how to save POST/GET requests of a browser session? - post

I am analyzing the POST/GET requests and responses of a web site the API I want to use. Since the traffic is HTTPS I use Firebug on Firefox (as opposed to a proxy like ZAP) - it works great.
I cannot, however, save a session for later analysis.
Which extension would you recommend (Chrome/FF) that would capture POST/GET requests and responses and allow the session to be saved?

I ended up using Fiddler. It allows to break (decode/encode) HTTPS traffic in an intuitive way. The session you save can be annotated, pruned from uninteresting lines, etc.


Completely replacing a request in a WebExtension

I'm looking to make a web extension for Firefox that stores HTML pages and other resources in local storage and serves them for offline viewing. To do that, I need to intercept requests that the browser makes for the pages and the content in them.
Problem is, I can't figure out how to do that. I've tried several approaches:
The webRequest API doesn't allow fulfilling a request entirely - it can only block or redirect a request, or edit the response after it's been done.
Service Workers can listen to the fetch event, which can do what I want, but calling navigator.serviceWorker.register in an addon page (the moz-extension://<id> domain) results in an error: DOMException: The operation is insecure. Relevant Firefox bug
I could possibly set up the service worker on a self hosted domain with a content script, but then it won't be completely offline.
Is there an API that I missed that can intercept requests from inside a web extension?

Real use of same origin policy

I just got to know about the same origin policy in WebAPI. Enabling CORS helps to call a web service which is present in different domain.
My understanding is NOT enabling CORS will only ensure that the webservice cannot be called from browser. But if I cannot call it from browser I still can call it using different ways e.g. fiddler.
So I was wondering what's the use of this functionality. Can you please throw some light? Apologies if its a trivial or a stupid question.
Thanks and Regards,
It's not at all a stupid question, it's a very important aspect when you're dealing with web services with different origin.
To get an idea of what CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is, we have to start with the so called Same-Origin Policy which is a security concept for the web. Sounds sophisticated, but only makes sure a web browser permits scripts, contained in a web page to access data on another web page, but only if both web pages have the same origin. In other words, requests for data must come from the same scheme, hostname, and port. If http://player.example tries to request data from http://content.example, the request will usually fail.
After taking a second look it becomes clear that this prevents the unauthorized leakage of data to a third-party server. Without this policy, a script could read, use and forward data hosted on any web page. Such cross-domain activity might be used to exploit cookies and authentication data. Therefore, this security mechanism is definitely needed.
If you want to store content on a different origin than the one the player requests, there is a solution – CORS. In the context of XMLHttpRequests, it defines a set of headers that allow the browser and server to communicate which requests are permitted/prohibited. It is a recommended standard of the W3C. In practice, for a CORS request, the server only needs to add the following header to its response:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
For more information on settings (e.g. GET/POST, custom headers, authentication, etc.) and examples, refer to
For a detail read, use this

Change HTTP POST request to GET request for mobile client app

We have existed API like
each time, the activiation_code will be different, then server will create a token for this call and return it, usually each call will have different activiation_code which return different token.
Since this API need server to create something so it is designed as POST.
Can we design this API as HTTP GET ?
What is the pro and cons ?
You could design the API to support GET requests, but I would not recommend this. If your API is accessible via a website, a user could accidentally activate an account multiple times since the URL will be stored in the browser's history. Additionally, web crawlers could potentially supply values to your API through the URL if you support GET requests.
POST requests are much better because the information is included in the body of the request, not the URL. Thus, it is much less likely that something will go wrong accidentally.

Web security - Preventing post requests from tools like fiddler

Using fiddler I can intercept an ajax post request and with request composer I can resend the same request, causing the server to respond it normally. It doesnt matter if protocol is http or https (fiddler deciphers HTTPS traffic), with tools like Fiddler it is just possible.
On web applications side is it possible to understand or prevent such requests? How?
No. There's no way to prevent this. URLs are meant to be accessed. If it shouldn't be accessed, don't put it online or require some method of authentication. Some clients may pass an identifiable User-Agent header that can be restricted, and Fiddler probably does as well. However, the whole point of tools like Fiddler is to be able to make any type of custom request, which includes this User-Agent string. So, even if you block the default User-Agent, there's nothing stopping the user of Fiddler from changing the User-Agent to something that won't be blocked.

Are HTTPS URLs secure?

If a website makes a GET request, from a HTTPS page to another HTTPS page, is that secure? Specifically, is the data in the URL / query params secure?
I'm asking because, hen I call Stripe.createToken, a connection is made to a URL with the credit card number in it. Even though the query parameter says _method=POST, it is being transmitted over a GET query param:
Request URL:[number]=4242424242424242&card[cvc]=123&card[exp_month]=4&card[exp_year]=2016&key=pk_test_1236&callback=sjsonp11234&_method=POST
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 200 OK
Now, I understand this is all over HTTPS, but isn't the URL part insecure? I thought that URLs get logged in various places along the way to their destination.
URLs usually do get logged in webserver logs. It is a very bad idea to sent that information as part of a GET request. The hops a request takes between the client and the destination are encrypted though. So assuming there is no web proxy or anything the only place it might be logged is on's webserver.
See Are querystring parameters secure in HTTPS (HTTP + SSL)?
for more information.
From Stripe:
Because of the nature of how HTTPS works, the only information that's transmitted in plaintext to an HTTPS connection is the hostname you're connecting to (in this case, ""). All other parts of the communication - including the full URL - are encrypted such that they're only decryptable by our servers. At the transport level, including cardholder details as GET parameters of the URL is no different from including them in the POST body. We only use JSONP for Stripe.js and not for any server-side bindings, in case you are worried about having those requests come up in your server logs.
Once the details get to our server, we've made changes to the configurations on our servers to ensure that the query strings are never logged, and we have routines in place that check all log files for accidental inclusion of card numbers. We've worked with our PCI auditors (who also audit Google, Apple and AWS) to ensure that this meets the standards of PCI, and are confident that we're handling cardholder data in a way that is secure.
