Posting to Facebook using SLComposeViewController posts to album - ios

I have added the ability for our users to post to Facebook from within our app. However,
when users make a post it goes to a selected album. I do not want to upload an image to the album, I just want to post it as a status update so it appears as a newsfeed.
I do not really know much about posting to Facebook from an App so excuse me if the terminology is wrong.
My Question: How do I post a status update (with an image if possible) rather than having the image appear in the album?
Thanks for the help


Swift: How to post to Twitter from iOS app with certain hashtag?

I'm fairly new to posting to social media via Swift in an iOS app but need to be able to post an image to Twitter under a certain hashtag (i.e the user's image is always posted under this certain hashtag regardless).
So far, my app can take a picture and access the user's photo library, but I have run into some trouble implementing post to Twitter.
I have looked at the following questions: Post on twitter from ios app
How to make an ios app post to twitter
But most of the links referenced are either gone or outdated. I have also looked into Sharekit ( as this would do the posting to Twitter automatically it seems, however Sharekit is deprecated.
Ideally, I would like the user to be able to take their photo (I have this) give it a caption, etc WITHIN THE APP then when they press a button it more or less "silently" posts to Twitter WITH the hashtag that I will have set in the app. I am unsure as to how to accomplish this.
What is the best way/approach to posting an image to Twitter via Swift? The hashtag bit seems to be the more difficult step - how can I "force" a hashtag on the user's post?
What you're probably looking for is the Social framework and SLComposeViewController.
Using the setInitialText(_:) method you can add text to the tweet, though this doesn't really force anything, as the user still has the possibility to edit the tweet before publishing, and it doesn't really work "silently" either.
Posting an image is done with the addImage(_:) method.

How do I delete Youtube Channel Art from Page (not Profile)?

Hello I am trying to delete old channel art. The one suggestion I found was to go to That doesn't work for me. That shows my profile and blog photos, not my 'page' photos.
I did figure out how to get to my source image folder for my page, but it only shows scrapbook photos and profile image photos:
What I want to get to is the other photos, as shown as available if I click:
Manage This Page / Edit / Posts / Photo / Your Google Photos
The weird thing is that I was once able to get them through
I tried, but that didn't work.
I want to delete those Youtube Channel Art photos. They are eating away at my storage space!
Well, I don't know if you still need a solution for this or if you figured it out yourself since then, but I stumbled upon your question while searching on Google for a solution to the same problem. Needless to say, I was annoyed when I saw that the question was unanswered.
I've found the solution while searching online for a bit longer, though.
You will have to give your Google+ page its own login and password. This is the page I've found that explained how to do it.
Then you can log onto Picasa Web as usual, except instead of logging in with your regular gmail account, you will login with the new login and password that was given to your Google+ page. You should now be able to access every photo and photo album on your Google+ page.
This was a huge pain for me because it had several random duplicate photo albums that I wished to get rid of and I had to jump through 50 hoops to finally get to delete these albums and the duplicate pictures, but it works. Why they removed the option to manage your photo albums directly from Google+, I have no idea.

Facebook get user status

In my iOS application, I am trying to implement Facebook but am running into a problem. I currently have the user logging in as well as I have implemented the friend picker. I am looking to now have it so when the user taps a friend it will show their status(last post in their feed. e.g.."In NYC on broadway!"). I did a lot of research online but am getting very confused. If someone could point me to good tutorial or could just explain this that would be great. I believe I have to use open graph but other then Facebook's tutorials I can't find any. Are there any tutorials other than on FB?
You can access a user's feed by calling /<userId>/feed ( Then, look for the first element on data array where "type": "status".
I think that the answer you're looking for is here, with the exception that you'll basically (I assume) display a list of friends with their profile pic. When clicking on the profile pic the user will see their status? Or you could try to do it all in once (friend name, pic, friend's last status). The facebook developers url they refer to in that post is here

uploading a photo to facebook page via iphone app

I am using the new 3.1 Facebook SDK for iphone. I would like a user of my app to be able to choose a photo from his iphone and upload it to a Facebook page's album(this user is not an admin of this page).
if this is not possible i would like the user to be able to post a picture to the album feed.
also, which permissions i need to ask the user to do this?
There is currently a bug in the Facebook api which has yet to be fixed for at least the last year, that when you try to upload a photo to a page, it uploads it to the users stream.
I have been following this bug report for a long time, and does not seem like Facebook is going to do anything about it. this is the current answer for the question. will update if anything changes.

IOS show facebook wall and images

I'm making an app for my favorite café in my neighborhood. I want to show the images and wall posts of the café in the app. I'm new to ios development. When I search on the web everybody is talking about posting images and wall items. But I just want to show the post and the albums/images. Can anybody help me with some kind of tutorial or something.
