Trying to pass an argument/variable into an attribute in Rails - ruby-on-rails

Imagine I have two models for a Greeting Card App: Template and Card. In creating a Card you specify the target's name, age, and which template you want to use (Card belongs_to template). The Template just has say title and body:text attributes.
I would obviously like there to be a placeholder for the target's name (and perhaps age) within the template body, because I want anyone to be able to create a Card, select the template, and see a Card with the chosen template using their target's name. Is there a way to pass in an argument to the body of the Template for the target's name? I have the Card and target info waiting in the controller but I don't know how to pass it the info since in creating the Template the body was typed into a form and is hard coded into the db as an attribute.
The only way around this I see would be to create a view for each Template instead of storing them in the database, or to create several 'chunks' of the template body, and insert the target's name in between. I'd like to figure this out the more efficient way. Thanks in advance!

If you did not want to do this as templates and truly want it store in the db then I would use javascript to replace keys embedded into the text.
This would also offload the search and replace to the client.

I found the easiest way to go about this ended up just using a designated keyword in the attribute and then replacing it in the controller using the ruby method .gsub!


Add types in the parameter table when generating document with Stardoc

We are trying to use Stardoc when generating documentation for our Bazel macros.
I can get a table generated with parameter descriptions when follow the instruction here:
Macro/Function documenatation.
But we would also like to add the parameter Type in the table.
According to it seems like we shall write the type in parentheses after the parameter name but before colon, as this example:
another_parameter (unused, mutable): a parameter may be followed
by additional attributes in parenthese
I have seen that it's possible to add a rule template to the stardoc() rule (attribute: func_template).
I started to use an own copy of the default template to play around with: //stardoc:templates/markdown_tables/func.vm
If I have understood correctly it doesn't seem that the attributes that I add in paranthese is fetched.
And I don't think that I will be able to retreive that information by just updating the template.
So I think that it will need an update in the Stardoc code for this, correct?!
Is that something that is already planned?
If I'm not correct then I would appreciate information how I can retreive the value of the attribute.
Best Regards

Update attributes of embedded new record in Rails & Mongoid

I'm trying to write a piece of functionality that creates a record from a template in my Rails app, but with some customisations from the user.
The difficulty comes when trying to let the user override a field in an embedded document: the document is duplicated rather than updated.
I start with an object of type, let's say, ExternalLinkGroupTemplate, and it contains a number of ExternalLinks. It's used to create an ExternalLinkGroup which also contains ExternalLinks. The user should be able to edit the link text when it's cloned but not the URL, so the user is presented with a form When it's copied the user should be able to I can create a copy of it with (simplified because some of the code is in different files, remove tests for success etc):
#link_group =
#template.links.each do {|link| #new_link_group.links.push link.dup }
When the link group is created, it contains twice as many links as the template, and only the second set has the changes. Clearly, Mongoid/ActiveWhatever is creating new items rather than updating existing ones.
I don't want to just pass through all the fields in the parameters without duplicating anything because there's actually some inheritance going on and some of the links will be of different types and have extra fields, and I don't want to code a partial for each of them that just has a bunch of hidden fields. Also, I don't want the user to be able to modify the hidden fields and submit whatever.
I can't reference them by _id because they're not saved yet. I was expecting the array index of template[links_attributes] to be sufficient but it's not.
What do?
Using Rails 3.2.13, MongoDB 2.2.x, Mongoid 3.0.5.

Stack Overflow-like tagging behavior in Rails

I have a new application that contains a Modela called "Campaigns". Each campaign is able to have any number of tags associated with it.
What I am attempting to do is impliment a Stack Overflow-like behavior with these tags. Namely, that when you create a new campaign, it gives you a text-field that will auto-complete with tags that already exist, and start anew every time you put a space. Additionally, should the tag not exist, it should create a new tag.
This railscast is a step in the right direction, but it only allows for one "tag" at a time.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
In the model layer I'd go for a plugin like:
In the view you want an autocomplete plugin (personally I use this Then either generate a controller for the tags and fetch the autocomplete list remotely or just = them in the page.

Fill a rails form with a hashmap

I have a difficult situation.
I let the the user create a form through a Rich Text Editor and then I save this.
So for example, I save this literally into my DB: (how can you post HTML here? It gets interpreted, so now I use pastebin...)
On another page I wrap this in a form_tag and it gets presented as it should be.
What I want to do is save this as a template and save the answers as a hashmap to my DB.
This works well, but the problem is I want to recreate what checkbox/radiobutton/... is selected when the user goes back to the page. So I want to fill the form with the answers from the hashmap.
Is there a way to use a 'dummy' model or something else to accomplish this?
Since you're pasting in raw HTML which is not properly configured as a template, it is more difficult to enable the proper options based on whatever might be stored in your DB.
The reliable approach to making this work is to use Hpricot or Nokogiri to manipulate the bit of HTML you have and substitute values accordingly. This isn't too hard so long as you can define the elements in that form using a proper selector. For example, create a div with a unique id and operate on all input elements within it, comparing the name attribute with your properties. There may even be a library for this somewhere.
The second approach is to use JavaScript to enable the options in much the same fashion. This seems like a bit of a hack since the form itself will not have a proper default state.

Salesforce Create Buttons and Links option - Custom URL to launch email template

I have an email template that I would like to launch from within the case using a Link/Button. I see the option under setup->customize->cases->button and links I even see where I need to place the URL. What I don't see is nay documentation on how to build the URL to launch an email template. Any help you be great
I don't know if this is documented anywhere by salesforce, but I found from some guess work:
Just use that as the url content of a custom button or link. This one is for cases, as you are trying to do, but I think this should work for other types of objects as well.
The parameters are p3_lkid, which is the case id, p2_lkid which is the id of the contact you are emailing, and template_id which is hardcoded to the desired email template. (You can find this id by looking in the url of the Setup page for the template)
This was really helpful. I did, however, figure out another way to do it. Click on the "Send an Email" button you currently have. Copy the URL and add &template_id=YOUR TEMPLATE ID.
There is one other ID number that will show up in the original URL. Change that to be the dynamic field you want it to be.
For example:
Copy url from "Send Email":
Add &template_id=YOUR TEMPLATE ID so it looks like this:
/_ui/core/email/author/EmailAuthor?p3_lkid=70150000000Axj1&retURL=%2F70150000000Axj1&template_id=YOUR TEMPLATE ID
Remove the other id (it's the object you used to send the email - so in this case, I was wanting to be able to send an email directly from a Campaign) and replace with the dynamic field:
/_ui/core/email/author/EmailAuthor?p3_lkid={!Campaign.Id}&retURL=%2F70150000000Axih&template_id=YOUR TEMPLATE ID
And voila! It should work!
Abeyer's answer is good. However, if the template contains solution attachments "{!Case.Solution_Attachments}" the attachments will not get included unless you add the new_template=1 parameter to the URL making it:
