Difference, Binary vs multi-class classification - machine-learning

Is there any difference in the implementation between binary and multi-class classification?

Certainly -- a binary classifier does not automatically help in performing multi-class classification since "multi" might be > 2.
A standard technique to fake N-class with a binary classifier is to build N binary classifiers for each of the labels and then see which of the N binary classifiers is most confident in its class, and choose that. So, that much at least is different in this case.
There are also algorithms that more directly support multi-class, like random decision forests. Since 2 is a special case of multi, no, there would be no difference in applying RDF to a binary vs multi-class problem.


Use categorical data as feature/target without encoding it

I am recently found a model to classify the Irish flower based on the size of its leaf. There are 3 types of flowers as a target (dependent variable). As I know, the categorical data should be encoded so that it can be used in machine learning. However, in the model the data is used directly without encoding process.
Can anyone help to explain when to use encoding? Thank you in advance!
Relevant question - encoding of continuous feature variables.
Originally, the Iris data were published by Fisher when he published his linear discriminant classifier.
Generally, a distinction is made between:
Real-value classifiers
Discrete feature classifiers
Linear discriminant analysis and quadratic discriminant analysis are real-value classifiers. Trying to add discrete variables as extra input does not work. Special procedures for working with indicator variables (the name used in statistics) in discriminant analysis have been developed. Also the k-nearest neighbour classifier really only works well with real-valued feature variables.
The naive Bayes classifier is most commonly used for classification problems with discrete features. When you don't want to assume conditional independence between the feature variables, the multinomial classifier can be applied to discrete features. A classifier service that does all this for you in one go, is insight classifiers.
Neural networks and support vector machines combine real-valued and discrete features. My advice is to use one separate input node for each discrete outcome - don't use one single input node provided with values like: (0: small, 1: minor, 2: medium, 3: larger, 4: big). One input-node-per-outcome-encoding will improve your training result and yield better test set performance.
The random forest classifier also combines real-valued and discrete features seamlessly.
Final advice is to train and test-set compare at least 4 different types of classifiers, as there is no such thing as the universal best type of classifier.

Train multi-class classifier for binary classification

If a dataset contains multi categories, e.g. 0-class, 1-class and 2-class. Now the goal is to divide new samples into 0-class or non-0-class.
One can
combine 1,2-class into a unified non-0-class and train a binary classifier,
or train a multi-class classifier to do binary classification.
How is the performance of these two approaches?
I think more categories will bring about a more accurate discriminant surface, however the weights of 1- and 2- classes are both lower than non-0-class, resulting in less samples be judged as non-0-class.
Short answer: You would have to try both and see.
Why?: It would really depend on your data and the algorithm you use (just like for many other machine learning questions..)
For many classification algorithms (e.g. SVM, Logistic Regression), even if you want to do a multi-class classification, you would have to perform a one-vs-all classification, which means you would have to treat class 1 and class 2 as the same class. Therefore, there is no point running a multi-class scenario if you just need to separate out the 0.
For algorithms such as Neural Networks, where having multiple output classes is more natural, I think training a multi-class classifier might be more beneficial if your classes 0, 1 and 2 are very distinct. However, this means you would have to choose a more complex algorithm to fit all three. But the fit would possibly be nicer. Therefore, as already mentioned, you would really have to try both approaches and use a good metric to evaluate the performance (e.g. confusion matrices, F-score, etc..)
I hope this is somewhat helpful.

Can linear classification take non binary targets?

I'm following a TensorFlow example that takes a bunch of features (real estate related) and "expensive" (ie house price) as the binary target.
I was wondering if the target could take more than just a 0 or 1. Let's say, 0 (not expensive), 1 (expensive), 3 (very expensive).
I don't think this is possible as the logistic regression model has asymptotes nearing 0 and 1.
This might be a stupid question, but I'm totally new to ML.
I think I found the answer myself. From Wikipedia:
First, the conditional distribution y|x is a Bernoulli distribution rather than a Gaussian distribution, because the dependent variable is binary. Second, the predicted values are probabilities and are therefore restricted to (0,1) through the logistic distribution function because logistic regression predicts the probability of particular outcomes.
Logistic Regression is defined for binary classification tasks.(For more details, please logistic_regression. For multi-class classification problems, you can use Softmax Classification algorithm. Following tutorials shows how to write a Softmax Classifier in Tensorflow Library.
Softmax_Regression in Tensorflow
However, your data set is linearly non-separable (most of the time this is the case in real-world datasets) you have to use an algorithm which can handle nonlinear decision boundaries. Algorithm such as Neural Network or SVM with Kernels would be a good choice. Following IPython notebook shows how to create a simple Neural Network in Tensorflow.
Neural Network in Tensorflow
Good Luck!

Logistic Regression only recognizing predominant classes

I am participating in the Kaggle San Francisco Crime competition and i am currently trying o number of different classifiers to test benchmark performances. I am using a LogisticRegressionClassifier from sklearn, without any parameter tuning and I noticed from sklearn.metrict.classification_report that it is only predicting the predominant classses,i.e. the classes which have the highest number of occurrences in my training set.
Intuition tells me that this has to parameter tuning, but I am not sure which parameters I have to tweek in order to make the classifier more aware of less predominant classes ( LogisticRegressionClassifier has quite a few ). At the moment it is predicting only 3 classes from 38 or smth like that so it definitely needs improvement.
Any ideas?
If your model is classifying only predominant classes then you are facing problem of imbalance classes. Here are some good reads to tackle this in machine learning.
Logistic Regression is a binary classifier and uses one-vs-all or one-vs-one technique for multiclass classification, which is not good if you have higher number of output classes (33 in your case). Try using other classifier. For a start , use softmax classifier which is an extension of logistic classifier having support for multi-class classification. In scikit learn, set multi_class variable as multinomial to use softmax regression.
Other way to improve your model could be using GridSearch for parameter tuning.
On a side note, I would recommend you to use other models as well.

How to choose classifier on specific dataset

When given the dataset, normally m instances by n features matrix, how to choose the classifier that is most appropriate for the dataset.
This is just like what algorithm to solve a prime Number. Not every algorithm solve any problem means each problem assigned which finite no. of algorithm. In machine learning you can apply different algorithm on a type of problem.
If matrix contain real numbered features then you can use KNN algorithm can be used. Or if matrix have words as feature then you can use naive bayes classifier which is one of best for text classification. And Machine learning have tons of algorithm you can read them apply to your problem which fits best. Hope you understand what I said.
An interesting but much more general map I found:
If you have weka, you can use experimenter and choose different algorithms on same data set to evaluate different models.
This project compares many different classifiers on different typical datasets.
If you have no idea, you could use this simple tool auto-weka which will test all the different classifiers you selected within different constraints. Before using auto-weka, you may need to convert your data to ARFF using Weka or just manually (many tutorial on youtube).
The best classifier depends on your data (binary/string/real/tags, patterns, distribution...), what kind of output to predict (binary class / multi-class / evolving classes / a value from regression ?) and the expected performance (time, memory, accuracy). It would also depend on whether you want to update your model frequently or not (ie. if it is a stream, better use an online classifier).
Please note that the best classifier may not be one but an ensemble of different classifiers.
