How to deploy examples given in Sencha touch folder to tablets and phone - sencha-touch-2.1

I want to deploy kitchensink application to android phone and tablet using cordova.
But when I open kitchensink folder, I do not see any build folder there. So I am not able to build the project. So please tell me a way out to deploy these sencha applications to phone and tablets.
Any help is appreciated.

You could use Sencha CMD to build the app.
With this tool you can build Android Apps directly using the built in "native packaging" funcationality or cordova / phonegap.
Built-in native packaging:
Create packager.json (see native packaging help page for config parameters)
sencha app package generate packager.json
Build the app
sencha app build native
Build using cordova
Prepare your sencha project for a cordova build
sencha cordova init AppId AppName
Build the app
sencha app build native
For more information, checkout the sencha cmd guide or the sencha cordova/phonegap build tutorial video.


Build Ionic Application From Xcode Project

I'm building an iOS application using Xcode/Swift, and I have a few less-than-technical group members who don't really know how to build Xcode projects, but are interested in seeing/testing the progress of the application. One group member pointed out that they could test the app using Ionic/Ionic View. However, to my understanding, Ionic works by building an application in the specific Ionic framework, and then Ionic translates the project into an Xcode/Swift project (.xcodeproj) or an Android project. Is there a way to do the reverse conversion––is there a way to convert my Xcode project so that it will work on Ionic, or specifically Ionic View?
Ionic is tool like cordova created to develop hybrid apps (from HTML+JS+CSS --> to Native iOS/Android/WinPhone/BlackBerry). The UI is running in native webView, and using some native functionalities by plugins but it is not created to make Ionic/Cordova app from native.
If you want to share your app to tests, use Apple TestFlight
'Ionic View' is a very good advice and the one I would suggest in your case as well.
You don't have to do anything in your code really to use it, just create an ionic account and in your terminal, change into your ionic project directory and then type:
$> ionic upload
You will be asked for the usernmame and password of the account you just created, the application will be uploaded and you will get a unique app ID. You can then share that ID with anyone who you want to test your app, as long as they have the Ionic View app installed on the their iOS or Android devices.
Also do make sure you have updated your global ionic and cordova packages to the latest version before you upload:
$> sudo npm uninstall -g ionic && sudo npm install ionic
Now, as 3squad mentioned, many of they Ionic Native plugins are not supported so don't expect everything to work, but it's a good start to show most of your app and design running.
Here's a list of currently supported plugins.
Please do keep in mind that the performance using Ionic View will be far worse than if you actually build, release and give your users and actual production .apk or .ipa file to install. This latter approach would also showcase the full, final performance and functionality resulting from your code, but it may be more cumbersome.
Here's how to release a production version of your app.

Sencha cmd build native fails after upgrading to version 5

I had a sencha touch application for which I packaged it to run natively on mobile, I followed all the steps mentioned in sencha docs in Native Packaging for Mobile Devices and in Packaging Native iOS Applications, I built the application using the command sencha app build native using sencha cmd version 4 and completed the provisioning and got the certificate and I copied the application on my iPhone and everything was fine, now there's an update in the application to be made and I have upgraded sencha cmd to version 5, now when I run the build native command I get the following error:
[ERR] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: STBuild is no longer supported in Cmd 5. Please use the cordova or phonegap packager for device packaging.
[ERR] at org.apac
What does it mean that STBuild is no longer supported? I checked the docs of sencha cmd 5 and here is what's written about packaging:
Native Packaging: Native packaging to convert a Sencha Touch application into a first-class, mobile application that has access to device functionality and can be distributed in App Stores.
I can't imagine that native build was supported in version 4 and now not supported in version 5.
I am running this on Mac OS X 10.9.3.
Sencha Cmd 5 did drop support for STBuild - it is now recommended you use PhoneGap or Cordova for your hybrid packaging needs. See this article for more information as it's really simple to setup.
Also see this thread:

Can a mobile application built with Cordova (not PhoneGap) be compiled on Adobe website?

I am building Mobile applications under Windows 7 and I am trying to compile for iOS.
I have to use Cordova 3.5.0 because the latest PhoneGap, the 3.4.0
Will not do the job for me.
Can an application designed with Cordova, not PhoneGap, be compiled for iOS on Adobe PhoneGap website?
Yes and no.
In your case, no. This is because you need to use 3.5 and Build does not currently support 3.5
You can with most projects, create a new config.xml that has all of the extra config tags for Build (plugins, icons, platforms, etc.), zip your www folder and upload to PGBuild.
I say most because you can't upload plugins that you made, or plugins that aren't supported on PGBuild. And you have to remember that the config.xml you use for Cordova is not the same as the config.xml you will need for PGBuild.

How to include phonegap application in the iOS

I am creating a phonegap application in ios and i am following below mentioned link
It is said in the link that we need to download the phone gap, which i had done already
and then click on the cordova based application, but in my app I am not getting the options
to select the same.
So can anyone suggest how it can be done?
PhoneGap installation process has been changed. You will not get any template in Xcode and we can do is creating app in terminal
List of this you need to install phoneGap are
1. node.js
2. cordova
3. phonegap
first install node.js and then phone gap/cordova
once your installation is completed open terminal and then create a cordova based application
use this for creating process
this for plugins
cd to your workspace
cd /Users/xxxx/Desktop
create cordova project
cordova create your-project-name
cd to your project
cd your-project-name
add ios platform
cordova platform add ios
build your project using cordova build
cordova build ios
done !!

Phonegap using CLI to compile windows phone app

Pardon me for asking, or pointing this out, but the windows mobile docs for phonegap are awful.
As of Phonegap 3.0, heres what it still says on the windows platform guide:
Download and extract the latest copy of [PhoneGap. You will be working in the lib\windows-phone-8\wp8 subfolder, lib\windows-phone-8\wp7 contains the Windwos Phone 7 version of Cordova.
However, phonegap is no longer distributed as a zip. It is compiled for your specific OS/SDK in the command line. This doesn't make much sense to me.
phonegap create Test123 -> phonegap cd Test123 -> phonegap build ios will build your ios platform successfully. I've done this with no problems.
But I have no idea where they address how to do this for windows mobile.
Have I overlooked where they state this? Thanks
