I'm integrating Paymill in my Rails app. I'm using the 'paymill' gem.
When I make a transaction like this:
Paymill::Transaction.create(amount: amount,
currency: "BGN",
client: client.paymill_id,
payment: paymill_id,
description: order.code)
This will return a transaction object. The transaction object has a response code. The response code is 20000 for a successful transaction.
Is this the only scenario when a transaction will be successful? Is it possible the response code to be different than 20000 and at some later point the transaction to succeed? Do I need to setup webhooks to wait for some event? Do I need to be checking the status of the transaction(open, pending, closed, failed, partial_refunded, refunded, preauthorize, chargeback)?
right now pending is not supported right now and than has a code like something with 1XXXX. BUT not right now - we will do that later this year.
Till now you'll get only 20000 if ok or 4XXXX/5XXXX for errors (have a look at the response codes https://www.paymill.com/de-de/dokumentation/referenz/api-referenz/#response-codes).
If you need some other codes you want to try than please use one of the creditcardnumbers displayed at the testing page at docu https://www.paymill.com/en-gb/documentation-3/reference/testing/ .
I am building a slack application that will schedule a message when someone posts a specific type of workflow in a channel.
It will schedule a message, and if someone from a specific group of users replies before it has sent, it will delete the scheduled message.
Unfortuantely these messages are still sending, even though the list of scheduled messages is empty and the response when deleting the message is a successful one. I am also deleting the message within the 60 second limit that is noted on the API.
Scheduling the message gives me a success response, and if I use the list scheduled messages I get:
channel_id: 'CHANNEL_ID',
post_at: 1620428096, // 2 minutes in the future for testing
date_created: 1620428026,
text: 'thread_ts: 1620428024.001300'
Canceling the message:
async function cancelScheduledMessage(scheduled_message_id) {
const response = await slackApi.post("/chat.deleteScheduledMessage", {
return response.data
response.data returns { "ok": true }
If I use the list scheduled message API to retrieve what is scheduled I get an empty array []
However, the message will still send to the thread.
Is there something I am missing? I have the proper scopes set up and the API calls appear to be working.
If it helps, I am using AWS Lambda, and DynamoDB to store/retrieve the thread_ts and message IDs.
Thanks all.
For messages due in 5 minutes or less, chat.deleteScheduleMessage has a bug (as of November 2021) [1]. Although this API call may return OK, the actual message will still be delivered due to the bug.
Note that for messages within 60 seconds, this API does return an proper error code, as described in the documentation [2]. For the range (60 seconds, ~5 minutes), the API call returns OK but fails behind the scenes.
Before this bug is fixed, the only thing one can do is to only delete messages scheduled 5 minutes (the exact threshold may vary, according to Slack) or more (yes not very ideal and may not be feasible for some applications).
[1] Private communication with Slack support.
[2] https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.deleteScheduledMessage
After a user visits the payments page and successfully makes a payment, Stripe will redirect the customer to whatever url is provided to success_url
Stripe.api_key = 'sk_test_51HYHSFGtUKse83O9J4QeAib3cp8sHzGaOQRrn7sba92Hd8dCHE3AIHe5ModevMK7TVAUCyJU0ADSwIUoX00qxZmBI9r'
session = Stripe::Checkout::Session.create({
payment_method_types: ['card'],
line_items: [{
name: 'Kavholm rental',
amount: 1000,
currency: 'aud',
quantity: 1,
payment_intent_data: {
application_fee_amount: 123,
transfer_data: {
success_url: 'https://example.com/success',
cancel_url: 'https://example.com/failure',
Now the app/platform must arrange 'fulfillment':
After the payment is completed, you’ll need to handle any fulfillment necessary on your end. A home-rental company that requires payment upfront, for instance, would connect the homeowner with the renter after a successful payment.
Also (bold from me):
Do not rely on the redirect to the success_url param alone for fulfilling purchases as:
Malicious users could directly access the success_url without paying and gain access to your goods or services.
Customers may not always reach the success_url after a successful payment. It is possible they close their browser tab before the redirect occurs.
Up to this point, everything is very well explained in the stripe docs and very understandable.
But I want to know: what is the best thing to do next, noting that:
a payment may not go through immediately, so simply loading the success_url might be premature
a webhook can be (easily) configured to listen for events, however if the success_url is loaded even 1 second before the webhook receives a success message, then it won't know that the payment went through successfully (so, for example, displaying "Congrats, your product will be shipped!" message could be presumptuous
So, finally, the question: what is best practice for the flow on from success_url? I am just confused as to what is the best pattern..
Here are some things I've considered:
Upon routing to success_url, simply use sleep(5) and then check the webhook in the controller for the success_url so it takes 5 extra seconds to load giving the webhook a chance to receive incoming events, so you can display either "Congrats your product will be shipped!" or "Oh, no, something went wrong with your payment, please try again or contact your bank".
Routing directly to success_url, but then having a message saying "please refresh in a moment" (then listening for a webhook indicating the payment was successful, and then conditionally showing the "Congrats your product will be shipped!" message)
The documentation for fulfilling orders has this in an info box under the code snippet:
Your webhook endpoint redirects your customer to the success_url when you acknowledge you received the event. In scenarios where your endpoint is down or the event isn’t acknowledged properly, your handler redirects the customer to the success_url 10 seconds after a successful payment.
The event referenced above is the checkout.session.completed event sent to your webhook endpoint. The delay is designed to let you confirm the payment is successful and customize the success page based on the result of the Checkout Session's outcome.
In other words, Checkout won't send someone to your success_url until you've responded to the checkout.session.completed event request from your webhook endpoint with a successful (2xx) response, giving you time to customize the success page based on the outcome.
You can, for example, default to a "your payment is being processed" success page, but if you confirm the Checkout Session and payment succeeded after receiving the checkout.session.completed event, you can instead change the page to read "congrats your product will be shipped".
This approach means you can reliably present a success page that always has displays accurate information.
There are a bunch of POST calls from the website to the server and I don't know how to turn them off.
2019-10-24T21:24:49.606Z - info: admin already logged in. Passing through...
2019-10-24T21:25:09.767Z - info: /modules/apostrophe-notifications/poll-notifications
2019-10-24T21:25:09.768Z - info: admin already logged in. Passing through...
2019-10-24T21:25:29.911Z - info: /modules/apostrophe-notifications/poll-notifications
2019-10-24T21:25:29.912Z - info: admin already logged in. Passing through...
2019-10-24T21:25:50.023Z - info: /modules/apostrophe-notifications/poll-notifications
2019-10-24T21:25:50.024Z - info: admin already logged in. Passing through...
That just keeps going on and on...
In my app.js file, I've set the longPollingTimeout options to 0, but it doesn't stop it, and when I set it to 20000 ms it sends it every 20 seconds.
var apos = Mongo.getMongoPw().then(function(mongoPw){
return require('apostrophe')({
modules: {
'apostrophe-notifications': {
longPollingTimeout: 20000
It seems very pointless and spammy in my logs which we send to splunk.
How can I turn this off if it's unnecessary?
The API you're referring to is polling for notifications, which can be sent at any time by server-side or browser-side code. For instance, if you try this in the browser console:
apos.notify('Oh no!', { type: 'error' });
You'll get a notification, which persists until dismissed (it's stored server-side).
Where this gets more useful is when they are sent on the server side. For instance, your server-side javascript may also say:
if (req.user) {
// server side you must include req
apos.notify(req, 'Oh no!', { type: 'error' });
Now a notification will reach the currently logged-in user, sooner or later, and you don't have to think about how to deliver it; it just gets taken care of for you by poll-notifications. This is very useful in long running tasks. Without this feature enabled Apostrophe would be unable to deliver many necessary messages to the user.
However, you're wondering why you get this annoying message in your logs:
admin already logged in. Passing through...
I have checked both the apostrophe core module and the apostrophe workflow module. Neither contains any such message. I have also used github search to check the entire apostrophecms organization for this message, which does not appear. Same for a github-wide search. I left out the word "admin" and, in the apostrophecms org, also tried a search for "passing through" alone without turning up any code.
So what this indicates is that your custom code, or another npm module you have added to your project, contains custom middleware that is logging this message on every request that comes in. I would recommend quieting that middleware down as it's not necessary to report this on every notification poll.
I want to use twilio to test our internal phone system, and make sure calls are routing as they should, since our provider is notoriously bad of notifying us to problems.
I'm can initiate a call from twilio, use the "gather" verb to record speech (to ensure we hit the right queue) and then hang up. Everything works fine. Except that the gather ends up taking over 2 minutes to listen to the whole message from our phone system, charging us for 8 15 second gather chunks. I only need the first 15 seconds, but can't figure out how to hangup sooner. Is there a simple way to limit calls to a specific time?
timeLimit, and timeout both don't apply here, since timeLimit only works inside of a dial verb, and timeout only works for pauses in speech during the gather.
Perhaps just set a timer in your code for 15 seconds or so and then use the POST endpoint at /2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls/{CallSid} to cancel the call (using the Status=Completed parameter in order to cancel calls even if they are in progress).
If you use their Ruby SDK, and you make a normal call (not a conference call) then you can use the update method:
client = Twilio::REST::Client.new(account_sid, auth_token)
# fetch all in-progress calls between the two numbers
client.calls.list(from: '+11231231234',
to: '+12312311234',
status: 'in-progress').each do |c| #it's supposed to be just one record, but you can play it safe
c.update(status: 'completed')
Updating the status to completed should hangup the call if in-progress.
Updating the status to canceled should hangup the call if ringing/queued.
If you know for sure that the call is in-progress and you know the call sid, then you can use:
client = Twilio::REST::Client.new(account_sid, auth_token)
in_progress_call = client.calls(call_sid).fetch
in_progress_call.update(status: 'completed') if in_progress_call.present?
There is some general information in the official docs. Also snippets are available for the other SDKs.
You can find the source code of the update method here for more details.
I am using this gem 'paypal-sdk-adaptivepayments'in ruby on rails. I get success after payment but when i saw my accounts in sandbox no one user get payments and also the merchant account is not debited.
This is my response which I get from paypal after success
<PayPal::SDK::AdaptivePayments::DataTypes::PaymentDetailsResponse:0x00000007d3cfc8 #responseEnvelope=#<PayPal::SDK::AdaptivePayments::DataTypes::ResponseEnvelope:0x00000007d3cc80 #timestamp=Mon, 13 Jul 2015 00:04:03 -0700, #ack="Success", #correlationId="4a4043560f603", #build="17325060">, #cancelUrl="http://localhost:3000/payments/cancel", #currencyCode="USD", #ipnNotificationUrl="http://localhost:3000/payments/ipn_notify", #paymentInfoList=#<PayPal::SDK::AdaptivePayments::DataTypes::PaymentInfoList:0x00000007d33cc0 #paymentInfo=[#<PayPal::SDK::AdaptivePayments::DataTypes::PaymentInfo:0x00000007d33ba8 #receiver=#<PayPal::SDK::AdaptivePayments::DataTypes::Receiver:0x00000007d33ae0 #amount=160.0, #email="jaskaran#yopmail.com", #primary=false, #paymentType="SERVICE", #accountId="MNF7MDPJWJHJL">, #pendingRefund=false>, #<PayPal::SDK::AdaptivePayments::DataTypes::PaymentInfo:0x00000007d33388 #receiver=#<PayPal::SDK::AdaptivePayments::DataTypes::Receiver:0x00000007d33310 #amount=10.0, #email="user4paypal#yopmail.com", #primary=false, #paymentType="SERVICE", #accountId="HEPSP9YS5ZMPQ">, #pendingRefund=false>]>, #returnUrl="http://localhost:3000/payments/success", #status="CREATED", #payKey="AP-2G3459926X3244353", #actionType="PAY", #feesPayer="SENDER", #reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError=false, #sender=#<PayPal::SDK::AdaptivePayments::DataTypes::SenderIdentifier:0x00000007d325f0 #useCredentials=false>>
Here is status is created, I want to change it completed, Is need to call any api to do this again?
Oh After searching 3 hours. I get the solution. :)
I had to add senderEmail parameter with the payer email. Thats it. In this way paypal let the transaction to be COMPLETED.