How I can achieve this sidebar menu with two columns - IOS? - ios

I am making an application that needs a side like this menu, I have seen several libraries on GitHub, but they are all on one level and I could adapt to my needs, there is a library or example to do this but using storyboard.
You make a side menu following this tutorial, but it is only at a level, I need that when I select a row see another menu, like in the picture.
I hope someone can help me with an example of a more fully.

What you want is a master detail navigation controller
Great tutorial - youtube


How to make an iOS Side Navigation Drawer like the one in Gmail

I have checked out several libraries, videos and online blogs on how to make a side navigation drawer in iOS, but none of them have been able to provide a simple solution to create a side navigation drawer where you are not limited to just a TableView. I want to be able to add different UIViews to the side drawer. This is the kind of Side Drawer I am trying to create :
Most of the libraries cant allow custom views inside the side drawer, but I want to create a small view like this at the top of the drawer UITableView.
So far, I have tried these libraries but each of them lack an essential feature : : Only supports a list of items(basically only a tableview) and not custom views like the one I want to add and like the one gmail has, which displays the profile picture along with the email id. : Same Reason. : Animation is too fancy. : Only supports a TableView in the side drawer.
After having developed a few android applications, I was quite surprised that iOS didn't have an equivalent of the android DrawerLayout, and when I searched for libraries I could not find a single one that had the right classic design that is most used. I read somewhere that adding a side drawer was a bad design choice, but in my application, I have already used all of my screen space and need a way to give the user quick access to 20-25 list options along with a small view at the top. I figured adding a side drawer was the perfect way to do so, but unfortunately I haven't gotten very far trying to make it.
All help will be appreciated!
SlideMenuControllerSwift will let you stick any viewController with any layout you want into your menu. Its really not that hard to make your own slide out either. Your options are: 1. You make a container and every view in the app goes int he container along with the menu and the container animates the menu in an out. Or 2. You just make a menu singleton and when it gets triggered it adds its view on top of the main window, which will cover the current view controller.
You can try this one also, NavigationDrawer

How to use two tab bars in iOS like Instagram app

I'm very new at swift development, I can't find a tutorial teaching how to achieve that, there is two menus in that image, one on top and one on bottom, how is it made? is this two tab bars in the same view controller? is there some example that I can follow? because I didn't find any on google

Navigation Sidebar with search

The past few days, I've been struggling with getting this to work. What I want is a sidebar, when you click a buttton the sidebar appears from the left. From there you can navigate to other pages. After a lot of struggling, I managed to get a bar on the left, but implementing the search in the tableView didn't went so well.. I think it may be better to use a library which I can modify to my needs. Is there a good library you can implement that provides a sidebar navigation menu and also provides a search?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Here are some librairies :
SWRevealViewController which is one used by many apps.
ENSwiftSideMenu lets you create more or less one type of sidebar. Not as many possibilities as with the one above.
SSASideMenu is one with a parallax animation.

Toolbar images, confusing

I have seen many apps that have navigation bars at the top of their app, and the left button is a button with 3 vertically stacked bars. I have seen this, and cannot find anything on it. It usually loads a whole side menu, and gives many options, can someone tell me what this button is, what it is used for, and how to use it? All advice is appreciated!
It's just a standard button, but it links with some library like ECSlidingViewController. There are several options for which library to use if you search github or cocoacontrols.

table view is covered with an empty table view when integrate TTCatalog to a Tabbar template project

I created a project with Tabbar template. The First View of my Tabbar project just wants the same function of the TTCatalog sample project. The Second View will integrate a Map function.
I integrate some code from TTCatalog sample project to do so. But when my App starts, only an empty tableview displayed in my first view. It's just a white table with some empty rows. nothing else.
When I quit my App from emulator, and start it again from emulator,first I can see a table view like that of TTCatalog ( with blue titles and labels), But soon the table view is covered with an empty table view.
Please help
There is no need to inherit CatalogController, if the only thing you need is a tableView inside a tabBarController then there is even no need to use three20 at all. To get started I would recommend you use a simpler approach. While three20 and the TTTableViewController can help a lot with a certain kind of setups, it is not the general best way to do things.
Let your FirstViewController inherit from UITableViewController, implement the UITableViewDataSource methods. If you are experiencing problem or need with a specific problem feel free to ask here.
If you got this working and you really need something that three20 can help you achieve, read through the TTTableViewController sources, TTModel, TTTableViewDataSource, find a tutorial and go on.
Maybe this question may help you: Three20's URL-based navigation + tab bar example? especially this link:
