Loading Angular.dart modules? - dart

I'm confused about loading modules in Angular.dart ... (I hope).
So for angular.dart.ui let's say...I found myself putting in my main application under my main app module, type(Modal); ... but that wasn't enough apparently and I had to also add the import to the packages "timeout" and add type(Timeout); as well.
Do I need to keep adding type() all over the place and tracing back through someone else's code all the other dependencies they use??
Or should it just load all those when I inject, in this case, Modal?
I must be missing something here because adding the package you want and then testing in the browser and watching for "No provider" errors and adding all other dependencies one by one sounds like it slows down development, but I imagine the entire point of DI is to speed it up.

In you main you simply do
install(new ModalModule());
instead of
type(Modal) // old syntax
bind(Modal) // new syntax
ModalModule is then installed as submodule which contains
TimeoutModule (which itself may contain some types)
ModalWindow and
If you take a look at the source you will see that this way all you need is automatically registered for you.


How to properly format an image url in a Vue.js single-file-component?

After about a week of tinkering, I have managed to introduce webpack and Vue.js single file components into my existing Orchard (ASP.NET) module.
Now I've unexpectedly hit a snag, and for the life of me, I'm stumped. I have several image resources that are part of my custom Orchard theme, which is a separate module (*.csproj) within my Orchard solution.
So (at the risk of demonstrating my woefully inadequate understanding of URL concatenation in web projects) I innocently add this line to my Vue.js single file component:
<img src="~/Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png">
Now when webpack tries to process this and bundle my component I get this error:
Can't resolve 'Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png' in 'redacted' C:\Projects\Orchard\Modules\redacted\Module not found
This kind of makes sense, because the layout of my projects and resources locally and the layout after deployment to Azure obviously differ.
So what is the right way to specify the url for my image as it will exist at runtime on the server, without specifically testing for it's existence when transpiling with webpack?
I'm not going to accept this as the answer, in case someone can offer something better, but after some tinkering I was able to solve my problem by using this:
<img :src="theimage" />
and adding a computed property like this:
computed: {
theimage: function () {
return '/Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png';
This will bypass the Webpack transpiler (or vue-loader or whatever) check to make sure the resource can be located and has the added benefit that I can programmatically control the image displayed, which (although not mentioned) is ultimately what I wanted to do (code not shown). I was expecting to use v-if or v-show with multiple image tags, but using a computed property killed two birds with one stone.
Thanks to everyone who provided feedback. - I have a great deal to learn!

Generate dependencies for Lua?

I have a lua project with lua files specified in multiple directories all under the same root folder with some dependencies.
Occasionally I run into issues where when a table is being loaded at load time I get a nil exception as the table is referencing a not yet initialised table, like:
Customer =
Type = CustomerTypes.Friendly
Which causes a nil exception for CustomerTypes as CustomerTypes.lua has not yet loaded.
My current solution is to simply have a global function call in these lua files to load the dependency scripts.
What I would like to do is pre-process my lua files to find all dependencies and at run time load them in that order without needing function calls or special syntax in my lua files to determine this (i.e. the pre-processor will procedurally work out dependencies).
Is this something which can be realistically achieved? Are there other solutions out there? (I've come across some but not sure if they're worth pursuing).
As usual with lua there are about 230891239122 ways to solve this. I'll name 3 off the top of my head but I bet I could illustrate at least 101 of them and publish a coffee table book.
First of all, it must be said that the notion of 'dependencies' here is strictly up to your application. Lua has no sense of it. So this isn't anything like overcoming a deficiency in lua, it's simply you creating a scripting environment in your application that makes you comfortable, and that's what lua's all about.
Now, it seems to me you've jumped to a conclusion that preprocessing is required to solve the given problem. I don't think that's warranted. I feel somewhat comfortable saying a more conventional approach to solving the problem would be to make a __newindex metamethod globally which handles the "CustomerTypes doesnt exist yet" situation by referencing a list of scripts which have been scanned out of the filesystem initially for one called CustomerTypes.lua and running that.
But maybe you have some good reason for wanting it done strictly as preprocessing. In your case, I would start by considering 'dependencies' to be any name which is a script found in your scripts filesystem. Then scan each script to look for the names of dependencies using the definitions/list you just created, and prepend a load(dependency) command to each of those scripts.
Since the concept of "runtime" or "preprocessing" is somewhat ambiguous in this context, you might mean at script-compile-time. You could use the LuaMacros token filters system to effect a macro which replaces CustomerTypes with require("CustomerTypes.lua") or something to that effect after having discovered that CustomerTypes is a legal dependency name.

How to write a vendor programme/module for ZFT

I would like to write a Zend Framework 2 vendor module, hosted on github, installable via composer and given to the world at large!
Now while I have no problems writing modules, where I am struggling is the mechanics around this.
My initial instinct would be to do something like this:
Set up a zend framework 2 skeleton app
Add my module as a normal module
Navigate to the module folder and create a git repo
Work on the module and update the module to my gitto...
Now logic tells me this is not the right way to go. So I am thinking, maybe I write the module as a stand alone outside of the skeleton app, push to the gito, and then pull from the gito to a working applicaiton...
If you can direct me to a tutorial, please let me know or if you can confirm or deny my proposed thinking that would be great too.
You probably need some app around your module to check if it works, however that shouldn't affect the way you create that module.
When it comes to Zend Framework 2 integrating modules, all you really need is a class that is called SomeNameSpace\Module which must be autoloadable via Composer. Note that there is NO requirement to place this file at a certain location. ZF2 will detect that you are using it with Composer and simply check with class_exists() instead of trying to locate a file, include it and then check for the class.
This class should reveal some configuration info about your module in the way ZF2 expects modules to do this, i.e. add bootstrap event listeners, return configuration data via getConfig() etc. It need not return anything for getAutoloaderConfig(), because that's what Composer is for.
To add the module to the ZF2 application you add the SomeNameSpace name to the file config/application.config.php:
return array(
'modules' => array(
'SomeNameSpace' # this enables your module in your demo app
# and anywhere else where it's being used
ZF2 will see the module mentioned, try to instantiate SomeNameSpace\Module, ask it about all the configuration you defined, possibly calling the hook functions like onBootstrap() you provided there - and that's about it. Your module is responsible for doing the rest, i.e. provide a service manager configuration, provide controllers etc. All classes are autoloaded by Composer.
I believe the question of how to expose resources like images of a module hasn't been answered by Zend itself - at least I saw these questions being raised, but unanswered in the most current version of the documentation: http://framework.zend.com/manual/current/en/modules/zend.module-manager.intro.html
The organisation of files inside your module is completely up to you, although it seems common practice to place the source in a folder named src, tests probably go into tests.

Handler for missing #include virtual links

We have to maintain a lot of classic ASP and VB/ASP.Net applications that link to many different parts of a static website.
The master pages are littered with various
<!-- #include virtual="/site/footer.something" -->
and similar, where there are many many combinations of what /site/ can be.
The problem is, when you're debugging etc. when you try to run one of these sites locally, you're almost guaranteed to get a parser error.
What I want to do is come up with a generic handler so that I can just insert a blank file for any #include file that doesn't exist.
I tried to setup a URL Rewrite rule, which works in the browser (just redirects to an empty html file) but I'm guessing the ASP parser doesn't include as a webrequest as it still generates a parser error.
I don't want to have to copy the static content to my workstation everytime I open a new app and I don't want to edit the master pages to exclude the links as one day I'm just going to forget and deploy something broken.
So the question is, is there a way to serve a default file for these declarations, or some other method ?
Edit: To consider a different fix to this problem; is there some way to insert some kind of file-system handler that can pick up requests for missing files in specific locations and return predefined content ?
Yeah, I know that's a really offbeat direction and probably a very bad idea in practise, but this is quite a frustrating problem in the office now.
What's irritating is that even though IIS has SSI disabled, the ASP processer still honours #include directives. Is there a way to either disable that, or perhaps some way to override the behaviour in some kind of generated class ?
The problem you will encounter is that includes are processed before any of your code runs. The server gathers all of the resources referenced in the scripts then compiles and runs your code. By the time your code is running, the missing include has already thrown a compiler error.
Further, what you're asking could potentially run into other problems. Often times includes contain code (procedures, constants, variable declarations, etc.) that other scripts rely on. So, even if you were to replace the missing include with an empty file, you still may encounter other parser errors if the including script expects that include to contain specific code.
Probably your best bet is to make a console app or something similar that parses your files looking for the include statements, resolves the relative path based on your directory structure and does what you want - write an empty file if it doesn't exist. You could then run your projects through this parser and at least eliminate that issue.
Additionally, you mention the possibility of accidentally deploying something that you've edited to circumvent this problem. I would assume then, that if you were to write out these "dummy" includes, there is no possibility of you accidentally deploying them and overwriting good files?

How to configure Struts 2 to find 'action results' from both classpath and WEB-INF?

We have an existing webapp, built with Struts 2 and Freemarker, of which I’ve created a variation by copying some of the code and templates. Kludgy, but manageable. We will however soon be making quite a few other variants (which need to be individual WARs), making copying untenable. My thought is to instead put all the shared stuff into a jar included with each webapp: the common files could be maintained in one place, and even better a given webapp could override files from the classpath. So far I've been able to do this with the code, but the Convention plugin is making it difficult to do the same for the Freemarker templates.
Thus far our webapp has relied on Convention to find the Freemarker “action results” (i.e. templates) for actions at application start-up, saving us from having to tediously annotate each of them. If I've traced things correctly, the class DefaultResultMapBuilder is responsible for finding the actions results; in particular, the method createFromResources looks in the webapp and then on the classpath for template files matching our actions.
This is exactly what I want – except that we put our templates under /WEB-INF to protect them from outside access (using the struts.convention.result.path constant in our Struts configuration). This has worked fine until now, with ALL template files located under /WEB-INF, but it’s not working with files also on the classpath. DefaultResultMapBuilder can certainly find files on the classpath, but only when webapp templates are under the context root directly, as any classpath templates have to be in a package structure equivalent to the directory structure of templates under the context root. For action results to be found when “struts.convention.result.path" starts with “/WEB-INF/” would require a root package called “web-inf” – but of course hyphens are not allowed in package names.
(Note that this issue is independent of the TemplateLoader classes that are later used to actually grab the template files. The loading process is readily configurable to look in many places – but the app never gets that far if the ‘action results’ are not found at startup. It would be nice if both processes used the same configuration...)
So… I could move all our templates outside of /WEB-INF but really I’d rather not. Or I could provide specific annotations for each action class, and again I’d rather not (and indeed it might suffer from the same issue).
Or I could make my own implementation of ResultMapBuilder by copying and very slightly changing DefaultResultMapBuilder (every member in the latter is private, so I can't extend the class and change just the relevant parts – alas!), and then figure out how to override the "struts-plugin.xml" Struts config file (to change the org.apache.struts2.convention.ResultMapBuilder bean), and thus I could get Convention to ignore "/WEB-INF" when looking on the classpath. Or perhaps better, to always prefix the path with "/WEB-INF/" when looking in the ServletContext.
But maybe there's an easier way? Some undocumented bit of configuration magic?
