Reference data from views in breeze - breeze

We have a table (AttendanceType) in our database which have many fields with multiple options. this multiple options are defined in single table. So, instead of creating separate Option table for each option we have single table (Option_Data) with key to identify each option type (Record).
Example : AttendanceType table has following fields
Category (Payroll / Accrual)
Type (Hours / Days)
Mode (Work hours / Overtime / ExtraHours)
Operation (Add / Minus)
These fields have options (data as shown above in brackets) which comes from Option_data table. We have created separate views from this Option_data table example: vwOption_Attendance_Mode, vwOption_Attendance_Operation etc.
Now, how we can link this view in breeze so the reference data come automatically.
We are using EF6, SqlServer, Asp.Net WebApi. When the table relationship is defined in SQL Server Breeze works perfectly and manages the relational data. In this case we cannot define relationship in SQL Server between Table and Views.
How we can code it so Breeze can manage the relational / reference data for us? If you require further clarification please let me know.
Edit # Jay Traband : Let say a single table (ie: AttendanceType) has fields which get reference/lookup data for its field from Views. How in breeze we can relate them (table with views), as in SQL Server we cannot.
My reference points is when Tables are related breeze does excellent job. I want to achieve same with table and views.

Breeze gets its metadata (including the relationships between entities) from EF. You'll need to tell EF about the relationship between the tables and views, even if there is no such relationship defined in SQL Server. This SO post provides some clues, and this blog post gives some related information about creating relationships in the designer.


Entity framework multiple DbContext in single execution

I have one master & detail in my 'db1' and there is one column named 'EntryByUserId' in master table.
User table is available in 'db2'.
When all the tables are available in one single database we can directly get user detail by using include function. But here my reference table is in another database so in my case user object will return null value. So anyone please help me to achieve this.
I have created multiple dbcontext in my project but don't know how to get this.
Below is the code we use when all tables are available in single database.
dbcontext1.tbl_Master.Include(m => m.tbl_Detail).Include(m => m.tbl_user)
One option to accommodate this cleanly, especially for something as frequently accessed as a "User" reference for something like reporting on CreatedBy or ModifiedBy tracking on rows would be to implement a view within Db2 that lists the users from Db1. Then in your main application context you can map a User entity to the view rather than a table. I would put guards in your DbContext and entities to discourage/prevent modifications to this User entity, and leave maintenance of users to a DbContext overseeing the Db1 tables.
If this is something like a multi-tenant system with a system database for authentication and separate DBs per tenant which are tracking things like CreatedBy against records, I would recommend considering a system to inspect and replicate users between the auth database and the respective tenant databases. The reason for this would be to help enforce referential integrity for the data and the user references. The issue with the view approach is that there is no constraint available to ensure that a UserId reference actually corresponds with a row in the Users table over in the other database. It can be indexed, but not constrained so you have to handle the possibility of invalid data.

single view - page - showing data from a group of normalized of tables

What I hope is a basic question,
I am designing an MVC project with the entity framework and code first and in it has a number of normalized tables that later will make up a combined view.
For example say I have a table called JOBS. This table has foreign keys for a CUSTOMER table, a STATUS table, a JOBSTYPE table.
If I want a view (a page) that displays the job with the customer, its status and its jobtype how do I manage this outcome?
In other words if I want a page that shows the job, the customer and the jobs address (sourced from the address table - itself linked via a foreign key in the customer table) how do I do the view for this?
Further, with a focus on CRUD, If I want an update page how do I display a page that has text boxes to update things like the job's address or the status which are in different tables to the actual job table.... and to press a button on the page saying "update" and each table updating automatically..
Look forward to any help clearing the confusion...
Kind Regards
Just as the question, this answer is hypothetical as well. What you can do is have a look at your page design and figure out the columns/properties you want to show from multiple tables, you then create a ViewModel for this page, then you can write a LINQ projection query to bring the results as your viewmodel.
Another other option will be to use lazy loading all linked tables and render related entities, but this this approach you have to make sure that the EF context is not disposed till the whole view has rendered.
The ViewModel and Projection approach also works well with updates and your update action will take in your view model and translate back to EF entities for updating.
For translations from ViewModel to EF Model entities and vice versa you can use automapper

EntityFramework database vs model

I understand the fact that generating a model based on the DataBaseFirst method woill produce a collection of entitites on the ORM that are essentially mapped to the DB tables.
It is my understanding, that if you need properties from other entities or just dropdownlist fields, you can make a ViewModel and use that class as your model.
I have an AppDev course that I just finished and the author wrote something that if I understand it correctly, he is referring to change the ORM entities to fit what your ViewModels would look like, hence, no need for ViewModels. However, if you do this, and regenerate the ORM from the database, those new entities that you placed as "ViewModels" would be gone. If you changed the ORM to update the database, then your database structure in SQL Server would be "undone".
Please inform me if my understanding is correct that I simply need to use a ViewModel in a separate folder to gather specific classes and or properties in a superclass or a single class with the properties that I just need and use that as my model....
Here is the excerpt from the author:
EntityFramework is initially a one to one mapping of classes to tables, but you can create a model that better represents the entities in your application no matter how the data is stored in relational tables.
What I think the author may have been hinting at is the concept of complex models. Let's say, for instance, that in your Database you have a Customer Table and an Address Table. A one to one mapping would create 2 model items, one Customer class and one Address class. Using complex model mapping, you could instead create a single Customer class which contained the columns from both the Customer Table and the Address table. Thus, instead of Customer.Address.Street1 you could refer simply to Customer.Street1. This is only one of many cases where you could represent a conceptual model in code differently than the resulting data in storage. Check out the excellent blog series Inheritance with EF CodeFirst for examples of different mapping strategies, like Table Per Hierarchy (TPH), Table Per Type (TPT), Table Per Concrete Class (TPC). Note that even though these examples are CodeFirst, they still apply to Entity Framework even if the initial models are generated from a Database.
In general, if you use DatabaseFirst and then never modify the resulting entities, you will always have a class in code for each table in the database. However, the power of Enity Framework is that it allows you to more efficiently work with your entities by allowing these hybrid mappings, thus freeing you to think about your code without the extra burden of your classes having to abide by rigid SQL expectations.
When the Database-First or Model-First entities are generated, they are purposely generated as partial classes. You can create your own partials which extend the classes that are generated from Entity Framework without modifying the existing class files. If the models are re-generated, your partial classes will still be intact. Granted, using partials means that you have the Entity Framework default behaviors as well as your extended behaviors, but this isn't usually a huge issue.
Another option is that you can modify the TT files which Entity Framework uses to generate your models, ensuring that your models are always regenerated in the same state.
Ultimately, the main idea is that just because the default behavior of Entity Framework is to map the database to classes 1:1, there are other options and you are never forced into something that isn't efficient for your project.

How to get data from 2 entities in MVC ?

I am developing MVC application and using razor syntax. I have used model first method.
I have two entities, Customer and Lead. Lead is inherited from Customer.
When IsActive property is true then Customer treated as a Lead, otherwise it will be a customer.
Please check edmx file image.
Now, In regular entities we just deal with single entity and single table.
In this case how can I handle , Save and Load process. beacuse I have to store and load the record from 2 tables of DB.
Is Regular Index View will work here ?
When using inheritance in the Entity Framework you will have a single DbSet on your DbContext that exposes your hierarchy. In your database you have several options for configuring your table structure. For example you can use:
Table per Hierarchy
Table per Type
Table per Concrete type
(See this blog for a nice explanation: Inheritance in the Entity Framework.
In your queries however, you don't have to think about this. Your queries will have the following structure:
var leads = from l in dbcontext.Leads.OfType<Customer>()
select l;
The OfType() filters your collection to a subtype in your hierarchy. If you skip the OfType you will get both customers and leads in your resulting query.

EF Code First - Entity joining multiple tables

I currently have an EF class that is backed by a database view (joining multiple tables). To make it updatable, I need to change the class to be backed by a database table. I am using Entity Framework 4.1 Code First and can't figure out how to set up those relationships?
To simplify, I currently have a Categories class that returns the Category Name (Categories table) and Category Type Name (CategoryTypes table). These are both in the database view that I currently use. I want to change to a ViewModel that brings back both of these fields directly from their tables and joins properly, that way when a user updates a Category Name, EF should be able to properly handle the update (since it will be updating the table instead of the view). Any tips on how to do this?
Table is a table - it is a single database object. If you want to remove your view and replace it with a table you need to delete your current tables (Categories and CategoryTypes) and create a single table which will contain denormalized data. That is pretty bad solution and it will cause you problems in the whole application.
Just to simplify description: It is not possible to replace your view constructed by joins among several tables with a table and it is not possible to make your view updatable.
You are doing it wrong because you are obviously mapping view models directly to your database. Map Catagories and CategoryTypes to entities load Category with its CategoryType and flatten them to your view model in your application logic (or load the view model through projection). Once user updates your view model decompose it back to separate entities and save them.
