Ruby rack app on 1 CPU - how many processes should I run? - ruby-on-rails

I'm quite new to Ruby web apps (coming from java).
I have VPS that has 1 CPU and 2GB of RAM and would like to play with some rails/sinatra stuff.
I'm using Ruby 2.1.0 MRI
How does number of CPUs maps to number of web server's processes I need to run? I use puma as a web server and have default threads (0,16) set up. But I noticed there is also "workers" option that forks another process to better handle multiple requests.
Do I understand correctly that for such setup (1 CPU) there is no point in running 2 web server processes? The only reasonable setup is 1 process with threads?

Oh now this is a pretty big question!
The number of processes and threads aren't necessarily linked to the number of CPU's. It's more a case of the amount of memory available, the amount of concurrent requests and the amount of 'locking' stuff that's going on.
If you're going to have long running requests that block other requests, then having additional processes can help with that. You can still have more than one process with a single CPU.
There are a number of different servers in Ruby that handle scaling in different ways, Unicorn, Puma, Thin are some of them. Doing a search on Unicorn vs Puma vs Thin can turn up some useful blog posts on the topic.
Here's a couple
And some information on concurrency in Ruby
The TL:DR answer is, it depends!


Why are multiple Ruby processes on an EC2 server causing 100% CPU utilisation?

I have a Rails application which has 100% CPU utilization most of the time.
I am not able to figure out why there is so much load on the server. I am using the Puma web server with a default configuration, and am running multiple background jobs using the sucker-punch gem. There are 7 files which are using sucker punch jobs with 5 workers:
include SuckerPunch::Job
workers 5
I ran the top -i query and found the following processes running on the server. I can see multiple Ruby commands on the server. Can someone tell me whether this is normal behavior on a server, or if something is wrong?
Some Ways to Reduce Resource Contention
Your user space load is high (~48%), so you'll probably want to reduce the number of workers in your web application, increase the number of CPUs available on your instance, move to a version of Ruby that has better concurrency and real multi-core support (e.g. Rubinius or JRuby), or some combination of these options. Depending on what your code is actually doing, you may also need to re-architect your application to offload expensive I/O from the application server.
In addition, your steal time is quite high (~41%), so your EC2 instance is probably overloaded. Simply moving your application to a less-loaded instance may free up sufficient resources to reduce application wait times.

Rails application servers

I've been reading information about how different rails application servers work for a while and some things got me confused probably because of my lack of knowledge in this field. Anyway, the following things got me confused:
Puma server has the following line about its clustered mode workers number in its readme:
On a ruby implementation that offers native threads, you should tune this number to match the number of cores available
So if I have, lets say, 2 cores and use rubinius as a ruby implementation, should I still use more than 1 process considering that rubinius use native threads and doesn't have the lock thus it uses all the CPU cores anyway, even with 1 process?
I understand it that I'd need to only increase the threads pool of the only process if I upgrade to a machine with more cores and memory, if it's not correct, please explain it to me.
I've read some articles on using Server-Sent Events with puma which, as far as I understand, blocks the puma thread since the browser keeps the connection open, so if I have 16 threads and 16 people are using my site, then the 17th would have to wait before one of those 16 leaves so it could connect? That's not very efficient, is it? Or what do I miss?
If I have a 1 core machine with 3Gb of RAM, just for the sake of the question, and using unicorn as my application server and 1 worker takes 300 MBs of memory and its CPU usage is insignificant, how many workers should I have? Some say that the number of workers should be equal to the number of cores, but if I set the workers number to, lets say, 7 (since I have enough RAM for it), it will be able to handle 7 concurrent requests, won't it? So it's just a question of memory and cpu usage and amount of RAM? Or what do I miss?

Thin vs Unicorn on Heroku

Just wanted to get people's opinions on using Unicorn vs Thin as a rails server. Most of the articles/benchmarks I found online seem very incomplete, so it would nice to have a centralized place to discuss it.
Unicron is a multi-processes server, while thin is an event based/non-blocking server. Event-based servers are great... if your code is asynchronous/non-blocking - vanilla rails is blocking. So unless you use non-blocking rails libraries, I really don't see the advantage of using Thin. Even worse, in a non-blocking server, if your i/o loop is blocking you're going to block the entire loop and not be able to handle any more requests until the blocking call returns. Blocking libraries are going to slow thin down!
Why did Heroku choose Thin as their default server (for cedar)? They are smart guys, so I'm sure they had a reason.
Bellow is a link that suggests replacing Thin with 4 Unicorn workers - this makes perfect sense to me.
4 Unicron workers on Heroku
Thin is easy to configure - not optimal, but it just works in the Heroku environment.
Unicorn can be more efficient, but it needs to be configured: How many workers? Preload App? What do you pick?
I have released Unicorn Heroku apps with workers set to 3, 5 and 8 - just based on how big each app is - how much code, how much memory is used and how much traffic you get all go into picking this number, and you need to monitor over time to make sure you got the number right, and your app isn't running out of memory.
Preload false - this will make your app start slower, but when Unicorn restarts a worker, this is 'safer' with network connections (memcache, postgres, mongo etc)
Preload true - this is better, but you need to handle server re-connections correctly in the pre and post fork code.
Thin has none of these issues out of the box, but you only get process of execution.
Summary: It's really hard to configure Unicorn out of the box to work well (or at all) for everyone, whereas Thin can just work to get people running with fewer support requests.
Recently (only a few months ago) the folks behind Phusion Passenger add support to Heroku. Definitely this is an alternative you should try and see if fits your needs.
Is blazing fast even with 1 dyno and the drop in response time is palpable.
A simple Passenger Ruby Heroku Demo is hosted on github.
The main benefits that Passengers on Heroku claims are:
Static asset acceleration through Nginx - Don't let your Ruby app serve static assets, let Nginx do it for you and offload your app for the really important tasks. Nginx will do a much better job.
Multiple worker processes - Instead of running only one worker on a dyno, Phusion Passenger runs multiple worker on a single dyno, thus utilizing its resources to its fullest and giving you more bang for the buck. This approach is similar to Unicorn's. But unlike Unicorn, Phusion Passenger dynamically scales the number of worker processes based on current traffic, thus freeing up resources when they're not necessary.
Memory optimizations - Phusion Passenger uses less memory than Thin and Unicorn. It also supports copy-on-write virtual memory in combination with code preloading, thus making your app use even less memory when run on Ruby 2.0.
Request/response buffering - The included Nginx buffers requests and responses, thus protecting your app against slow clients (e.g. mobile devices on mobile networks) and improving performance.
Out-of-band garbage collection - Ruby's garbage collector is slow, but why bother your visitors with long response times? Fix this by running garbage collection outside of the normal request-response cycle! This concept, first introduced by Unicorn, has been improved upon: Phusion Passenger ensures that only one request at the same time is running out-of-band garbage collection, thus eliminating all the problems Unicorn's out-of-band garbage collection has.
JRuby support - Unicorn's a better choice than Thin, but it doesn't support JRuby. Phusion Passenger does.
Hope this helps.
Heroku does not use intelligent routing - it will randomly assign jobs to dynos regardless of whether the dyno is busy. Thus, if your dyno cannot handle multiple jobs at once, you will get latency (perhaps massive latency) even if you are paying for lots of other dynos that are free. " That's right — if your app needs 80 dynos with an intelligent router, it needs 4,000 with a random router. "
Heroku says they are working on this, and their plan is to make it easier to use Unicorn. They basically said "Oops, we didn't notice that this was a problem for a few years... and now that we look, it's definitely a problem for Thin... so I guess you need to use a different program than the one we've been pushing all this time."
From the official Heroku explanation (second link above):
"Rails, in fact, does not yet reliably support concurrent request handling. This leaves Rails developers unable to leverage the additional concurrency capabilities offered by the Cedar stack, unless they move to a concurrent web server like Puma or Unicorn.
Rails apps deployed to Cedar with Thin can rather quickly end up with request queuing problems. Because the Cedar router no longer does any queuing on behalf of the app, requests queued at the dyno must wait until the single Rails process works its way through the queue. Many customers have run into this issue and we failed to take action and provide them with a better approach to deploying Rails apps on Cedar."
Also of interest is that their performance tools, including New Relic, have not been reporting time spent in the dyno queue.

Rails (3) server - what to use nowadays?

I've been using Ruby Enterprise Edition and Passenger (for Apache, since I run Apache anyway for other things) for some time, but I'm wondering if there's a new trend about what to use on servers nowadays.
For example I've heard about Thin, Unicorn... I also know that 1.9.2 is faster than REE, but I wonder about RAM consumption. I'd rather have it consume less RAM even at the expense of some speed.
Thanks for all advice.
If you want minimal memory you should try Thin.
It does not have master worker as Unicorn or Passenger, thus uses less memory.
Suppose you have a very small app that needs to run on a small VM, then you can use 1 thin worker + nginx. I ran several rails 3.2 apps using Thin+nginx+postgres on 256MB VMs without swapping.
Unicorn is faster but it needs a master worker. It's good if you want to run on Heroku, you can set it 2 or 3 workers and be within the 512MB limit.
If your app is very big and you have too many long running requests, I would check out jRuby and Thinidad/Torquebox.
I converted a few apps from MRI+Sidekiq to jruby+Trinidad+Trinidad_Scheduler. I get about 100-200 req/sec using a pool of 50 threads in a trinidad server!
What I like about jRuby is that you can combine everything on one Rails Server. You can put together on the same JavaVM the cache_store with EHcache, Scheduling, Background processing and real multithreading.
You don't need to run redis, memcached, resque or sidekiq separately.
Im not saying they are not good, I love sidekiq and resque, but you can decrease your complexity by combining everything on one process and have high concurrency.
A more advanced and Enterprise solution is Torquebox, it has support for clustering and is super scalable. But I've had problems with my app crashing on torquebox, so i'm sticking to Trinidad for now.
The disadvantages of jRuby? MEmory! A Trinidad server will use minimum 512MB, up to 2-3GB ram.
Also, for Single Thread server, a single request from a rails app running Ruby-1.9.3 is about twice as fast as the same request on jRuby.
Another option is Puma, you can get full multithreading on MRI with puma. I myself could not get it stable enough on my apps.
So, it all depends on your requirements, memory usage, full threading and concurrency.
Apart from Passenger, have a look at Unicorn, Trinidad, Puma and Torquebox. Those seems to be the top rails servers right now.
There is an great book with an introduction of converting your Rails app to jRuby and deploy your app using several methods such as trinidad.
The Torquebox Documentation is amazingly good. It's very detailed and explains really good how to use all Torquebox features.
I Hope that sharing my experience has helped.
Passenger is still extremely strong, especially being REE will naturally support 1.9 in the near future. The fact that your application can crash, however it won't affect anything else on your machine is an amazing feature to have. Deploying code is extremely easy because the server will continue to accept connections, which means less frustration/stress for you.
However, in terms of comparisons:
Here is a great resource is check out various comparisons(including memory consumption) with all the new servers.
It compares Thin, Unicorn, Passenger, TorqueBox, Glassfish, and Trinidad:
Mike Lewis' link does a good job of comparing those different ruby servers. My personal experience has been with nginx/REE/Passenger and its been good. I haven't tried the others, so I can't comment on that.
However, I can speak on RAM usage. Your biggest savings of RAM will come from using 32-bit servers. In my experience (3x 3GB app servers), 64-bit REE/passenger processes took up to 2x as much RAM as their 32-bit counterparts. We saw a significant performance increase moving from 64 to 32 bit servers, everything else staying the same. Unless your application requires 64-bit, I would suggest running your application servers (not database) in 32-bit.
Passenger is still a very good choice to use so you are not behind the times or anything. It is also actively supported and has a very good development team that contributes a lot to the community. We have been using Unicorn and it has been very good. Our favorite functionality is to be able to upgrade apps/ruby/nginx without dropping a connection.

Ruby on Rails: How would I handle 10 concurrent users? Do I need more CPU?

Sorry if this might seem obvious. I've monitored that a web request on my Rails app uses 30-33% of CPU every time. For example, if I load a web page, then 30% of CPU is used. Does that mean that my box can only handle 3 concurrent web requests, and will stall if there are more than 3 web requests (i.e. I'll get a 100% CPU)?
If so, does that also mean that if I want to handle more than 3 concurrent web requests, then I'll have to get more servers to handle the load using a load balancer? (e.g. to handle 6 concurrent web requests, I'll need 2 servers; for 9 concurrent requests, I'll need 3 servers; for 12, I'll need 4 servers -- and so on?)
I think you should start with load tests. I wouldn't trust manual testing that much.
Load tests tell you how long the response takes for each client, and how many clients
simply time-out.
Also you will be able to measure the improvements objectively for any changes that you make.
Look at ab, or httperf; there are many other tools available.
Your Apache or Nginx in front of the Passenger will queue requests until a Passenger worker becomes available. You can limit the number of concurrent workers so your server never stalls (but new visitors will have to wait longer until it's their turn).
It's difficult to tell based on this information. It depends very much on the web server stack you're using and which environment you're running. Different servers (Mongrel, Webrick, Apache using various mechanisms, Unicorn) all have different memory characteristics. Different environments (development vs. test vs. production) all exhibit radically different memory usage characteristics.
