Two Rails apps deployed - How do I change the default App? - ruby-on-rails

I've followed Ryan Bate's guide to deploy two completely different rails apps one one VPS (cost saving, using it for development of small home projects). Link to railscast:
My issue is: the default application is the one I deployed first, so when I visit the IP address, that is the app which is displayed. How do I configure the server to
Use a subdomain (not sure this is possible using just an IP address)
Change the default app
Had a play around in nginx.conf and read this stack q: NGinx Default public www location?
I can't seem to work it out! Thanks in advance.

I think I understand what you want to do. Your default app term confuses me. Let's throw that out and just say you want to deploy two different rails apps to different domains-- sub or TLD, it doesn't matter. Also, I think you are wanting to deploy them to the same VPS server. Ryan's screencast doesn't include how to do this.
What you are probably looking for is how to host multiple sites (and rails apps) with nginx. Like Ryan's screencast, there are many steps involved to get everything working. I recommend you first focus on domain setup (DNS), then nginx setup. Leaving serving your rails app with unicorn for last.
Setup your domain and subdomain to point to the VPS. One way is to create DNS A records point to your VPS IP.
Configure nginx to serve both sites. To get you started in the right direction I recommend you read this: multiple websites on nginx & sites-available. It sounds like you already have nginx serving your app on your domain. So steps might be like:
$ cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/
$ cp default
Edit accordingly. See nginx docs for details. Also, make sure /sites-available/default and /sites-available/ are not using _ as server_name directive. Set them to their respective domain names. Also, for now point the root to somewhere that will serve an index.html file (ie. leave rails out of it for now)
$ cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
$ ln -s ../sites-available/ .
$ service nginx restart
If all is well by this point you should be able to visit both domains in a browser and have nginx serve content.
Configure a new unicorn for your subdomain. I'm sorry I don't have specific tips for this step . Follow Ryan's tutorial, search google, unicorn website.
Good Luck.


Ruby on Rails Deploy - Is nginx necessary?

I've successfully deployed my Rails application to Digital Ocean by configuring a git post-receive hook and running my puma server through screen (screen rails server).
It seems to be working and accessible at
Do I still need to implement nginx? My purpose is only serving my API and a CMS website at the same domain.
And about deployment packages like capistrano/mina? Why should I care about them if git hook is serving me well?
Thank you in advance
If you're going to manage large number of traffic with load balancing mode nginx will help. We can add some constraint like block some sent of IP access, etc...
For more refer the following link:
If you want static resources to be served by a web server, which is often faster, you'll want to front-end your rails app with something like nginx. Nginx will offer a lot more flexibility for tuning how you serve your app.
Capistrano is for deployments, and again, is more flexible than the basic hook approach. For instance, if you intend to have different hosts (for db, web, assets, etc.), or multiples of them, then Cap is your friend.

What the solution for: I can't access an application made in rails in the local network

I use openSUSE and I'm programing in Rails, but even with a "rails s -b" I never can access the application in another device in the local network, I've tried different servers 'WebRick", 'Thin', I also tried config my router, and I followed a lot of other guides I found here. But nothing make it works. I've tried at my Home and Work, and different applications I made just for test this issue.
You have two solutions to resolve your problem.
Option 1, you must install webserver such as apache or nginx and install serverapp such as passenger or unicorn. And you must setup Virtual Host to run on your app.
Refer document how to install apache + passenger at: document
Option 2, you can use service which called with name as secure tunnel services online such as ngrok,,...
You can refer document how to use it at: document

Deploying Rails/Passenger via nginx

I'm having a hard time figuring out where I'm going wrong in trying to deploy a Rails app via nginx. Rails is accessible via (after starting it with rails server), and displays the standard nginx "working, but further configuration required" page. I've spent a few hours trawling the documentation trying to figure our how to get my Rails app accessible at :80 rather than :3000, but to no avail.
I think it's most likely that I'm misunderstanding how nginx, Passenger, and Rails work together, and have therefore configured my nginx.conf incorrectly (one page I found implied that I shouldn't both be using nginx and running rails server). Any and all help is hugely appreciated.
Possibly relevant version numbers:
Rails 4.1.4
Ruby 2.1.2p95
CentOS 6.5
nginx 1.6.0
nginx.conf partial:
I'm new at this, so it turned out that a couple things were up:
I needed to put export rvmsudo_secure_path=1 in my .bashrc instead of just running it once, following up with source ~/.bashrc in the terminal. This allowed me to run "rvmsudo" commands to start on port 80 rather than the default 3000.
I had both nginx and Rails competing for port 80, so I had to stop nginx's static page server to allow that. Simple as nginx stop.

Setting up Rails on Hostmonster

I'm able to run rails s through ssh successfully and see the app start up just as it does on my own machine but I'm unable to access the app from the web. The app is directly under the home folder and I have a symbolic link pointing from public_html to the public folder of my rails app, just as this tutorial explains. I even tried setting up a subdomain and every other step in the tutorial to no avail. Any help would be highly appreciated.
You need an application server like Phusion Passenger, Unicorn or puma to run a Ruby app in a production environment. Typically, you'll integrate the application server into a web server's (Apache, nginx) environment.
I don't know about your hoster, but if you have root access, then you can probably use any of these application servers.
The built-in server you start by running rails server is only meant for testing purposes on your local machine. It has not been made with security, performance, stability or any other production-environment criteria in mind.

Rails application permission on apache

What should be the permission on rails app directory on apache server???
What is your deployment design?
Normally you'd use mongrels and apache as a load balancer for them.
So you'd run the mongrels as a user for your site, and all the rails directory should have permissions for that user.
You probably have a 'www' or 'apache' user that owns your static content and apache root document directory.
It's common convention to make this user own your rails app as well to preserve the same permissions.
If you use something like capistrano, I think it has builtin recipes for permission structure on top of your release directory after deploying.
As Angelus said, it depends on your server setup and deployment design. You can use mongrels (or thins, or unicorns, or...) with Apache as a reverse-proxy, but your question leads me to believe you're using Phusion Passenger (aka mod_rails).
If that's the case, the mod_rails site has several very helpful screencasts which you should watch. Generally, though, mod_rails will run as whichever user owns your app's environment.rb file. See the Passenger user switching docs for details on your permission setup.
While installing apache it creates www-data group and owner so you have to give the ownership of this user for your application.
Then restart the apache service.
rails application works fine.
