Detect youtube video restriction - youtube-api

I've noticed that lot of youtube videos on my portal show this message:
"This video contains content from XXX, who has blocked it from display on this website"
For example:
Is there any way how to detect these videos via youtube API?
There is no relevant info about it on
I'm using Zend_Gdata_YouTube and getVideoEntry method. I can successfully detect removed videos, embed disabled and country restriction.
But I don't know how to detect this new type of blocking (for specific website).
Thank you for any suggestions or tips.


Upload video to different channel using Youtube API, Ruby

I use Yt gem to work with Youtube API and upload video using Yt::Account class.
The problem is that I need to allow user to choose channel to upload to – for example, one user has a second channel related to Google Plus page and this user should be able to upload video to that Youtube channel, not user's default one.
It seems like Yt misses the ability to specify channel (or I missed something).
I found also examples from Google but all it says is "upload a video to the channel associated with the request" – and nothing about how to associate different channel.
Any help is appreciated

Am I separating, isolating or modifying the audio or video of a Youtube Video in my Android App?

I have a responsive website for kids. Kids can watch selected Youtube Videos in a webbrowser. To make ann Android app, I used an APK creator. This app shows my website in a fullscreen webviewer. I set it up to hide the addressbar, so kids can more safely brows the App (website). On the website are no external links, except the links from the Youtube player. The YouTube video's are loading with a normal Wordpress YouTube plugin. When hitting the YouTube logo or Video URL, the Youtube website wil show.
Now Google Plays said i am violating the rules of the YouTube Api:
"Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: (8) separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API;"
This I truely not understand. There is no way I want to violate anything. When I appeal for reinstatement the just saying:
"After further review, we are unable to reinstate your application. You can find out more information under Reason for Suspension in the initial removal notification from Google Play."
The initial removal notification said what I wrote above.

Google Play Web Video Player API

Is there an API for the Google Play online video playback of content? Would the YouTube API work?
I am wanting to embed Google Play content into a website I am building.
Thank you,
Joseph Irvine
Google Play movie purchases and rentals do also show up as YouTube videos (with a unique YouTube video ID), and so it is possible; obviously, you'd need to use oAuth2 authentication so when a user logs in, YouTube can verify that the user has the permission to see that film/TV show.
The real trick, however, is getting the right YouTube ID. They show up through search results via the search endpoint (so, for example,{YOUR_API_KEY} would be such a search), but that endpoint only gives you access to the "snippet" content type, which doesn't include the parameter "licensedContent" to let you know if it's a for-pay video (that parameter is found in the "contentDetails" type, which is only available from a video list call).

Uploading video to YouTube by emailing to mobile upload address?

YouTube has this feature of upload videos to account by emailing them to your mobile upload address like am using this feature to upload videos to my account.I can set the Title and description of the video while emailing, for this I just need to specify Email Subject for video Title and Email message for video description.My problem is that I would like to set the keywords field of the video as well while emailing the video.I am unable to find any way to specify the Keywords for mobile uploads.If thr is any official link for all this information then please provide me.
The documentation for mobile uploads can be found at and
You can't add keywords from the email form, but you can log into YouTube from your phone's browser and add them there.
I also recommend you look into using one of YouTube's mobile apps if you have a phone that supports it.
If you are just trying to automate the upload process please try out the YouTube Data API.

YouTube API: API says it is embeddable and not blocked but when it is embedded it is blocked

I wonder if anyone ever encounters this problem. I am trying to embed "The Killers - Human" Music Video.
When I did an API feed request as follow:
It shows that the video is embeddable and is not blocked. It even states that you can embed using the following URL:
However, when I tried this and played the video, I have received an error that the video contains content from UMG and is restricted to playback on certain sites. It is SUPPOSED to be able to playback.
I have double checked all the states etc. I wonder if I have missed anything to determine if a video is not embeddable or not on certain site.
Thank you for your help.
when you open the json you can actually see this
