it's a WPF application with a NodeJS backend), and I'm testing out Auth0 for this job (but if there are other simple solutions, I would be open to that as well - I've found no good guides so far ): espeically as a developer with no AD experience).
Regardless, I think I've set up a single server AD FS environment (locally as server1.local - with AD CS, AD DS and AD FS and that same server is the domain controller/DNS server) and set up an Auth0 relying party using this guide:
In the next steps part, it says: try these quickstart guides. So I've downloaded the Angular2 quick start example project to test. But when I go to the enterprise connections and try to set up an ADFS connection, it asks for a ADFS URL
You can either provide the ADFS URL or upload the federation metadata file.
But I can't seem to find my ADFS URL. Not only that, my server is local, so it wouldn't be able to use my URL anyways right? I can just upload the metadata instead?
I've tried going to https://server1.local/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml and and https://localhost/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml which under endpoints that's the one that shows, but ie says:
Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to https://server1.local again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4 (link for the details), which is not considered secure. Please contact your site administrator.
I've enabled TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 and this still doesn't seem to give me my metadata. I've also tried that URL on Chrome and it gives a generic "This site can't be reached"
How do I get my metadata?
In the ADFS configuration, look for what you configured as your federation service name.
Use this in the URL.
https://federation service name/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml
BTW the federation service name should not be the FQDN of the server.

how can i configure the service provider in wso2is for different tenants of version 5.2.0

As per the documentation, enabling the SAAS Application, allows the Service provider to all tenants is not working.Even Though we have created the service provider per each tenant.
when login by using wso2is authentication page it is saying authentication fails.
I have seen the log file of WSO2IS it says service provider has to be registered.
But,we have tested the same service provider application name by using the soap webservice by giving the same credentials it is giving the response.
Thanks In advance,
Solution is,
Verify the ClientId/ClientSecret is associated with the Application/SP.
If Using SoapWS, for OAuthServices then use the super-user credentials(~assuming the clientID/clientSecret belongs to superUser).
If using HTTP-Post:Binding, replace the secToken, respective to each user(~this is for validation in SAMLsoo/SAMLAssertion).
Hope it helps..!

WebSphere Liberty Profile OIDC Client URL

I am trying to use the WebSphere Liberty Profile OIDC Client feature. I have the feature installed and configured, but I am confused about what URL I should be using to connect to it. In the WLP Knowledge Center, it shows an example like this:
But when my WLP server comes up, I see the following URL in the log: I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module OpenID Connect Client Redirect Servlet has been bound to default_host. A CWWKT0016I: Web application available (default_host): http://ibm669-r9v0dvb:11080/oidcclient/
I don't know whether to use 'oidcclient' (probably) or 'oidc'. I also don't know what to put as the PROVIDER_NAME. I tried using the ID of my OIDCClient:
<openidConnectClient id="oidcRP"
I tried connecting with this, but it's not finding it:
http://ibm669-r9v0dvb:11080/oidcclient/endpoint/oidcRP/authorize?scope=openid&response_type=code&client_id=XXX&redirect_uri= W handleRequest SRVE0190E: File not found: /endpoint/oidcRP/authorize
Can anyone tell me what URL I should be using to connect to the client?
The Liberty openidConnectClient feature enables Liberty as a client to openid connect provider. The configuration parameters inside openidConnectClient are information about openidConnectProvider, for example, the openidConnect provider's authorization endpoint and token endpoint.
What is your openid connect provider? Liberty also can be configured as openid Connect provider. If you also want to use Liberty as openid connect provider, you can create another Liberty instance and enable openidConnectProvider feature.
