Email sheduler functionality create in ios - ios

In my application want to add functionality email sheduler
In this email send automatically as per time set by user
How can i do?

No, I guess that's not possible using any of the apple frameworks.
You can use Some web service when user set email Scheduler , and now from server side you can send email to user.


Email survey monkey survey automatically

Is it possible to automatically send a survey to everyone who registers at my website as soon as they are finished with the registration process? As I understand send_flow only sets up a flow and the user still has to send the email through the surverymonkey interface.
If you need to use the features of send_flow to distribute your invitation via SurveyMonkey's mailer, you can send the email immediately by setting "send" to true in your request to send_flow. The email will send in about 5 minutes as will all email sent from SurveyMonkey.
Using send_flow will create one collector for each request which could get unwieldy in SurveyMonkey's UI, but it will work.
Maybe you want to check out Examinare instead? You can with less than 10 code rows do this by combining the following functions:
Create the recipient:
Send the email with the created ID:
I bet if you contact Examinare support email you will get help from them.

Setting default from address of email in ios

In my app, there is an email functionality which should send email from an id, which is not configured with mail app. From address will be like .. some thing like that.
How can I hard code the from address of an email ?
It's impossible to send email from account where user isn't authorised in.
For your aims it's better implement email functionality on server side that could be authorised to send emails from address that you specified.
As per my comment - you can't, you should use reply-to for that, or send a request to a server to send the email. The from gets set from the selected email address you eventually chose to send the email with.
For example:
I don't think there's anyway to do this using MFMailComposeViewController.

Is there any way to send the email without opening the MFMailComposeViewController?

I need to send the email without opening the MFMailCompseViewController. I have searched about this and got some point like use the web service and another one is connect with gmail server through ask the emailID and password from the user.
My email format is fixed i just have to send the email to user whose id will be given by the user without showing any thing else.
Your existing research is accurate - you can connect to some web service to send the e-mail automatically, but you can't automatically create, configure and send using MFMailComposeViewController. The user always gets to see the presented controller and choose whether to do any editing and whether to send or not.
There is no way of sending an email directly from iDevice without showing the MFMailComposeViewController.
If it was possible it would be a great tool for mobile distributed spam bots.
Things to consider: MFMailCompseViewController is an interface for the user to compose an email.
If you want to use it, you have to hand over control to it. Apple does not expose the underlying functionality to you: it has to go through this view controller.
If you don't want the user to be aware that you are sending emails on their behalf (I assume it is on their behalf or you wouldn't need the composer view) you are probable doing things a little wrong; why would you want to send an unsolicited email?
If you want to report information from the device, implement a web service and send it to that. Email is meant for correspondence; don't hijack an account.
If you still need an email, have the web service create it

Form submission in iOS app?

Im really new to iOS development, but I have some experience in OSX. I am trying to make an app where the users fills out text fields with information and then presses a submit button. The contents of the fields that they filled out are then automatically sent to me via an email.
I built a similar OSX application that could do this, but I cannot figure out how to do it on iOS.
I do not want to use the MessageUI.framework because, as far as I can tell, the user must press the send button after it brings up the email form. I just want it to send in the background.
I have no problem hardcoding in the email address and password, or using the same email for send and receive. ex: to: from:
Any pointers would be sweet!
You have two options if you do not want to show the mail composer window to the user
Use an SMTP Client for iOS like this one and send the email from your app with the email id and password hard-coded in the app. But if you want to change the email id or change the password in the future, you'll need to update the app. So this is a less desirable solution
Create a web script on your server which accepts the form fields to be submitted by the user. Then from this web script, send the email to your email id (for instance, if you use a PHP script, use the mail function to send the email). Call this script in the app using NSURLConnection.
You are going to need to make a custom form and then send all of the fields in the form as POST parameters to a custom API that you make on some server. Then you can just redirect that as an email to yourself through something like SMTP

restrict sending mail from gmail/yahoo in ipad

I am designing an application for a society.
In this application, there is a feature to send the contents of the particular page via mail by clicking of a button. There is no custom mail app designed. The feature uses iPad's native mail app to send the mail.
I want to restrict the user to send the mail only from the society's domain registered mail account and not from his/her personal gmail/yahoo/msn id.
How do I put this restriction from my app?
Thanks in advance
I suggest you send the email from your server, as you won't (and shouldn't) be able to control the user's email app. In other words, you allow the user to enter one or more email addresses into your app and then put the contents of the page into an email that you send from your email server to the specified addresses.
