How many submissions can be made using praw at a time? - reddit

I used praw to submit a link on a subreddit, but when I tried to add one more it asked me to do it after an hour. But when I do the same thing using the reddit site, It allows me to add as many links as I want. Does praw inhibits us to add more than one link per hour per user or is it checked by reddit api?

The answer is still no. Asking the question a fifth time will not change that.


Buy historcal tweets for a specific period and specific keyword in Arabic

I want to buy data from twitter or any other source that can sell twitter data legally. I want all tweets that mention a specific keyword in the last six months. I want them to make analysis for a research purpose.
It seems that plan were changed in recent days for twitter and Gnip.
I'd recommend going to
It'll ask you to submit the query rules you're looking for and the duration of time. Once that's set up, a Twitter employee should reach out with an estimate.

Upvote Youtube Comment With API

Hello guys i was reading google youtube data api But i did not found any way to upvote or like the comment on video. anyone have any info on this
I think it's safe to conclude this feature does not exist for the following reasons,
The otherwise thorough API documentation makes no mention of this feature. I highly doubt youtube/google would forget to document a feature.
This question has been asked several times before on SO; all of which have no accepted answer (1, 2, 3). With the oldest question being 10 months old, it's very unlikely no one would have found this feature if it did exist.
Youtube is a common target of voter-bots and hence it would make sense to not offer an API entry-point as a first line of defense.
The official Youtube (android) app offers no comment-upvote option but only flag and reply options. If a comment-upvote feature would exist, you'd think Youtube would show it off in their own app.
Yes, you can like a comment, but only if it is YOUR comment. That means if you were the author of it.
Sorry for the short answer, but that is all there is to it in v3

Twitter API: Fetch tweets withing the last 4 hours

I have a small program that fetch tweets and displays them in google maps, it works perfect but I would like to know if there is a way to put a timeframe, for instance lets say I would like to fetch the tweets written in the last 4 hours, is it possible? Thanks for your help!
The program is written in PHP and javaScript.
It may be possible using the max_id and since_id parameters. How you would calculate finding an ID within that 4 hour window, I am unsure, but this post might provide some answers:
I just coded a solution to the same problem in a similar question. Check the answer and change the WINDOW constant to 4 to get the tweets in the last four hours. Good luck!
PS: I think the mods don't want you to repeat similar answers in 2 questions so I let you the link, but I could edit the answer later and paste the code here if I'm wrong.

looking for twitter api create favorite rate limit

I tried to find information on the maximum number of tweets/statuses you can favor using the twitter api but couldn't find any information.
This is the post to use
Does anyone know the limit?
It's not precised but experimentally, it looks like around 1000 per day.
Supposedly there isn't one but I've received a message stating this recently.
It's great that you like so many updates, but we only allow so many
updates to be marked as a favorite per day. (More info can be found

I need to two bookmarkets for delicious

I am current researching on something and I need to create , lets say, two bookmarkets. If I need to read this article later then I just want to click on that bookmarket and it should tag the current open page with read_it_later tag.
The second bookmarket should do similar thing. This one is for watch_video_later.
I don't want any prompt or anything.
I looked around but could not find any working delicious bookmarklet. You can assume that my userid on delicious is dorelal.
I must use delicious because there are other people collaborating on this one.
If you're using FireFox, get Read It Later add-on. It does all that and 100 other cool things.
Check out, there are bookmarklets and also links to applications / toolbars for various browsers
