Change faker gem phone number format - ruby-on-rails

Is there a way to control the format of the Phone number generated by faker?
When I call:
I end up getting the wrong value.
I also would like to not have extensions.

You can set custom format on the fly like this:
Faker::Base.numerify('+90(###) ### ####')
This will solve your problem.

Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone is basically just calling numerify with one of the predefined phone_number_formats.
So you could just use numerify with your own format. For e.g. If you want 10 digits number, you would do:
If you'd still like to use Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone but would like to get rid of the hyphens, you could use gsub to replace the hyphens as:
Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone.gsub(/-/, '')


Get Text after Quotes In Ruby

My sample text looks like this:
30","formatedMinDeliveryDate":null,"formatedMaxDeliveryDate":null,"actualDeliveryDate":null,"trackingNumber":"ID180135116580CN","shippmentTrackingUrl":"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.057872.m2749.l5119","localizedCurrency":null}},"actions":[{"label":"Leave feedback","icon":null,"value":null,"action":"link","actionParam":{"label":"LEAVE_FEEDBACK_FOR_SELLER","u
I want to get the number ID180135116580CN and I'm having trouble achieving this using regexp.
The file is full of them and I'm doing this
out_file ='public/orders.txt').each do |line|
p line[/(?<="trackingNumber":")[^"]*(?=")/]
but it only prints nil and doesn't extract the number I'm looking for.
Is the regexp wrong or do I need to traverse the file differently?
Basically after every trackingNumber, I want to get whatever is in quotes there after.
Attempted this as per #WiktorStribiżew suggestion in the comments
p line.scan(/"trackingNumber"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"/)
Now, I'm getting all of trackingNumbers as an array like this
[["UB08578YP"], ["UB085789YP"], ["ID180135791CN"], ["ID180135728CN"]]
How do I modify this to get them in individual lines like this?
it can be simpler if you read the file completely and run the scan there something like this
file_content = open("./my_file.txt").read
results = file_content.scan(/(?<="trackingNumber":")[^"]*(?=")/)
puts results
It will have them formated. in the way you want it.

Rails Plain Text Asset Extract String

Sorry, I am just learning how to use Rails.
I've got a simple .txt file asset which I would like to pull random Strings from to display on my landing page.
Is there an easy way in Rails to do this?
Assuming each string is in a separate line, you can do this:
strings = File.readlines('path/to/file.txt')
Then, to get a random string use sample, like this:
If you wan't more than one random string, just use sample with an argument, for example:
This will return an array with 3 random lines from strings array.
Finally, you can do all in one line, for example, try this in the controller:
#string = File.readlines('path/to/file.txt').sample
And you will have #string available to use in the view.
So you are not giving me much. but I am going to assume that you want to get 1 line of a text file.
This is how I would do it
I hope that get you started :)

Is it possible to have tags with spaces?

I am using the ng-tags-input library, however, when my responses come back with spaces they are replaced with hyphens in the tag. Is there a way to prevent this? At a minimum can I get the original value?
Looks like I need replaceSpacesWithDashes on tags input trying now.

Clean up & style characters from text

I am getting text from a feed that has alot of characters like:
Insignia&#153; 2.0 Stereo Computer Speaker System (2-Piece) - Black
4th-Generation Apple® iPod® touch
Is there an easy way to get rid of these, or do I have to anticipate which characters I want to delete and use the delete method to remove them? Also, when I try to remove
It leaves behind "amp;" Is there a better way to delete this type of character? Do I need to re-encode the text?
String#delete is certainly not what you want, as it works on characters, not the string as a whole.
str.gsub /&/, ""
You may also want to try replacing the & with a literal ampersand, such as:
str.gsub /&/, "&"
If this is closer to what you really want, you may get the best results unescaping the HTML string. If so try this:
Details of the unescapeHTML method are here.
If you are getting data from a 'feed', aka RSS XML, then you should be using an XML parser like Nokogiri to process the XML. This will automatically unescape HTML entities and allow you to get the proper string representation directly.
For removing try to use gsub method, something like this:
text = "foo&bar"
text.gsub /\b&\b/, "" #=> foobar

Extracting email addresses in an html block in ruby/rails

I am creating a parser that wards off against spamming and harvesting of emails from a block of text that comes from tinyMCE (so it may or may not have html tags in it)
I've tried regexes and so far this has been successful:
problem is, i need to ignore all email addresses with mailto hrefs. for example:
should only return the second email add.
To get a background of what im doing, im reversing the email addresses in a block so the above example would look like this:
problem with my current regex is that it also replaces the one in href. Is there a way for me to do this with a single regex? Or do i have to check for one then the other? Is there a way for me to do this just by using gsub or do I have to use some nokogiri/hpricot magicks and whatnot to parse the mailtos? Thanks in advance!
Here were my references btw:
im also testing using this:
here's my current helper code:
def email_obfuscator(text)
text.gsub(/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/i) { |m|
m = "<span class='anti-spam'>#{m.reverse}</span>"
which results in this:
<a target="_self" href="mailto:<span class='anti-spam'>moc.liamg#tset</span>"><span class="anti-spam">moc.liamg#tset</span></a>
Another option if lookbehind doesn't work:
This would match all emails, then you can manually check if first captured group is "mailto:" then skip this match.
Would this work?
The (?<!mailto:) is a negative lookbehind, which will ignore any matches starting with mailto:
I don't have Ruby set up at work, unfortunately, but it worked with PHP when I tested it...
Why not just store all the matched emails in an array and remove any duplicates? You can do this easily with the ruby standard library and (I imagine) it's probably quicker/more maintainable than adding more complexity to your regex.
emails = ["", "", ""]
emails.uniq # => ["", ""]
