I have the below code that is creating the PriortyQueue structure using Dart. But since I cannot use heapify function inside the Constructor or factory constructor I cannot initialize PQ with an existing set of List. Can somebody guide me and show me how I can use heapify while creating PQ instance so I can initialize it with an existing List? Also If you have any other suggestions against doing something like this please also help me as well. thank you
class PriorityQueue<T extends Comparable<T>> {
List<T?> _tree;
PriorityQueue._(List<T?> tree) : _tree = tree;
factory PriorityQueue([List<T>? array]) {
List<T?> newArray = [null, ...array ?? []];
// ignore: todo
//TODO: missing heapify
return PriorityQueue._(newArray);
void insert(T node) {
_swim(_tree.length - 1);
T getTop() {
_swap(1, _tree.length - 1);
T top = _tree.removeLast() as T;
return top;
List<T> _heapify(List<T> array) {
int sinkNodeIndex = (array.length - 1) ~/ 2;
while (sinkNodeIndex >= 1) {
void _sink(int nodeIndex) {
int leftChildIndex = nodeIndex * 2;
int rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;
int minNodeIndex = leftChildIndex;
// index can be unreachable
T? leftChild =
leftChildIndex >= _tree.length ? null : _tree[leftChildIndex];
T? rightChild =
rightChildIndex >= _tree.length ? null : _tree[rightChildIndex];
if (leftChild == null) {
if (rightChild != null && leftChild.compareTo(rightChild) > 0) {
minNodeIndex = rightChildIndex;
if ((_tree[minNodeIndex] as T).compareTo(_tree[nodeIndex] as T) < 0) {
_swap(nodeIndex, minNodeIndex);
void _swim(int nodeIndex) {
if (nodeIndex <= 1) return;
int parentIndex = nodeIndex ~/ 2;
if ((_tree[nodeIndex] as T).compareTo(_tree[parentIndex] as T) < 0) {
_swap(nodeIndex, parentIndex);
void _swap(int i, int j) {
T temp = _tree[i] as T;
_tree[i] = _tree[j];
_tree[j] = temp;
String toString() {
return _tree.toString();
I would make all the helper functions. _heapify, _sink/_swim, even _swap, be static functions which take the list as argument.
Then you can use them from anywhere, including inside the factory constructor.
Alternatively, you can change the constructor to returning:
return PriorityQueue._(newArray).._heapify();
This creates the PriorityQueue object, and then calls the _heapify method on it, before returning the value.
(I'd also make _tree have type List<T> and not insert the extra null at the beginning. It's more efficient to add/subtract 1 from indices than it is to cast to T.)
I ended up doing like Irn's first suggestion. But when I do functions static they lost Type of the class so I needed to specify for each function. Also, making List<T?> instead of List ended up with me fighting against the compiler.
class PriorityQueue<T extends Comparable<T>> {
List<T?> _tree;
PriorityQueue._(List<T?> tree) : _tree = tree;
factory PriorityQueue([List<T>? array]) {
List<T?> newArray = [null, ...array ?? []];
return PriorityQueue._(newArray);
bool get isNotEmpty {
return _tree.isNotEmpty;
void insert(T node) {
_swim(_tree, _tree.length - 1);
void insertMultiple(List<T> array) {
for (var element in array) {
T? removeTop() {
if (_tree.length == 1) return null;
_swap(_tree, 1, _tree.length - 1);
T top = _tree.removeLast() as T;
_sink(_tree, 1);
return top;
void removeAll() {
_tree = [null];
static void _heapify<T extends Comparable<T>>(List<T?> array) {
int sinkNodeIndex = (array.length - 1) ~/ 2;
while (sinkNodeIndex >= 1) {
_sink(array, sinkNodeIndex);
static void _sink<T extends Comparable<T>>(List<T?> tree, int nodeIndex) {
int leftChildIndex = nodeIndex * 2;
int rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;
int minNodeIndex = leftChildIndex;
T? leftChild = leftChildIndex >= tree.length ? null : tree[leftChildIndex];
T? rightChild =
rightChildIndex >= tree.length ? null : tree[rightChildIndex];
if (leftChild == null) {
if (rightChild != null && leftChild.compareTo(rightChild) > 0) {
minNodeIndex = rightChildIndex;
if ((tree[minNodeIndex] as T).compareTo(tree[nodeIndex] as T) < 0) {
_swap(tree, nodeIndex, minNodeIndex);
_sink(tree, minNodeIndex);
static void _swim<T extends Comparable<T>>(List<T?> tree, int nodeIndex) {
if (nodeIndex <= 1) return;
int parentIndex = nodeIndex ~/ 2;
if ((tree[nodeIndex] as T).compareTo(tree[parentIndex] as T) < 0) {
_swap(tree, nodeIndex, parentIndex);
_swim(tree, parentIndex);
static void _swap<T extends Comparable<T>>(List<T?> tree, int i, int j) {
T temp = tree[i] as T;
tree[i] = tree[j];
tree[j] = temp;
String toString() {
return _tree.toString();
We have an NxM grid, grid have one element named Bob. Bob can travel diagonally blocks only. The grid has some blocked blocks on which Bob can not travel. Write a function that returns on how many possible positions Bob can move. Solve this problem using BFS and submit the executable code in any programming language. In the following image example, Bob's positioning is at 9,3, and it can visit the places where Y is marked; hence your method should return 30.
Anybody any pseudocode or approach on how to solve this using BFS
Following solution is modified version of solution given by ( https://stackoverflow.com/users/10987431/dominicm00 ) on problem ( Using BFS to find number of possible paths for an object on a grid )
import java.awt.*;
public class Map {
public final int width;
public final int height;
private final Cell[][] cells;
private final Move[] moves;
private Point startPoint;
public Map(int[][] mapData) {
this.width = mapData[0].length;
this.height = mapData.length;
cells = new Cell[height][width];
// define valid movements
moves = new Move[]{
new Move(1, 1),
new Move(-1, 1),
new Move(1, -1),
new Move(-1, -1)
public Point getStartPoint() {
return startPoint;
public void setStartPoint(Point p) {
if (!isValidLocation(p)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point");
public Cell getStartCell() {
return getCellAtPoint(getStartPoint());
public Cell getCellAtPoint(Point p) {
if (!isValidLocation(p)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point");
return cells[p.y][p.x];
private void generateCells(int[][] mapData) {
boolean foundStart = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mapData.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < mapData[i].length; j++) {
0 = empty space
1 = wall
2 = starting point
if (mapData[i][j] == 2) {
if (foundStart) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have more than one start position");
foundStart = true;
startPoint = new Point(j, i);
} else if (mapData[i][j] != 0 && mapData[i][j] != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map input data must contain only 0, 1, 2");
cells[i][j] = new Cell(j, i, mapData[i][j] == 1);
if (!foundStart) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No start point in map data");
// Add all cells adjacencies based on up, down, left, right movement
private void generateAdj() {
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cells[i].length; j++) {
for (Move move : moves) {
Point p2 = new Point(j + move.getX(), i + move.getY());
if (isValidLocation(p2)) {
private boolean isValidLocation(Point p) {
if (p == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point cannot be null");
return (p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0) && (p.y < cells.length && p.x < cells[p.y].length);
private class Move {
private int x;
private int y;
public Move(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getY() {
return y;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Cell {
public final int x;
public final int y;
public final boolean isWall;
private final LinkedList<Cell> adjCells;
public Cell(int x, int y, boolean isWall) {
if (x < 0 || y < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("x, y must be greater than 0");
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.isWall = isWall;
adjCells = new LinkedList<>();
public void addAdjCell(Cell c) {
if (c == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cell cannot be null");
public LinkedList<Cell> getAdjCells() {
return adjCells;
class MapHelper {
public static int countReachableCells(Map map) {
if (map == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arguments cannot be null");
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[map.height][map.width];
// subtract one to exclude starting point
return dfs(map.getStartCell(), visited) - 1;
private static int dfs(Cell currentCell, boolean[][] visited) {
visited[currentCell.y][currentCell.x] = true;
int touchedCells = 0;
for (Cell adjCell : currentCell.getAdjCells()) {
if (!adjCell.isWall && !visited[adjCell.y][adjCell.x]) {
touchedCells += dfs(adjCell, visited);
return ++touchedCells;
public class Grid{
public static void main(String args[]){
int[][] gridData = {
{0,0,0,2,1,0,0,0}}; //2 is bobs position, 1 is blocked, 0 can be visited
Map grid = new Map(gridData);
MapHelper solution = new MapHelper();
For original answer of similar problem visit (Using BFS to find number of possible paths for an object on a grid) for original answer.
So I am trying to visualize a curricilum as a table. It should look like this:
As you can see there are custom cells (+) which are not a lesson. They are buttons.
I have two classes:
public class Lesson {
private Room schoolRoom;
private Room teachingRoom;
private TeacherSpecialization teachingInfo;
private WeekDay weekDay;
private int schoolHour;
public class ClassHour {
Lesson[] dayLessons = new Lesson[18];
private int hour;
public ClassHour(int hour) {
this.hour = hour;
Using this code I convert my Lesson Object to ClassHour objects, because I use the ClassHour Object to save the lessons in the table:
public ObservableList<ClassHour> convertToClassHour(List<Lesson> lessons) {
ObservableList<ClassHour> classHours = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
// Converting Lessons to ClassHour objects.
lessons.forEach(lesson -> {
ClassHour classHour = classHours.stream().filter(ch -> ch.getHour() == lesson.getSchoolHour()).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (classHour == null) {
classHour = new ClassHour(lesson.getSchoolHour());
classHour.getDayLessons()[lesson.getWeekDay().ordinal()] = lesson;
return classHours;
And the last step is to show the data in the table:
private void showLessons(String roomNr) throws Exception {
try {
// lessons.addListener((ListChangeListener) e -> repopulate(lessons, classHours));
ArrayList<Lesson> allLessonsByRoomNr = db.getAllLessonsByRoomNr(roomNr);
ObservableList<ClassHour> classHours = db.convertToClassHour(allLessonsByRoomNr);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
int day = i;
TableColumn<ClassHour, Lesson> dayColumn = new TableColumn<>(WeekDay.values()[i].name());
dayColumn.setCellValueFactory(param -> new SimpleObjectProperty(param.getValue().getDayLessons()[day]));
dayColumn.setCellFactory((TableColumn<ClassHour, Lesson> param) -> new TableCell<ClassHour, Lesson>() {
protected void updateItem(Lesson item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (!empty) {
if (item != null) {
} else {
Button btn = new Button("+ ADD");
btn.setOnAction(e -> {
tableLessons.getSelectionModel().select((ClassHour) getTableRow().getItem());
showAdd(day, ((ClassHour) getTableRow().getItem()).getHour(), btn);
setGraphic(new StackPane(btn));
} catch (Exception ex) {
showResultDialog("An error has occured:", ex.getMessage());
The problem I am struggling are the custom cells (+ buttons). For some reason I can't draw them between two lessons. In the case below there should be 5 cells/rows between classhour 10 and 16 (monday).
Note that your convertToClassHour creates a ClassHour instance if and only if there is a Lesson and if the Lessons are not ordered by hour, the order of ClassHours in the output is wrong.
Unless you've got a predetermined set of hours, you need to find the min and max hours to fix your issue:
public ObservableList<ClassHour> convertToClassHour(List<Lesson> lessons) {
ObservableList<ClassHour> classHours = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
if (!lessons.isEmpty()) {
// find required hour range
int minHour = lessons.mapToInt(Lesson::getSchoolHour).min().getAsInt();
int maxHour = lessons.mapToInt(Lesson::getSchoolHour).max().getAsInt();
// create ClassHours for range
for (int i = minHour; i <= maxHour; i++) {
classHours.add(new ClassHour(i));
// fill classHours with lessons
for (Lesson lesson : lessons) {
classHours.get(lesson.getSchoolHour() - minHour).getDayLessons()[lesson.getWeekDay().ordinal()] = lesson;
return classHours;
This is the code I'm trying to use, which seems logical. But doesn't seem to be working.
MyAsFileName.prototype.getTotalScore = function() {
var totalScore = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect == true) {
} else {
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;
I have allQuestions defined as below:
var allQuestions = Array();
I have knowledgePoints defined as:
this.knowledgePoints = 10;
I have questionCorrect defined as:
this.questionCorrect = false;
Second fresh attempt made with new class as answer below suggested (commented out for now until I figure out how to get working):
// package
// {
/*public class Quiz {
var knowledgePoints: int = 10;
var allQuestions: Array = new Array;
var questionCorrect: Boolean = false;
function getTotalScore(): int {
var totalScore: int = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect) {
} else {
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;
This code above outputs two errors in flash console:
Error 1. Attribute used outside of class.
Error 2. 'Int' could not be loaded.
It's a weird (and actually non-AS3 way) way to do this. Instead of creating a unnamed closure which refers weird variables from who-knows where, you should make it a normal AS3 class, something like that (in a file named Quiz.as):
public class Quiz
public var knowledgePoints:int = 10;
public var allQuestions:Array = new Array;
public var questionCorrect:Boolean = false;
public function getTotalScore():int
var totalScore:int = 0;
// Your code does not explain how you will that Array.
// It is initially an empty Array of length 0.
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++)
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect)
// Not sure what it is.
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;
I'm looking for digital low pass filter code/library/class for a .net windows forms project, preferably written in c, c++ or c#. I probably need to set the number of poles, coefficients, windowing, that sort of thing. I can't use any of the gpl'd code that's available, and don't know what else is out there. Any suggestions appreciated.
Here is a Butterworth Low Pass filter I wrote for a recent project.
It has some magic numbers as constants that was given to me. If you can figure out how to create the magic numbers with your poles, coefficients, etc, then this might be helpful.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Filter
public class ButterworthLowPassFilter
//filter fc = 2hz, fs = 10hz
private const int LowPassOrder = 4;
private double[] inputValueModifier;
private double[] outputValueModifier;
private double[] inputValue;
private double[] outputValue;
private int valuePosition;
public ButterworthLowPassFilter()
inputValueModifier = new double[LowPassOrder];
inputValueModifier[0] = 0.098531160923927;
inputValueModifier[1] = 0.295593482771781;
inputValueModifier[2] = 0.295593482771781;
inputValueModifier[3] = 0.098531160923927;
outputValueModifier = new double[LowPassOrder];
outputValueModifier[0] = 1.0;
outputValueModifier[1] = -0.577240524806303;
outputValueModifier[2] = 0.421787048689562;
outputValueModifier[3] = -0.0562972364918427;
public double Filter(double inputValue)
if (this.inputValue == null && this.outputValue == null)
this.inputValue = new double[LowPassOrder];
this.outputValue = new double[LowPassOrder];
valuePosition = -1;
for (int i=0; i < LowPassOrder; i++)
this.inputValue[i] = inputValue;
this.outputValue[i] = inputValue;
return inputValue;
else if (this.inputValue != null && this.outputValue != null)
valuePosition = IncrementLowOrderPosition(valuePosition);
this.inputValue[valuePosition] = inputValue;
this.outputValue[valuePosition] = 0;
int j = valuePosition;
for (int i = 0; i < LowPassOrder; i++)
this.outputValue[valuePosition] += inputValueModifier[i] * this.inputValue[j] -
outputValueModifier[i] * this.outputValue[j];
j = DecrementLowOrderPosition(j);
return this.outputValue[valuePosition];
throw new Exception("Both inputValue and outputValue should either be null or not null. This should never be thrown.");
private int DecrementLowOrderPosition(int j)
if (--j < 0)
j += LowPassOrder;
return j;
private int IncrementLowOrderPosition(int position)
return ((position + 1) % LowPassOrder);
Ok, I found out how to get the coefficients you used. I downloaded Octave for windows and ran the butter command (as in MatLab) like this:
[b,a] = butter(3, .4, 'low')
Now I can use this code with other fs and fc parameters.