Using grails filterpane plugin with one "search" input field - grails

is it possible to use the grails filterpane-plugin in a way that uses just one search box? i know it seems a little odd, because obviously the whole thing about this plugin that the user can specify what attributes should be filtered in what kind and with whatever filter terms.
What i would like to achieve is, that the user can search for any attribute that is displayed in the grid like it is possible in this jira example. i know i could come up with something like the searchable plugin to get that done, but im not sure how i could combine this with the standard filter activities that are provided by the filterpane plugin, so i'm looking for a solution that is based on filterpane. If you have any advice or opinion about the searchable-plugin solution, please let me know.

I use the quick search plugin for this in my app.


Custom Report Printing in Oracle Apex

What is the best way to create a Custom Report Template to print in Oracle Apex ? I saw some posts that've already been answered, but since they were Apex 5.1, I was wondering if these were still up to date, or if there are easier way no (I am using Apex v21.1). Also, the "Printing" attribute in the Reports does not give me the possiblities to do these specific things :
I would like the users to print an Interactive Report, which will display the logo of the company, the export date, and the data obviously. Is it possible to set custom margin so the list take more space on the page, and to set a custom size for the column, in case I have a column with a long text in it ?
Thanks in advance,
Welcome to one of the weakest points of Oracle APEX, printing.
Honestly, the best option is Apex Office Print(AOP), but they are a paid plugin.
They enable lots of different printing, quite easy to grasp, and I am quite satisfied with them.
Other options I have seen are:
Make an excel sheet from within the database and you can generate that dynamically(you can also expand fields, colour them, probably can also put an image in there but I havent tried that).
I once decided to torture myself and I tried printing through HTML, as in I created an HTML document with the data I wanted(I made an invoice), but that has many problems, chief among them being page breaks.
Another option that was recommended to me, but that I have not yet tried was setting up an Apache FOP, having the Oracle database generate an XML, send it there and get back a nice looking pdf(
I hope you get something working, and if you try this Apache FOP approach please let me know how it goes.

Umbraco 7 Limiting possible Tags values

On our website, it is possible to tag content by a country list. This country list could be implemented as a tag control but I'm concerned about mis-spellings creeping in over time. However, the country list is very long (150+) so not ideal for a dropdown multiple control either.
What I'm looking to do is have a control that has the same type + autocomplete functionality as the existing tags control but limit the possible values to those retrieved from a database table.
I also want to be able to list all tags that a piece of content has been tagged against as well as searching for content based on tags e.g. GetNodesWithTags
Has anyone developed anything like this before? I've had a look at packages etc but can't see anything similar. Does anyone have any advice before I start off?
Definitely, using Tags datatype for this may cause a lot of problems :)
In my opinion, the perfect solution will be to use nuPickers ( package and available there TypeaheadList Picker.
Depending of your additional requirements, you may use Lucene index / C# accessed source (totally custom - db, static, enum etc.) / XML file source as a prevalues for your control.
Then, you'll be able to create logic which will enable you to perform search based on this field as it will be a typical property with value on the nodes. Once again - suggested way is to use Lucene Examine index as it's tailored to be fast with searching. You can read more about searching with Examine here:
Hopefully it will solve your problem.

Best solution for clickable search list in Rails

I'm developing an app in Rails with a nutrient database. Now I'm looking for an easy solution for users to search the database through a search field, which as they type will present a list of records from the database, which at the same time are clickable and once clicked will direct them directly to the show path of that nutrient.
I'm thinking of something like this. If you enter e. g. "burger" it does exactly what I need.
I've been researching now for some days and found solutions from jQuery autocomplete to Elasticsearch to typeahead.js but now I'm totally lost, which solution would be the right one for my usecase (I tried jQuery autocomplete but at the end it turned out that this is not exactly what I need).
Anybody some ideas?
Algolia is a well known solution for instant search, but not the easiest one to implement (though their support team is incredible).
You should look into searchkick which is based on elasticsearch, and has an instant search feature.
It is relatively easy to implement, and pretty well documented.

Calendar or Agenda plugin for Grails

I need to find a way to detect if any given person is available in a given time... but it needs to be accurate, i will explain with an example:
I have a system that allows to a given person to register, and be contacted to work in a work-by-hour job. So, a given person can be hired to work from 09:00AM to 13:00, and be hired by a completely different person to work from 16:00 to 20:00 (for example). I need a Calendar/Agenda-like plugin to grails that allow me to get the data in a given day, and hourly-accurate
Anybody knows any plugin that dows that? Thank you.
There's not a plugin to my knowledge that is going to give you exactly what you need. There is, however, a very nice jQuery plugin called FullCalendar that I've used to implement Google Calendar like functionality for a client.
There is also a Grails plugin for it, although I generally don't use plugins for JavaScript libraries. Makes it more difficult to customize things.
You're still going to have to manage your agenda/event data yourself. But once you have the data, feeding it to FullCalendar via JSON is cake.
This can be also implemented with DHTMLX JavaPlanner, check out this tutorial

UI Dialog to search and add clients to a list

I need to implement a dialog for a web application (ASP.NET/C#) where users can search and select one or more clients from the company's database.
Actually an existing version is already used (see attached image) and I have to replace it with a new version (it comes from an external legacy software and will be dismissed).
The goal is to provide an intuitive and easy to use GUI, still providing the basic functionalities like: search for a client and add it or remove previously inserted.
My idea would be to develop the dialog with jQuery Dialog plugin and using web methods and Ajax/JSON to interact with them for interacting with the server and the DB. I cannot find a good solution yet for the contacts list, since I would avoid using GridViews or tables, if possible, for listing them.
Does anyone knows if further plugins or best patters exist for develop this UI and its functionalities?
I wanted to have the same in my application. After talking to the users i found that such dialog could easily be replaced by an Autocomplete with Multiple select.
See the jqueryUI demopage here.
If this does not fit your needs i would go with two lists <ol> or <ul>, a pagination plugin and perhaps a search plugin. But haven't done this so far.
Thanks for the hint, indeed for the search I also thought to a autocomplete for make the search easier.
My bigger concerns were about the Add and Remove selected Clients in a "modern" fashion.
I found this MultiSelect plugin that works perfectly for my needs (and maybe it could be useful for yours as well).
Not only it let use Multiselect to add/remove entries, but also have some auto-filtering capabilities when searching the entries. I will try to add this to my solution.
