Post on google plus from ios - ios

My app has a feature to share on google plus.
My app cannot allow users to login using google.
Is it possible to post on google plus without using google plus sign in ?

Google APIs use OAuth 2.0 for both authentication and authorization. You cannot do anything if you are not authorized - it's the matter of security. Here is a great official guide on how to properly login in Google Plus and use different APIs features.
So, you must enable the possibility to login through Google or disable the sharing feature.


How to make instagram login with AWS Cognito Federated Identities

I am trying to implement social media login with AWS Cognito (Mobile services)for iOS app.AWS directly supports login with Amazon, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. But i want to implement instagram login with AWS Cognito. How can I achieve this. Please look at the Screen Shot,
In the screen shot you will see provider sections like Amazon,facebook, google and Twitter and the rest of the three are for other. Please let me know which one will work for INSTAGRAM login in rest of the three provider OpenID, SAML and Custom. And how to implement it??
Unfortunately there is no out of box support for Instagram, so your best bet is to setup Instagram as Custom provider. Please refer to this doc and blog to learn about setting up custom provider.
Basically your app needs to interact directly with Instagram to get Instagram User's unique id. That id can then be used as developer user identifier in GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity to get Cognito Identity Id and Token.
You can take a look at auth0, maybe this meet your requirements.
The instagram has stopped supporting authentication. You can use Instagram Basic Display API allows users of your app to get basic profile information, photos, and videos in their Instagram accounts.
Check below links -
They mentioned, "Authentication — Instagram Basic Display is not an authentication solution. Data returned by the API cannot be used to authenticate your app users or log them into your app. If you need an authentication solution we recommend using Facebook Login instead".

Google will no longer allow OAuth requests to Google in embedded browsers

"On April 20, 2017, we will start blocking OAuth requests using web-views for all OAuth clients on platforms where viable alternatives exist."
We received this notice. In our iOS app using the Google drive, but google drive sdk no updated. google drive sdk still uses the old way. We need to modify the authorization method?
If you are using the WebView for Google OAuth authentication (i.e. if the user has to type the Gmail address and password in a WebView), yes, you have to update it.
You have two options.
SFSafariViewController: Load the Google login URL in the SFSafariViewController instead of the WebView. If you are accessing any cookies in the WebView, you cannot do that in the SFSafariViewController. For iOS 8 and below, which does not support SFSafariViewController, you can fallback by opening the Safari browser to authenticate.
Google Sign In SDK: Use Google Sign In for iOS SDK. You put a Google Sign In button in your app and use the Google APIs to authenticate.
For more information, refer this presentation from Google devs:

Is it possible to login in twitter within an iOS app and not use the twitter account that is stored in the settings of the device?

I want to do this because I am building an app, which is going to be used within a campaign and many people will be asked to login in their twitter account, in the same device.
Instead of using the default account of the iOS device, you can use Twitter's own OAuth tokens and then handle them independently in your application.
You can see the documentation at Twitter's Developer Site

OAuth2 Login on Android and iOS

I have built a web application that allows users to login with Google and Facebook through OAuth 2.0. I actually used the SimpleAuth project on Google App Engine. In my database I am storing their OAuth ID, which for Google looks like:
and for Facebook looks like:
and I am wondering if I can use the same method on an iOS or Android app. I know that I will need a much different implementation but will that ID be constant even if I am using a Facebook or Google login on mobile?
The Google identifier you show is an OpenID2 identifier, not an OAuth 2 one. OpenID2 will not work on iOS nor Android. Not familiar with SimpleAuth, but if you can configure it to use OAuth 2 or OpenID Connect (which is based on OAuth 2, not to be confused with OpenID2), then using the OAuth 2 protocol on iOS or Android will give you the same identifier for the same user.

Integrate Google account login into a iOS app

I want to login in my iOS App with a Google account. Instead of having a database with users and having to register all the users, I simply login with my existing Google account.
Anyone knows a way of doing this, or a tutorial?
Google Accounts Authentication and Authorization for Mobile Apps has fairly detailed instructions for authenticating Google account users and includes iOS-specific steps.
