Parse and storing objects locally on iOS device - ios

I'm creating an iOS application that has a Twitter-like feed of data. I'm currently planning on storing the data on Parse. However, what is the most efficient way to store retrieved objects locally for use when there does not exist a network connection? It sounds like using Core Data is overkill since I'm storing the data on Parse anyway. Can the Parse caching system do this for me or is there something else more appropriate? On a similar note, is there a simple way to check if this locally saved data is up-to-date?

I recommend you have a look at SQLite, especially with the FMDB Objective-C wrapper classes.

Parse has the capability to cache objects locally. If your app can tolerate the characteristics of caching, then just use that.
My own app will not, so I am using CoreData as my local store. My app has to be able to operate fully when disconnected from Parse, so I have to have something more than cached data. I looked at FTASync and found the concept very useful. When I got into the code though I realized I needed something much more robust, so I have ended up doing a completely new utility to sync Parse with CoreData. This is a huge job, so don't take it on unless your need is commensurate.


Sync Core Data across Devices

Hey at the moment I'm learning Swift and started to create an App for that. Everything is fine and I think I know the basics now. In that App, I use CoreData to save my Data but I would like to Sync that across Devices
Is there a way with Icloud to do that, I found there is something called "Core Data Ensembles" But is there a better way, or should I use the IcloudKit, if I can do the same things in IcloudKit with the relations like in coreData.
I just found old posts about that, so maybe there is a better way to do this.
Thanks in advance
Such synchronization works without any libraries involved. The main trick here is to place SQL file (or whatever you use for storing data) into a special folder that is going to be synced, so-called ubiquity container, and specify path to it for your persistent store coordinator. Here you can check high-level description of how it works, and there are a lot of step-by-step tutorials about it, e.g. here.

Core Data iCloud sync or smth else?

I build an iOS app which works with base. User can work with it everywhere, that is cool. When application starts for the first time, obviously, base will be empty. For now, user's base stores data locally with Core Data. But there is a case, when user may have his own base with a lot of data and he do not want to start work from scratch. For this reason I want to create simple Cocoa App for macOS, which will allow user to import some data from, for example - CSV file.
Both Core Data models (iOS app and macOS app) will be the same. I just want to make sync between two platforms.
I think it's possible with cloudKit, but which way is the best? Core Data Sync or smth like supporting MySQL database on server, etc...
Thanks in advance!
Asking which method is "best" is a matter of opinion, but in mine, Apple has made working with iCloud fairly simple. If all you want to do is sync between platforms, I would use cloudKit. There seems to be no reason to spin up your own MYSQL database instance and introduce another level of complexity, when the functionality you're looking for is free and easily accessible.
See this WWDC16 video for some cloudKit tips:

Blob data in Ensembles

Im using a strategy where I'm saving images and pdfs as NSData in the respective managed objects where they belong. I'm having a problem syncing with Ensembles that the pdf doesn't always carry over from one device to another. Now I'm not sure if this is due to some flaws in my code or if it's not a good way of syncing chunks of data like this. Does anyone have experience of this?
I'm using Ensembles 2.2 syncing through CloudKit.
Ensembles should handle this fine. I use it for exactly this purpose, syncing image data including PDF.
I would look closer at the handling of the data. Is the value transformer working (if you are using one)? Is the device capable of unpacking and displaying the PDF data?
An alternative to syncing the PDF directly is transforming to a format like PNG before putting it in your store.
Transformable data type is really just binary under the covers with some additional metadata. Have you tested a simple lightweight migration on an existing store? I suspect the migration would work and would leave the existing data in the store.
If you are looking to get the existing binary data actually moved out of the SQLite file then you are looking at something a bit more involved.
A heavy migration will accomplish what you are looking for but if the stores are large it may take took long and potentially not provide enough feedback for a good user experience. I personally do not use heavy migrations, ever, on IOS but it will accomplish your goal.
An export/import will also work. I generally recommend export/import when a lightweight migration won't work. It involves a medium amount of code but in the end you own the code, understand the entire process and can tweak it to your exact needs.

Store JSON on IOS device

I am building an application that recovers JSON data (1000-2000 lines) from a website. It's basically just a bunch of arrays and values, nothing fancy. What would be the best way to store this information and use it between the views? Should I create a local sqlite database, write to file or just send the information from view to view using prepareforsegue?
I would think the latter is faster and easier to implement, but I'm not sure if it's easier to use after (I'm new to IOS).
Thank you !
I'm using Core Data with Magical Record. It easily maps your JSON objects into NSObjects which are then persisted into Core Data. It is thread safe and very powerful.
Or you can map it yourself into NSObjects of your choice without actually persisting them or saving them anywhere which is much easier in some cases. It is a good way to go as well.
Both methods looks OK . Now it depends whether your JSON data is big enough to slow down the app.
Sqlite Database is easy to implement to store large information in your app.but if you want to increase performance of app to access data locally you can use core data to store data because it providing object relationship to store data in app that is easy to access and store data.but now it is depends on you

How should I store Cocoa app data?

I'm just getting started on making a board game using Cocoa/Objective-C. My plan is to first get it functional as a Mac OS X app, and then port it to iOS.
I saw something in the documentation for the Core Data API that made it sound like it was the recommended way to store data persistently, and made reference to the fact that iOS apps should be able to quit and be restored in exactly the same state. I got the initial impression that I should plan to use Core Data for any variable that has to do with the game's state to support this.
But as I'm learning more it seems like my initial impression isn't correct. Core Data seems more like something intended to provide similar features as embedded SQL, and is more complicated than is required just for storing the game state persistently on disk. Is there a simpler way to support fast app restoring in iOS apps, or is Core Data the way to go?
Core Data is fantastic for storing lots of data of different types, including custom objects.
However, if you're talking about storing things like high scores for a game or other simple int, float, BOOL, NSString, NSArray data, then for iOS NSUserDefaults is a quick and easy way to go.
Core Data lets you store data as objects, so if your game state can be described with native data types, Core Data just might work for you. You'd essentially be manipulating object states.
If you're looking for something a little more lightweight, look into the NSUserDefaults API (which is the same thing that the Settings App on iOS uses).
Alternatively, you could come up with your own format and use that, serializing your own data to disk.
I'd start with NSUserDefaults.
