White area in UITableViewCells iOS - ios

What could possibly be causing this white area to show on my iPad simulator?
this is just a snippet of the table view and ONLY shows like this on the iPad. I've seen this before on my actual iPad app but only when the user selects the row it would highlight that weird white rectangle.
I'm about ready to submit a new build but afraid this will show like this on an actual iPad.. Anyone else seen this before?
Here's how my storyboard is set up:
And my folder/view hierarchy:
I realize I have a lot of views within views but I've never had this behavior before and the weird thing is i don't have any views that have the same dimensions as the mysterious white area..

Fixed it by making the tableView background color and the cell background color clear.


swift login form not corresponding with background

I am developing an app and I am currently working on the login page and I cannot get the Textfields and buttons to line up with the backgrounds. The app only uses portrait view.
iPhone 7s plus
If there are any more questions ask me and I can answer those.
Login Page without buttons or textfields
You will likely be continuously frustrated trying to match up your text fields, labels and buttons with a "full screen" background image, simply because of the differences in screen dimensions.
I think you'll be much better off using:
a plain background gradient
the "logo" image with transparent background
the text-entry "box" + fields as a custom view
buttons as buttons
Then, use constraints (and possibly a UIStackView or two) to arrange those elements relative to each other.
You could try for the constraints, which could make your app use for any of the modes (landscape or portrait).Try referring to this video it is really helpful

UIWebView Rotation and Background Color

I've run into an interesting situation with a UIWebView. In Interface Builder, I set all four constraints to equal the margins and filled the webview with content. It works exactly as you'd expect.
An issue occurs when I rotate the webview. The webview rotates but in doing so, it reveals an grey background color. This isn't a color that I've set. In fact, I set the parent's view to have a black background color to match the webview content.
Here are my constraints for reference:
I'd appreciate any guidance on how to make my webview will the entire border or at least, manually change the grey color. Much thanks!
Note: This only occurs in the simulator. I haven't tried this on a device yet.
Ack ... it was the background view that was the culprit. The simulator didn't pick up my color changes. I never did a clean on them. I tested today and was able to change the grey color to the one of my choosing.

Navigation Bar and TableView, a row deletion causes a bug?

I'm just working on a little App and discovered an annoying visual bug. I will put the Screenshots below.
So, as you can see I just remove a row from the table view.
In the second and third picture you can see that the navigation bar is blurred red in the lower right corner.
In the fourth picture the blur has tone away, but just because I scrolled the table view.
Now my question: Is that a bug? And if yes or no, how can I make the blur disappear without scrolling the tableview (That it wouldn't be blurred in the third picture)?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: This is running on iPhone Simulator iOS 7.1 Beta 5. It just happens for the first row.

Strange black dim under UINavigationBar

Recently I've faced a strange thing in my app. I don't know if this is a bug but it's annoying.
I've a view hierarchy like on the screenshot below:
... and when I move my app to the background (tapping on the home button) there appears a black dim under UINavigationBar. Of course it stays in the task-switching mode (screenshot below). I don't know what caused this bug and of course I don't know how to get rid of this.
I wasn't able to fix this problem directly but as I said it is a problem with hierarchy and I'll try to explain it just the way I understand it so if I'm wrong, don't hasitate to correct me!
UIView called Groups is filling only the space under the UINavigationBar. In that case there is nothing under the bar. So why is it displaying this dim? I guess because of the native blur effect under UINavigationBar.
So how did I manage to deal with this without changing the view hierarchy? I've changed the size of UIView to cover whole window and because UIView has some backround set the dim effect disappeared. This operation is easy to achieve. Just by selecting Extended edges Under Top Bars option in Attributes Inspector of View Controller

iPad UITableView top right corner covered with white box in landscape popover

I am attempting to create a custom popover for an iPad application in landscape orientation. I created a new UITableViewController with static cells on my storyboard and set the size setting to "free form". I then set the size of the UITableView to my desired size. I connected a Modal segue from the parent controller to the new popover.
Then in the parent UIViewController I created a method that performs the segue through a custom presenter. After working through a bug in Apple's orientation handling routines, I got the popover to show at the correct location.
When I run the app, I then discovered that in the top right hand corner of the UITableView a white box is displayed that covers whatever I place in the UITableViewCell. The more cells I place in the table the longer this white box appears. So I believe it has something to do with the UITableViewCell not orienting properly although I have not figured out what yet.
I cannot seem to find what this box is, nor have I had any luck getting rid of it. Has anyone seen something like this? Any help to get this white box remove (or whatever is needed to get the cells working correctly again), will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
For anyone who is interested, I was able to work around this problem. It turns out that there is a bug in the modal segue logic that does not handle landscape orientation. So I created a XIB and presented that as my modal view. I still need to adjust things since it is landscape but the view displays correctly.
From what I understand this storyboard bug should be fixed soon.
