simple link_to in rails - ruby-on-rails

I have a page app/views/new/news.html.erb and I simply want to link to this page from within my layouts/application.html.erb. Can someone please help! I have been struggling with this all morning.
I have tried things like <%= link_to "News", ... But I'm not really sure where to go from there.

You don't "link" to a view, you link to a controller which renders that view. Then, you'll need an entry in your routes.rb to wire up the url routing for that controller. If you have a controller named NewsController with a method called index and an entry in your routes.rb that looks like resources :news the following link_to should work: link_to "News", news_path.
In case it's not clear, the index method in your NewsController needs to have render :news in it.
Sounds like you may want to check out the guide on this topic:

If you have it setup correctly you should have a plural for your controller (i.e. news instead of new) and the following should work:
<%= link_to 'News', :controller => "news", :action => :news %>
This is assuming you are using scaffold.
If are adding this folder and page manually: for dynamic page, you have to create an action in your controller. For static page, you have to put it in your public folder.

You can always run
rake routes > routes.txt
in your application directory, which will dump a list of all routes into a txt file. Choose path that leads to action and controller you want, and then supply it as a param for link_to method :)


Rails - calling a method in controller using link_to

I'm trying to call a method in controller from my index.html file while staying on the same path... is it possible... can anyone help me
<%= link_to "Click", controller: "products", action: "click" %>
def click
puts "click called!!!"
get 'click'
Error: Missing :controller key on routes definition
Per the documentation of Rails Routes, you got to specify the controller and the action where it is routed, in your case the Products controller within the click action.
So in your routes.rb file your proper get syntax should include the destination, like this:
get '/products/:id', to: 'products#click'
Also in your link_to you should include the ID of the product so the routing passes the id to the controller and you should include logic in your controller to manipulate that ID how you need. See this.
PS: Don't name your action click , name it as the actual action to perform on a product, like show. Please also check what Resources routing is.

Rails does not navigate to controller method

I am trying to add a new controller method. I also created a corresponding view for the same. All I am trying to do is create a variable called #x and printing it in the view. I am doing this just to verify if my application is going into the method. However, I do not see the value getting printed on the view. Please help.
This is my controller named submitted_content_controller.rb
class SubmittedContentController < ApplicationController
def begin_planning
#x = 1
This is my view called begin_planning.html.erb
<%= form_tag url_for(:action => :revision_planning), method: "post" %>
<%= text_field 'questionnaire', 'name', class: "form-control width-250" %>
<p><%= #x %></p>
This is the routes I added:
get :begin_planning
When I am in the begin_planning html page, I see the text field and create button but I don't see the value of #x getting printed. It will be a huge help. Thank you.
This is my routes output:
begin_planning_submitted_content_index GET /submitted_content/begin_planning(.:format) submitted_content_controller#begin_planning
there are other routes to which I didn't add, because this controller has many other methods which I did not add since it's a huge file.
You may be rendering the view without going through the action.
If Rails finds a view file with a name that matches a route, but doesn't find a corresponding action for that route, it will still
render the view.
So, you successfully render the form in the view, but Rails
doesn't know what #x means.
In your routes file, try adding the following outside of any namespaces:
get '/begin_planning', to: 'submitted_content#begin_planning'
Your rake routes should include the following:
begin_planning GET /begin_planning(.:format) submitted_content#begin_planning
And navigate to http://localhost:3000/begin_planning
if you'd like to namespace, you can add the following to your routes file instead:
namespace :submitted_content do
get :begin_planning
And your 'rake routes' should include the following:
submitted_content_begin_planning GET
And navigate to http://localhost:3000/submitted_content/begin_planning

Move one page to another in Ruby on rails?

In my rails project there is a controller and view named "Welcome/index" where index is an action and another one named "home/page" . As i set root"home#page" as my root page. Now i want to transfer from "page.html.erb" into "index.html.erb" . How can i do that. And the code i written is below.Do i have to enter some thing in my controller class. please suggest.
these are the links that i tried. (How to create an anchor and redirect to this specific anchor in Ruby on Rails)
<a rel="nofollow" href="index.html.erb">Transfer to index</a>
You are not supposed to link to .html.erb files, you should link to the methods (not exactly the name of the method, but the name of the route) of a controller.
I strongly encourage you to review the ruby on rails MVC principles. You can read about routing and linking aswell.
Responding to your question, check out the command "rake routes". It will list the defined routes of your app and helps you to use them.
Try to replace your code by this:
<%= link_to 'welcome', welcome_path %>
<%= link_to "Link", controller:"controllername" %>
is the code you should use
You need to make sure a named route is defined for welcome/index and then can use the Rails helper link_to to automatically build your link for you in the view.
In routes.rb:
match '/welcome' => 'welcome#index', :as => :welcome
In your page.html.erb view:
<%= link_to 'Go to Welcome Page', welcome_path %>
If you want go for index action of Welcome controller then you can use:
<%= link_to "Transfer to index", welcome_path %>
Check the rake routes for path.
Plese refer link

Calling a controller action with link_to

After playing around with links in Rails for a view hours i've managed to actually get a link to invoke a method in my controller. But i still don't understand why all my other attempts failed. Im hoping you could help me out with that.
I have the scaffold "Cars". When in the show view for a car, id like to click a link that invokes the method "drive" in my Car controller.
This WORKS: <%= link_to "Drive", drive_car_path(#car) %>
It seems this only works if i have this is my routes.rb:
resources :cars do
member do
get 'drive'
Why does <%= link_to "Drive", car_path, :method => :drive %> not work?
Do I need to put a GET in the routes.rb file for every method I create in my controller?
I can't seem to find any sites explain how to use links together with routes. They only seem to come separate. Do you guys have any easily understandable tutorials on this?
Try link_to "Drive", :controller => "car", :action => "drive"
Also, method is for choosing the HTTP method (GET, POST, ...). It's not method as in routine.
Be sure to check out Rails Routing from the Outside In and The Lowdown on Routes in Rails 3, they're both awesome resources.

Ruby on rails paths and routes

I'm trying to get the hang of basic Rails routing.
I have a model called page which I generated with a scaffold.
I have added a method called addchild which I would like to access through
So far so good. However, I want to set up a link to this method like so:
<%= link_to 'Add child page', addchild_page_path(page) %>
Passing the ID of the current page as a parameter.
When I load my index view (where the link is), I get the following message:
undefined local variable or method `addchild_page_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb67797d0>
Have I misunderstood how the path/link_to method works?
My routes file looks like this:
map.resources :pages
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You need to add a route to it to be able to use the named path methods.
Since you mentioned you used scaffolding, you probably have the route setup as a resource, so all that you need to do is add the method:
map.resources :pages, :member => {:addchild => :get}
Would give you an addchild_pages_path (and the actual created path would look like /pages/:id/addchild
You then use it like this: addchild_pages_path page, don't call the id method directly since it is not resourceful (you won't use the to_param in the page class, which you might want to do later).
If you really want the url to show up as /pages/addchild/:id (which I don't recommend) you can add
map.addchild_page "/pages/addchild/:id", :controller => :pages, :method => :addchild
before the map.resources :pages row in your routes.rb, and then use the path method as above.
