Web security - Preventing post requests from tools like fiddler - asp.net-mvc

Using fiddler I can intercept an ajax post request and with request composer I can resend the same request, causing the server to respond it normally. It doesnt matter if protocol is http or https (fiddler deciphers HTTPS traffic), with tools like Fiddler it is just possible.
On web applications side is it possible to understand or prevent such requests? How?

No. There's no way to prevent this. URLs are meant to be accessed. If it shouldn't be accessed, don't put it online or require some method of authentication. Some clients may pass an identifiable User-Agent header that can be restricted, and Fiddler probably does as well. However, the whole point of tools like Fiddler is to be able to make any type of custom request, which includes this User-Agent string. So, even if you block the default User-Agent, there's nothing stopping the user of Fiddler from changing the User-Agent to something that won't be blocked.


Real use of same origin policy

I just got to know about the same origin policy in WebAPI. Enabling CORS helps to call a web service which is present in different domain.
My understanding is NOT enabling CORS will only ensure that the webservice cannot be called from browser. But if I cannot call it from browser I still can call it using different ways e.g. fiddler.
So I was wondering what's the use of this functionality. Can you please throw some light? Apologies if its a trivial or a stupid question.
Thanks and Regards,
It's not at all a stupid question, it's a very important aspect when you're dealing with web services with different origin.
To get an idea of what CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is, we have to start with the so called Same-Origin Policy which is a security concept for the web. Sounds sophisticated, but only makes sure a web browser permits scripts, contained in a web page to access data on another web page, but only if both web pages have the same origin. In other words, requests for data must come from the same scheme, hostname, and port. If http://player.example tries to request data from http://content.example, the request will usually fail.
After taking a second look it becomes clear that this prevents the unauthorized leakage of data to a third-party server. Without this policy, a script could read, use and forward data hosted on any web page. Such cross-domain activity might be used to exploit cookies and authentication data. Therefore, this security mechanism is definitely needed.
If you want to store content on a different origin than the one the player requests, there is a solution – CORS. In the context of XMLHttpRequests, it defines a set of headers that allow the browser and server to communicate which requests are permitted/prohibited. It is a recommended standard of the W3C. In practice, for a CORS request, the server only needs to add the following header to its response:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
For more information on settings (e.g. GET/POST, custom headers, authentication, etc.) and examples, refer to http://enable-cors.org.
For a detail read, use this https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS

Redirect a http post request with modified http header to another server

I'm using Ruby on Rails. Here is the requirement: the client (a native mobile app developed by me) will send a http post request to my Ruby code, my code will add some extra http headers (based on some business logic), then I need to "forward" or "redirect" this post request to another backend server (which has a REST service) and return its response back to the client.
I have been able to write a rack middleware to intercept the post request and add the extra headers. Originally I thought I could just use http redirect (status code: 307 for post request). But the problem is that the extra headers could NOT be submitted, which is the whole point of my code. So this isn't http redirect or forwarding per se, it's more like transforming a request.
I'm able to make a separate post request from my code using net http. This works. But I have to COPY data from the incoming request to my outgoing request (eg form data, http headers). This copying seems a bit tedious.
I would prefer some kind of simple "repackaging" (which is akin to http redirect or forwarding), that is I copy the whole incoming request to the outgoing request, slap on the extra headers and send it to the destination URL and be done with. I am not sure how to do this, and if doing it this way is even a good idea. For example, HTTP_USER_AGENT shows the OS, browser type of the client, when I'm making a new request, I probably don't need to send this on.
Alternatively, I can copy only the application specific data, because they're all the backend server (the destination of this "redirect") cares about. But I'm averse to hardcoding attributes in my code, causing close-coupling with the client (our native mobile app). Ideally I only copy application-specific data without hardcoding their attribute names. Is this possible? If so, how?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.
HTTP does not allow redirects for anything other than GET request.
(This is not technically correct but using HTTP 307 is kind of sketchy - see https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/99894/why-doesnt-http-have-post-redirect)
If you need too send a POST request to another server for processing then using a proxy as you already seem to be doing is the correct solution.
Recreating the request in the proxy may seem tedious but it actually serves as a guarantee that you are calling the other servers "API" correctly.
While you can simply loop through the request headers:
uri = URI('http://www.example.com/todo.cgi')
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri)
request.headers.each do |key, value|
req[key] = value
And pass the request form data:
req.set_form_data = request.request_parameters
You should ask yourself if it really is prudent to proxy everything.
See http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionDispatch/Request.html

Complete URL in HTTPS connections

I would like to know some connections that depart from my application.
So I use a proxy (in particular I'm using Charles for OSX) This works fine.
I have noticed that some of these connections are HTTPS (TLS). This is ok, but for these connections, I can only see the base URL and not the complete URL that is invoked. For example I can read: https://www.thewesite.com:443
I would expect not to see the body of the request but at least the header, and then also the whole URL I would expect to see it.
is that correct? is there a way to display the complete URL?
Since URL and the rest of the HTTP header are inside the encrypted connection you would need to enable SSL Proxying (that is Man-In-The-Middle attack) for the specific hosts. See http://www.charlesproxy.com/documentation/proxying/ssl-proxying/

how to save POST/GET requests of a browser session?

I am analyzing the POST/GET requests and responses of a web site the API I want to use. Since the traffic is HTTPS I use Firebug on Firefox (as opposed to a proxy like ZAP) - it works great.
I cannot, however, save a session for later analysis.
Which extension would you recommend (Chrome/FF) that would capture POST/GET requests and responses and allow the session to be saved?
I ended up using Fiddler. It allows to break (decode/encode) HTTPS traffic in an intuitive way. The session you save can be annotated, pruned from uninteresting lines, etc.

Facing issue while trying to check the Incoming request in Fiddler

I am trying to check the incomming request to my server. Another server which has hosted MVC application. An action method is sending some data to my server. I am using Fiddler. But somehow it is not showing the incoming request.
Below mentioned are my settings in Fiddler Custom Rules..
static function OnBeforeRequest(oSession: Session) {
if (oSession.host.toLowerCase() == "IP Address:8888")
oSession.host = "IP Address:82";
Below mentioned are my Fiddler Options.
Am I missing anything ?
It sounds like you're trying to use Fiddler as a reverse proxy. You should read the steps at http://www.fiddler2.com/r/?reverseproxy. The biggest thing to understand is that when running as a reverse proxy, you only see traffic in Fiddler if the client's URL is changed to point at Fiddler.
If it is ssl connection then you need to enable option 'capture https connection' from 'https' tab. Did you try to invoke request from other browser like chrome ? Does fiddler capture anything?
You don't need custom rule for this case. It should work if you enable these settings. I have faced only some problems in other browsers like FF.
I'm not sure I can answer your question fully without knowing a few additional pieces of information.
If the request being made is not a HTTP request, Fiddler will not be able to handle it.
Also, if you're using the loopback address localhost then Fiddler may not be able to find it.
