How to most effectively learn IOS development? [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a decent amount of programming experience, and I just do not know where to start to learn this.
I've done the tutorials on apple's site, and looked at some other examples, but there is just so much stuff you need to know, that I'm feeling kind of lost.
I understand the whole MVC thing, I understand and know objective c, I just know all the general stuff, but when writing an app I just miss a lot of knowledge and I'm constantly unsure about how to do certain things.
Is it just a matter of keep going at it? Are there any really good books? Any really good online resources?
And again: it's really about just getting to know the ins and outs of all the frameworks and different objects and stuff

For someone in your position, the two words you need to know are Ray and Wenderlich.

For beginners I would really recommend to watch Paul Hegarty's Stanford iPhone development courses.
His courses are one of the most clear and effective courses I've ever seen.
New (iOS 7 courses):

Watch few intro videos, read few intro articles. Plenty of them online. And build something. Repeat.


Where to begin when creating a mobile app (iOS)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have recently starter learning iOS development, I took few tutorials online (treehouse) and used their guidance to build some simple apps.
Now I want to create a notepad, just a simple app that let you create notes...
but when I want to do it from scratch on my own I get stuck...I don't know where should I begin? to divide the classes I need? and how to define stuff...
could you please provide me with some basic guidance? I want to build this app myself and with help from stack tutorials..
appreciate it
Try these tutorials: they are good for starting app development in objective-c for iPhone. They also have free tutorials.
Start with programming basics...
OOPS concepts and stuff like that..
Then go for obj c syntax and coding basics
Then get a hold of basic applications,common objects used etc etc..
Some helpful sites
and ofcourse
Apple documentation [the best]
You can also check out "Paul Hegarty" videos on iOS App Development on "iTunes U" (Stanford University - CS193P Course - From Fall 2011 Onwards).

Learning XCODE, different aspects to it [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking forward to learning XCODE, what is an appropriate approach to mastering ios programming. I want to know precisely, in order, what I should learn to know XCODE. Since there are different aspects to XCODE, I am confused on where to start. Such as COCOA, objective-C, etc. Can anyone provide me with a solid plan that will give me a solid programming skills with XCODE? Thank You
Start with a good book that teaches you Objective-C with Xcode 5.
Stephen Kochan has a good one.
That will get you going.
But check a few to see what makes sense to you.
Just make sure it has Xcode 5 so you don't get lost.
After you get through a bit with Objective-C you should fill in what you need of C.
C is not hard but it is truly agnostic from frameworks that really do interesting things so it makes learning C first rather challenging.
(Like learning math without any real idea why or what to use it for)
In the end though, expect a long road of perpetual learning. You will feel overwhelmed at times. That's normal.
Nobody knows all if it and the masters have years of experience and knowledge.

Where to begin when developing a Rails app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a beginner at web development and wanted to know where to begin when developing a web application. More specifically I am using RoR and wanted to know is there a particular stack developers start with for instance would it be better to start developing models or views? Or do I have the wrong approach all together.
This will guide you through installation and 'hello world' in rails.
And I highly recommend this book, if you are serious about rails. Finish it completely. It would give you insights which might take months to comprehend if you are searching only in web.
Book link:
Rails sort of has two "default" stacks, as this blog post helpfully explains:
You'll see that mr. Klabnik also has some thoughts about the difficulty this creates for new developers. I'd recommend not worrying too much about all the different tools that are available to you at first. Wait until you have a problem or are experiencing some pain and then find a tool to solve that problem. Before that, just jump in and learn as you go. Or at least, that's how I'd approach it, but people learn differently!

Learning to learn: Rails [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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It's been 20 years since I learned any coding and things are very different now. After playing with cakephp and yii, I decided on ROR. I'm having a blast!
My question is not so much about ROR, but the best way to learn anything.
I started learning ROR and found out about version control and git. That was interesting and lead me to a few days of really learning it. I got back to rails and found out about RVM. That too was really interesting and I spent a couple days learning that. It goes on and on like this. I almost obsess about every new thing I learn.
The real question: Is it better to learn just enough to get by in the beginning and go back later and learn the intricacies of your tools or is it better to really learn each tool as you go?
Hope this makes sense as it is more of a philosophical question than a technical one.
I don't think you should learn whatever you are most interested in at the moment because this can easily get out of hand...
I suggest a more focused approach to learning. Pick a real project with a goal (it should be challenging, but still realistic). Then learn along the way to reach your goal. Try not to learn stuff that's not directly related, and make sure you learn everything that you need to come up with a really good, simple solution. When done, pick next goal and repeat.
I think you should learn whatever you are most interested in at the moment.

What is the single most effective thing you have done to improve your soft skills? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The single most effective thing I have done to improve my soft skills is to take an acting class.
What is the single most effective thing you have done to improve your soft skills?
Related questions:
What is the single most effective
thing that you have done to improve
your programming skills?
to improve programmer communication
Better appreciating just quite how dumb I really am.
Starting from the perspective of assuming that you're misunderstanding what's going on helps a lot.
Started answering questions here - the ability to explain complex things in a way other people can understand them is very useful.
Not to be a smart-arse. People don't like smart-arses.
If you think you are right and everyone else is sure you are wrong, just agree and continue being right. Trying to argue it out just results in a negative outcome when people are not open to persuasion or are being stubborn.
The best way to improve your soft skills is to use your soft skills. Put on a lunch time seminar for your fellow work mates. Nothing too scary, just pick a technology that you think could be introduced in house to make things work more efficiently, put together a five minute presentation and set some time aside for questions and discussion afterwards. You might even start a trend, one day a week a different person can talk about something that interests them.
It's a tie between volunteering as newsletter editor for a local artists' group, and joining a small local theatrical dance group.
A few years ago I attended a workshop about communication. And one thing that I learned there and I will never forget was: Try to understand why people act as they act, try to understand their motivation doing things as they do. That helped me a lot, especially in managing the management...
I took a teaching course and have been doing a lot of teaching.
Where I work currently has some material about improving one's Emotional Intelligence which is something that has been quite beneficial for me as it helps demystify some of how the world works.
In terms of not learning something, working on making small talk and being a bit more laid back has also improved my skills as not everyone wants every little thing analyzed to death and beyond.
