Navigation Bar and TableView, a row deletion causes a bug? - ios

I'm just working on a little App and discovered an annoying visual bug. I will put the Screenshots below.
So, as you can see I just remove a row from the table view.
In the second and third picture you can see that the navigation bar is blurred red in the lower right corner.
In the fourth picture the blur has tone away, but just because I scrolled the table view.
Now my question: Is that a bug? And if yes or no, how can I make the blur disappear without scrolling the tableview (That it wouldn't be blurred in the third picture)?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: This is running on iPhone Simulator iOS 7.1 Beta 5. It just happens for the first row.


uitable view gives whole black screen - swift

I am facing this weird problem, I have table view at my view which shows a whole black screen as it loads, I have changed the table view with new one still I am facing the same problem what might be the issue? I have same table view on other view which is working perfectly fine. and it's really annoying.
Is this a bug, or is there some subtle way of fixing this issue permanently?
The black section in this picture is my tableview, all it shows is black screen.

White area in UITableViewCells iOS

What could possibly be causing this white area to show on my iPad simulator?
this is just a snippet of the table view and ONLY shows like this on the iPad. I've seen this before on my actual iPad app but only when the user selects the row it would highlight that weird white rectangle.
I'm about ready to submit a new build but afraid this will show like this on an actual iPad.. Anyone else seen this before?
Here's how my storyboard is set up:
And my folder/view hierarchy:
I realize I have a lot of views within views but I've never had this behavior before and the weird thing is i don't have any views that have the same dimensions as the mysterious white area..
Fixed it by making the tableView background color and the cell background color clear.

iOS Blank White Space at bottom of viewcontroller

A strange white space appears at the bottom of a viewcontroller sometimes it disappear.
White space hides a button at the bottom left.
Please, help me out, I've searched a lot only thing I came across is
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false;
But it's not working
This can happen due to either of the two reasons
1. Another view is overlapping your view
2. Height for your view is not enough to contain all the contents and view.clipsToBounds is set to Yes.
View debugging option in Xcode can show you what is happening.
Reproduce the issue in simulator and press the 'debug view hierarchy' button in Xcode. Xcode will render a 3D model of the view hierarchy which you can view from any angle by moving the model around with mouse. Click on any point on the model and Xcode will tell you what view it is and you can identify the overlapping view.

Constraint issue with iPad using single storyboard iOS

I am having issues with a specific view on my storyboard. The button and textview don't show in the right place when using the ipad. It works perfect for the iPhone, however. I am using one storyboard for the both of them. (Not one each) Here is a screenshot for what it is showing and the blue rect is for where the textview should be and the red is for where the GPS button, which is visible to the left, should show. Any ideas? I have tried setting and reseting the constraints, but it has had zero effect.

Bar Button Items Weirdly Offset in iOS 8

As of Xcode 6 beta 3, there seems to be no padding on my bar button items, and they are pushed all the way to the edges. I am using size classes (single storyboard). When I investigated the storyboard further, it appears that the spot where the bar button item goes is moved off of the navbar somehow. Has anyone else seen this? It happens no matter which layout I select (photo below is on Any/Any).
Here's an image of how it looks in the simulator:
And this is what I see on the storyboard:
Resolved. Beta 4 fixed this issue.
