change default hover in selectItem in IE10 smartGWT - smartgwt

how to change the blue color (default) hover in the selectItem compnent, in IE10?
I changed it in firefox using:selectItem.setPickListBaseStyle("newStyle");
,but in IE it didn't apply.


jQueryUI 1.12.1 invisible tick on CheckboxRadio widget

Using a "dark" theme such as UI Darkness, Le Frog or Dark Hive with jQueryUI 1.12.1, the new CheckboxRadio widget has an invisible white-on-white tick. You can see this on Themeroller. The problem occurs because the tick follows the "Clickable: default state > icon" colour while the tickbox background is "Clickable: active state > text", and dark backgrounds usually set both these things to a light colour.
The tick would be visible if it was in the "Clickable: active state > icon" colour which, IMHO, is what the designers intended. However, the CSS rule precedence isn't quite right - it is for active buttons, but not for active non-buttons that are using "ui-button" styling.
A demo of the fault and my proposed fix is available on JSfiddle. Essentially they need to add this:
.ui-button.ui-state-active .ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png");
though my demo has the absolute path.
I hope this post saves you some head-scratching as to why your CheckboxRadio isn't working the way you were expecting.
I've reported the problem on the jQueryUI bug tracker (#15155), though at the time of writing they haven't picked it up. Is this the right place for "theme" issues?

Primefaces panel width auto fit browser

I'm doing project in primefaces. In primefaces how content based panel has to fixed.
It will work in mozila browser only. if any style will common support all browser or any other inbuild style in primefaces.
I need panel content based width fixed automatically and avoid unwanted space.

how to change text color of <p:watermark>

In my jSF 2.0-PrimeFaces application I am using component and I need to change the color of the text in the component.
The sample can be found at here
how to change text color of JSF 2-PrimeFaces component?
From primefaces documentation:
There’s only one css style class applying watermark which is ‘.ui-watermark’, you can override this
class to bring in your own style. Note that this style class is not applied when watermark uses html5
placeholder if available.
PrimeFaces Userʼs Guide page:433
Primefaces uses jquery's watermark. Check here for more information.
try this:
input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: red !important;
Note: That the above only works in some browsers as mentioned in the link. I tested it on chrome and IE7, it is working in Google Chrome but not in Internet Explorer

JQuery Mobile: focused input text doesn't respect z-index, appearing above everything else

I have a Phonegap application for Android with jQuery Mobile.
On an HTC Desire, if an input box is focused, it always go to the front, no matter which elements has above.
Did you try to apply the css property -webkit-transform : translate3d(0,0,0); to your input field ?

Where is CSS for jQuery UI's .ui-selected Defined?

I'm trying to apply jQuery UI Selectable to a portion of my website. However, I do not see either the selection box while dragging the mouse, nor does the color of selected li elements change.
So to understand the problem, I went back to the source:
I see (using IE9 developer tools) that a style .ui-selected is applied to selected elements. Using Trace Styles, IE shows that background-color is originally defined in jquery-ui.css but overridden (ultimately) by #selectable .ui-selected. However, IE does not show the source of #selectable .ui-selected. Searching the jQuery UI style sheet I reference, jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.css, finds no mention of ui-selected, nor do I find it in jquery.ui.selectable.css.
Where exactly is the demo page getting the CSS for the background color?
I found one of the other jQueryUI demos defines the style for those classes in a custom style sheet, so I ended up following that lead.
It seems odd that those styles are not part of jQueryUI Themeroller. Perhaps that will change in the future.
