how demanding is it to transition from iOS 6 to iOS 7 programming? [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I learnt how to program in iOS 6(mid-scale apps) in a university course last year. I was wondering, how much challenging is it to make a transition to iOS 7? I tried to check out for an iOS 7 full change-log but I only found info related to added features.

Not challenging at all. If you want to use some of the new API's then you will need to learn them. Creating a 'mid-level' app however has remained very much the same.
The major differences are 'stock' element appearances but they are created the same way. Also views are now 'full screen' so that can be confusing at first if you aren't aware.


Blocking and Being New Home Screen Swift iOS [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new to Swift and iOS programming and I wanted to know if there was a way to essentially block other applications or have your application be the default Home Screen? The idea is a time-saving application so maybe totally hide text messages and the browser when it is enabled.
I saw that there is kind of a way to do this in Android, but wasn't sure if there was a way to do this with iOS.
No. iOS does not allow apps to have this level of permissions.
However, you may be able to achieve similar effect by using the Screen Time feature in iOS 12+

Why Apple decided to deprecate majority of methods of UIAlertView in iOS 9.0? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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While poking around Apple's Documentation I have witnessed that they have deprecated majority of methods in UIAlertView class. Are there any alternatives for that?
Nobody outside of the core iOS team knows exactly why Apple does anything, but my guess is that they are trying to shove (or gently encourage) developers into using the newer (and more flexible) UIAlertController, which came in with iOS 8.0.

do you need to know ios 7 if you want to program for ios 8? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Not really a programming question, but this topic needs an up to date discussion for all the newbies outthere. I've googled but didn't find anything useful. So, do you need to know ios 7 if you want to program for ios 8? Is iOS 8 just a extension and everything in programming for iOS 7 is also valid in iOS 8? There are many books on iOS 7(not so much on iOS8), but it would be a waste of money to buy out of date books.
Thanks for answering
you don't really have to know the past of iOS... only when you want to support lower OS versions and even then you only need to know what changed in that area / what you need to change
said that though: it doesn't hurt to have a general foundation. ;) generally :D

How can I create "QuizUp" similar graphics in ios? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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An application in AppStore's name "Quizup" probably know.
Kind of like game contest application. Competing with other people and if you know you will give points according to questions, you can skip levels etc. ..
I'm developing a game, like this game, but with a different concept, I am working on an educational game, but like the above images and animations in published application looks very soft and pleasant.
I'm wondering, exactly what tools using for developing this app?
Quartz 2d, UIKit, OpenGL-ES or game library(cocos2d etc.)?
What do you think I should use?
Thanks for your help.
Sorry poor english (I'm not native speaker)
You can implement all its UI/animations using UIKit & Quartz.

Framework for iOS Word Game [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm developing an iOS Multiplayer word game and wondering whether I need to use cocos2d or a similar game engine? I do not need the physics engine but perhaps some animations and effects is all I would need from the engine. Will I be able to do these same effects from another library or with UIKit?
I do not want to use cocos2d unnecessarily(UIKit interfacing is faster) but if some things are just not possible without it. I'd rather be safe and use it. Any suggestions?
Apple released the new SpriteKit Framework, I recommend you to take a look at it. I would use it in your positon.
