How to fix UITableViewCells cutting off at a fixed height in iOS7? - ios

I have a UITableView in my app where each UITableViewCell has a custom view added to its contentView. Now, each such custom view can come at any height and I verified that tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: returns the correct value. The thing is it used to work just fine prior to iOS7. In iOS7 it cuts off every cell's content at the exact same spot, about 40-50 points from the top. I can see using the table view's separator that each cell has the correct height, so it isn't a matter of the cell going beyond its bounds and being clipped. It is clipped while being contained fully inside the cell's bounds.
Anyone has any idea what is the cause of this issue and how to solve it?


Stop UICollectionView hiding cells out of view bounds

I have a horizontal-scrolling UICollectionView which is nested in a UIView that is centred and occupies 80% of the screen width.
I want the UICollectionView to be visible screen edge-to-edge rather than constrained to the super UIView bounds.
I have set the following which shows the UICollectionView across the screen width:
collectionView.clipToBounds = NO
...but when dragging the collectionView, it hides cells when they are completely outside of the super UIView bounds even though they are partially visible on the screen, which leads to a weird flickering of blank space/cell.
Ideally, I'd like a way to prevent the hiding of the cells completely out of bounds. Is there a way to do this?
The UICollectionView has a maximum size of 3 cells, so I'm not particularly worried about any performance implications of having all cells visible all the time.
The only way I found is to enlarge the frame of the collection view (and its superview in your case) and add contentInset's to it. You might also want to update scrollIndicatorInsets.

UITableView Not Scrolling

I have a tableview which will not budge when touched. It is very confusing to me. It is the most recently added subview (I checked - it is the last entry in my view's subviews array) and for some reason it just won't scroll up or down. If I tap multiple fingers wildly on the tableview it will one in a while highlight the cell under one of my fingers, but it will not scroll even a little. I have set the number of rows to 100 (many more than are visible on screen) and I have set the 'bounces', 'scrollEnabled', and 'userInteractionEnabled' properties to YES.
I know that I have not provided much to go on here, but if anyone could at least give some tips on how to go about debugging this I would be very grateful. Can I log from within the tableView gestureRecognizer handling method? Can I test where my touches are going?
Please help!
A TableView is basically a specialized ScrollView. If it's not scrolling, it seems to me it could be one of two things. Either something is on top of the TableView and is capturing the gesture events before the TableView can get them, or You have set the bounds and contentSize incorrectly. For a TableView or ScrollView, the bounds of the view should be the visible area, and the contentSize (should be handled by the TableView without you needing to do anything) is the size of all the cells in the Table.
So I would check the bounds of the table view and make sure you are setting that to the contentSize, since that would cause it nor to scroll.
Just to make sure it's on the top, try calling
[view bringSubviewToFront:tableView];
In my case tableview "User Interaction" was disabled. I just enabled it & works.
In my case, tableView "canCancelContentTouches" was not enabled. I set it to true in the storyboard.
Can you check the frame of the parent on which the tableview is added? Make sure the parent view have correct frame to include the table view. I have faced this issue sometime back my table view was not responding to touches and there was some problem with frame size. Also do check the bounds and frames of your tableview
Please check tableview scroll is enabled.
I just hate XIB and Storyboard. After 30 mins of debugging it come to know that scroll was not enable in XIB.
Basically, Table view is just a kind of scrollview. So in case it is not scrolling You should be sure that if the frame size of your table view is less than the contentSize of your table view. For this just log the frame and content size of tableView's scroll view. If you found that frame size is greater or equal to your content size, just correct your layout constrain of your view. And I hope it will work.

iOS 7 UITableView Not Getting Right Cell Height Until Refresh

For some odd reason, my table view sets the height of each custom UITableViewCell to a default value of 44.0f despite me explicitly returning a value of 113.0f in the datasource method. I made sure that I set my view controller as the datasource and delegate so that's not the issue but I'm completely stumped. I saw another SO post where someone was asking a similar question, the tableview wasn't getting the proper cell height until after a forced refresh. I'm even calling [tableView reloadData] in every possible uiviewcontroller method and that's not changing anything. Anyone have any ideas/possible fixes?
So here's the weird part. The cell's are visually getting set to the right height but their frame's are returning a value of 44.0f. What's more, all the subviews are sized down to 44.0f even though when I tap a cell, all 113 pixels gets highlighted.
If you use prototype cells, or if you load their interface from a .xib file, check if they have the right height in the Interface Builder

UICollectionView with custom UICollectionViewLayOut

I am trying to have the content in a uicollectionviewcell grow bigger when it scroll moving in one direction. i initially set the size of the cell to the largest size i want, then the content inside the cell is half in terms of the size. the content is an uiimageview.
So I have a custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout in which I subclassed the layoutAttributesForElementsInRect to make the uiimageview in the cells grow bigger when it is moving in one direction. i also have shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange to return YES
Everything works perfectly when i scroll, the imageview will grow larger. However if i select a cell to push to a new viewcontroller, and then when i click the back button to come back to this uicolletionview, the enlarged uiimageview in severals cells are showing in the original size. They can only go back to the correct enlarged size if i scroll again, why is that? and how can i make it keep its enlarged size after getting pushed?
i tried invalidatelayout but it will just refresh the layoutattributes with correct enlarged size of the content, but the view is just not updated eventhough the size is already enlarged.
I had a similar issue when designing cv cells and would gess the issue is with when the subviews get calls to update their size, which might not happen when the view refreshes.
Instead of resizing content in the cell, you might want to dynamically size the cells themselves and have the content automatically adjust to that size. Calling [mycollection invalidateLayout] then should be all you need, maybe not even that.
The method is
which you declare in your UICollectionViewFlowLayout.h
If you then run into trouble where subviews do not resize with cell size, related problems can arise from constraints/autolayout etc of the subviews.

UITableView dosen't change the size of UIScrollView when adding Cells

The scrollView, which is there with UITableView dose not change it's size.
So I have a UITableView, where Cells are added by the User. Right after adding these cells, I'm calling
[self.tableView reloadData];
Now the tableView shows the new cells added by the User. fine. But, if the tableView get's larger, if it's too big to show everything in the view, it doesen't change the size of my scrollView. I have no scrollView in the view, aside from the "normal" scrollView, which comes with the UITableView. So I can't scroll to the last row, because the scrollView is "too small".
Is there anything I forgot? I'm thinking of something like
[self.tableView.scrollView reload];
I'm using the same concept in another class: The user is able to add cells and they're shown. But in the other class the scrollView "resizes" correctly.
I assume that you have table inside a scrollview. You need to change content size of scrollview after adding cells. Height of content size should change according to content in scrollview so that you can scroll through whole content.
Updated answer:
I think your tableview's frame is larger. It is crossing window's bounds. Try minimizing tableview's height.
